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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths & Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
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kra mamuAt· gavai varaṁ baṁ mas· tuṅgal· brat sāṅgappan· kati‚ rambutnya Udi‚ payuṁ pirak· mavaṅku maḍaṇḍa mapuñcak· mas· tuṅgal· brat sā
ṅgappan· kati masnya Udi tigaṁ kati puṇya śrī mahārāja rakai ka
n· tan katamāna dainiṁ paraṇakkan· muAṁ sikappan· halu varak· kriṁ pa
niṁ pu
juṁ-karaṁ taku jati luĪtan· kuniṅan· suṇḍa hujuṁ gaṅgā sa
nuvaḥhakan· kinon· muliha Ikanaṁ Inambil· ma
p· haji Umintaya Anak· rakai guṇuṅan· pu bhaitā‚ ṅaranni
Ujar haji saṁ maṅuñjikan·
pu sugət· paruja
daiyaniṅ anak bānuA sahananiṅ ataggan· saṁ paṅaru
tuha gusali pu mātra, tuha kala
tuha gusali ramani sarad·, tuha ka_laṁ pu
kṣaṇa, tuha gusali pu saṅka
ṅaruhan· prayatnā ri
māṇā Iriya, _ _ svasti śaka-varṣātīta 827
pula, pu kamalī, pu parahita, kali I kakaran· pu tguḥ, vinkas· p
saṁ paṅaruhan· rāmanta I paṅaruhan· milu manaḍaḥ Ujar haji, pu majət· tuha kalaṁ pu lucira, guṣti pu Astati,
muAṁ pu sudhara, parujar· pu dhi_ti, vinkas· pu mula, variga pu dayana, tuha vəR̥ḥ pu bamī
ratā kakī svaṣṭi, pu Udā, tuha gusali pu mātra, tuha kalaṁ I kamalagyan· pu śānta, gusti pu Uṇḍal·, parujar· pu pu-
ñjaṁ, vinkas· pu parasi, saṁ ra gugur·, tuha gusali rāma
Astira, parujar· pu livū ramani raksaṇa, tuha gusali pu saṅka ramani mūla
ñjaya, nā Anuṅ hana de saṁ paṅaruhan· prayatnā riṁ Ujar haji ṅunivaiḥ rakryān· mavanuA tan· tamā ri Ataggan· saṁ paṅaruhan·
saṁ paṅaruhan· Ataḥ pramāṇā Iriya, svaṣti śaka-varsatīta 827 mārgga_śira-māsa, tithi caturdaśĭ kr̥ṣṇa, ma, pa, vr̥, vā-
ra tatkāla saṁ tuha gusali ramaṇi Ikā mavaiḥ manaḍaha I rāmanta I kikil batu makabaihan· majaryyakan· sira haḍa-
nan·, patiḥ rikāṅ kāla pu kataṁ ramani dava, kalaṁ pu gubāṁ, guṣti pu baṁklə, vinkas· pu pradū, rāma kaki Atə, kaki
gunuṁ, pu jint
l· pu maṅol·
Two plates (Museum Nasional Indonesia, E.8a and 8b.) containing partial copies of a single text. The first plate is inscribed on both sides, while the second plate is inscribed on one side only. Plate 2 replicates almost verbatim the content of the verso side of plate 1.
This is a Balitung-era reissue and addendum (dated 827 Śaka = 28 November 905) to an original charter issued during the reign of rakai Kayu wangi dyah Lokapāla (dated 802 Śaka = 2 May 880). It is conventionally designated as three separate dated texts: the Salingsingan I inscription of 802 Śaka (Damais no. 48; Nakada no. 54) and the Kikil Batu I and II inscriptions of 827 Śaka (Damais nos. 78 & 79; Nakada no. 91). The link between the two dated portions is not yet clear, but the fact that they are inscribed in the same hand on two plates of identical dimensions suggests to us that they were produced together, and hence should be designated the same. We therefore designate the two plates as plates 1 and 2 of the Salingsingan inscription.
Read by Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths in December 2021 from images of the Kern Institute rubbings and the reproductions in Kawi Oorkonden (pl. X).