Wurare EpiDoc encoding Arlo Griffiths intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Lyon DHARMA_INSIDENKWurare

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// Ādau namāmi sarba-jñaṁ, jñāna-kāyan tathāgataṁ, sarvva-skandhātiguhya-sthaṁ, sad-asat-pakṣa-varjjitaṁ, 1, // // Anv atas sarvva-siddhim vā, vande ’haṅ gauravāt sadā, śaka-kālam idaṁ vakṣye, rāja-kīrtti-prakāśanaṁ, 2, // // yoyaḥ purā paṇḍitaś śreṣṭha, Āryyo bharāḍa-saṁjñakaḥ, jñāna-siddhiṁ samāgamyā, bhijñālābho munīśvaraḥ, 3, // // mahā-yogīśvaro dhīraḥ, satveṣu karuṇātmakaḥ, siddhācāryyo mahā-vīro, rāgādi-kleśa-varjjitaḥ, 4 , // // ratnākara-pramāṇān tu, dvaidhī-kr̥tya yavāvanīm̐, kṣiti-bhedana-sāmarthya, kumbha-bajrodakena vai, 5 // // paraspara-virodhena, nr̥payor yuddha-kāṁkṣiṇoḥ, Etasmāj jāṅgalety eṣā, paṁjalu-viṣayā smr̥tā, 6 // // kin tu yasmāt· rarakṣemām̐, jaya-śrī-viṣṇuvarddhanaḥ, śrī-jayavarddhanī-bhāryyo jagannāthottamaḥ prabhuḥ, 7 // Ājanmapariśuddhāṅgaḥ, kr̥pāluḥ dharmma-tatparaḥ, pārthivānandanaṅ kr̥tvā, śuddha-kīrtti-parākramāt· 8 // Ekī-kr̥tya punar bhūmīim̐, prīty-arthañ jagatāṁ sadā, dharmma-saṁrakṣaṇārtham vā, pitrādi-sthāpanāya ca, 9 // yathaiva kṣiti-rājendra,ś śrī-harivarddhanātmajaḥ, śrī-jayavarddhanī-putraḥ, catur-dvīpeśvaro muniḥ, 10 // Aśeṣa-tatva-sampūrṇno, dharmma-śāstra-vidām varaḥ, jīrṇnoddhāra-kriyodyukto, dharmma-śāsana-deśakaḥ, 11 // śrī-jñānaśivabajrākkhya,ś citta-ratna-vibhūṣaṇaḥ, prajñā-raśmi-viśuddhāṅga,s sambodhi-jñāna-pāragaḥ, 12 // subhaktyā tam̐ pratiṣṭhāpya, svayam pūrvvam pratiṣṭhita, śmaśāne vurare-nāmni, mahākṣobhyānurūpataḥ, 13 // bhava-cakre śakendrābde, māse cāsuji-saṁjñake, pañcamyām̐ śukla-pakṣe ca, vāre pa-ka-bu-saṁjñake, 14 // sinta-nāmni ca parvve ca, karaṇe viṣṭi-saṁskr̥te, Anurādhe ’pi nakṣatre, mitre māhendra-maṇḍale, 15 // saubhāgya-yoga-sambandhe, somye caiva muhūrttake, kkhyāte kuvera-parvveśe, tulā-rāśy-abhisaṁyute 16 hitāya sarba-satvānām̐, prāg eva nr̥pates sadā, sa-putra-potra-dārasya, kṣity-ekībhāva-kāraṇāt·, 17 // Athāsya dāsa-bhūto ’haṁ, nādajño nāma kīrttitaḥ, vidyā-hīno ’pi sammūḍho, dharmma-kriyāsv atatparaḥ, 18 // dharmmādhyakṣatvam āsādya, kr̥payaivāsya tatvataḥ, sśaka-kālaṁ samuddhr̥tya, mad-rājānujñayā punaḥ, 19 ||
śaka-kālam śāka-kālam śreṣṭha śreṣṭha All previous editions silently correct to ṭh. Cf. st. XIII for two clear cases of a proper ṣṭh, and XV for a clear case of ṣṭ. There is no doubt the lapicide here engraved ṣṭ. See also the remarks of Damais (581793) on the distinction ṣth/ṣṭ in Javanese inscriptions. bharāḍasaṁjñakaḥ bharāḍ abhijñataḥ Kern notes that the reading of i (in bhi) is uncertain, and that the whole word is suspect. Indeed one would expect bharāḍābhijñataḥ, since the figure’s known name is bharāḍa, but this would be unmetrical. The stone clearly shows saṁ instead of bhi and ka and instead of ta, and these new readings solve the textual problem here. The same expression °saṁjñaka is used by the poet twice in st. XIV. sāmarthya Kern (n. 3) observes Het casus-teeken ontbreekt. It would be possible to read °sāmarthyaṁ although the hole in the stone that could represent anusvāra can equally be treated as a cavity in the stone. However, it is seems unproblematic to consider that the whole of pāda c forms the initial part of a long compound ending with kumbhabajrodakena in d. bajrodakena vajrodakena kāṁkṣiṇoḥ kāṅkṣiṇoḥ Etasmāj Atasmāj Estasmāj Poerbatjaraka seems to have intended to adopt Bosch' reading but to have become confused; see how he wavers in spelling this word, (434). kin tu dina

First edited by Kern (), whose article was re-edited with corrections in 187-197; edited again by Poerbatjaraka (). The subsequent editions published by Chatterjee & Chakravarti (75-78, with translation into English) and Sircar (700-702) ignore Poerbatjaraka's work and most of the secondary bibliography. None of the previous editions very accurately represents the punctuation of the original. Re-edited here directly from the stone and from the EFEO estampages; my apparatus is positive only for the significant variant readings observed in the editions by Kern (1917) and Poerbatjaraka.

Krom, 191334 442-443 72-73A.174 79A.174