Kawali I (b) intellectual authorship of edition Aditia Gunawan DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_1b

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Aditia Gunawan & Arlo Griffiths.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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hayuA ḍiponaḥ-ponaḥ hayuA ḍicavuḥ-cavu IA neker Iña Ager Iña niñcak· Iña R̥mpag·
IA Iña IA is presumbaly an equivalent of ya in Kebantenan. Ager Agṅger Iña R̥mpag· IA R̥mpag·

It should no be defied it should be treated wantonly anyone striking it will fall prone anyone kicking it will fall to the ground

Lateral faces (1 = top, 2 = right, 3 = bottom, 4 = left). We have accepted Noorduyn’s translation which seems perfectly adequate. See also his valuable comments on the translation (310). We would like to add about the occurrence of IA in line 3 that this word can be understood as iya or ya, and can stand as 3rd person pronoun (cf. Keba2.3 & 4 on ya standing for iña). It is interesting to note that the equivalent word iya appears passim in Amanat Galuṅguṅ, a text which originates from the eastern part of West Java, and may share dialectal features with the language of the Kawali inscriptions. See for example Amanat Galuṅguṅ 14: asiṅ iya nu mənaṅkən na kabuyutan na galuṅguṅ, iya sakti tapa, iya jaya praṅ whoever is he who acquires the sanctuary of Galunggung, he will be powerful in asceticism, he will be victorious in battle.

First read by Friederich (175-177) and then by Pleyte (197) but their readings contained numerous mistakes so we exclude them from our apparatus. Our edition, like those of Hasan Djafar (1991) and Titi Surti Nastiti (), follows that of Noorduyn ( and 309-310), which we have found to be flawless by consulting our own photographs. Noorduyn was the first to observe that this text is in verse form. Richadiana Kartakusuma (49) has a different readings from her predecessors.

175-177 97 309-310 6 1-13 49 58 18642186, 255 18664118 295 191595-96291 54-56