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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Aditia Gunawan & Arlo Griffiths.
See the description in Kebantenan 1.
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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nu ḍipitəkətan· ma na L̥maḥ ḍevasasana, ḍi gunuṁ samaya
sugan·n aya
nu ḍek· ṅahəriAnan· Iña, ku paluluraḥhan· ku paL̥L̥maḥhan· mulaḥ Aya
nu ṅahəriyanan· Iña, ti timur ha
ti kidul· ha
mulaḥ Aya nu ṅahəriAnan· Iña ku ḍa
sa ku calagara Upəti paṁgəR̥s· R̥ma Ulaḥ Aya nu me
kena, saṁgar kami ratu nu puraḥ mibuhayakən· na karatu
na ḍevasasana pun·
[baca: nana].
for, becauseis a conjunction.
This is the decree of Sri Baduga Maharaja, the king of kings in Pakuan, Sri Sang Ratu Déwata. That which is made the object of decree is the land of divine ordinance on Mount Samaya in order that there may be no one who burdens it by the taxes of territory
notch, indentation, stripe, scratch; stroke, flourish (of a character);
It is important to notice that Hardjadibrata also records the meaning delimit st. with a stripe, indicate/mark the limit of st.
The term to inspect, look over
; in this case, the
be attentive, meticulous, keen, persevering, be conscient in practicing asceticism, in practising the holy dharma
to cherish the code of conduct
applied to the hermits, while in the present context, it is the king who cherishes the kingship.
The inscription was read first by Holle (