Patapan II EpiDoc encoding Marine Schoettel Arlo Griffiths intellectual authorship of edition Marine Schoettel Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan_II

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Marine Schoettel & Arlo Griffiths


The script is similar to the ornate type found in the Waringin Pitu inscription (?).

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// 0 // svasti śakavarṣātita, 1340, poṣyamāsa, tithī, pañcamī śuklapakṣa, pa, ka, śa, vāra, vuye,

Iri ka divaśanireṁ jaṅgan iṁ patapan· sirāmpu śivātmaka, hasuṁ pamgat taṅsen·, saha bhojana, kataṅgapan deni§ ra para mpuṅku sātagan janatosan·, samadāya, mpuṅku jurv i tañjuṅan·, sirāmpu śivajñāna, Aṅgaṇapati I gsaṁ, si sirāmpu marmma, Aṅgaṇajaya I bana, sirāmpu baruṇa, leka I raṇḍəgan·, sirāmpu virāga, makaṅūni sira pa cataṇḍe truṁ, sira gajaḥ sakapat·, saṅ upapattīṁ kaśaivan·, sirāmpu śivātmaka, kasogatan·, sirāmpu madarjja, sirāmpu kartta, buyut i gsaṁ, sira suraga, buyut i pamuluṁ, sira dāna, deśeṁ patapan·, sakehiṁ raramātuhaāno m·, samadāya, buyut aṅaR̥p sira pavuḥ, haṅalihi sira vitaāna, hanigani sira mañca, juru same sirāsu, kabaya n sira mr̥tti, sira śănti,

yatika kabeḥ samānakṣyani duk sirāmpu śivātmaka haveḥ pamgat taṅsyan·, Anakira mpu śivātmaka, 8, sirāmpu netra, sirāmpu marmma, sirāmpu ghora, sirāmpv aṁgararjja, sirāmpu hari, sirāmpu sara sija, sira kraṇḍa, vadon·, sira nāginī // 0 // §

taṅsen taraṅsan marmma dharmma The akṣara ma looks clear to us. In any case the name must be the same as in 1v4, where Boechari correctly read marmma. bana gana Throughout the inscription, differences between akṣaras ba and ga are hardly visible. kaśaivan kacañśayavan kasogatan kosagatan suraga surabha suraba raramātuhaā- rara matuha vitaāna vitana One could also (perhaps more easily) read vihana. mr̥tti mr̥ttī taṅsyan taraṅsan aṁgararjja aṁgarjja There is a clear kākapada sign above the line, while the syllable to be inserted is noted below. The reading of that syllable is not entirely certain. sirāmpu sara sija sira mpu sara sija kraṇḍa kraṇṭa

First published by Krom (491911XXVI); edited by Boechari (88-89E.29) and re-edited by Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths in May 2020 from the estampages in the Kern Institute, held in the Special Collections of the Leiden University Library.