Linggawangi EpiDoc encoding Aditia Gunawan intellectual authorship of edition Aditia Gunawan Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Paris DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggawangi

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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Aditia Gunawan & Arlo Griffiths.


The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).

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First import

// ba 3 guna 3 Apuy· 3 di vvavvaṁ 1, Iti sakakala rumatadisusukudisusuk ku baṭāri hyaṁ pun·

// ba // baḥ ṭraba Instead of an opening punctuation sign, it may be possible to read A, in which case the first word would be Aba. Noorduyn (313) notes that ba means 3 in one or more chronograms of the Pararaton. Zoetmulder (records the word ba as a synonym of : II 1. live coal, piece of burning material which is aglow, and 2. = ava bright, clear, shining. guna 3 gunṇa 3di vvavvaṁ naṣṭa 1, Iti gomati rumata numatak disusukudisusuk ku For the same phenomenon of consonant degemination, cf. manuscript Perpusnas L 426B, no. 13: hya pəpək kupəpəku pənuḥ kita maṁke Now you are filled by fullness.

Glowing 3 qualities 3 fires 3 in a human 1: that was the year in the Śaka era that Rumatak was marked off by Bhaṭārī Hyaṅ. Finished.

The inscription was first edited by Holle (586-587, in Javanese script); it was edited again by Saleh Danasasmita () and by Hasan Djafar (16-18). Re-edited and translated here by Aditia Gunawan & Arlo Griffiths, based on the OD photo.

191284 52-53