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Om̐ namo rudradurggebhyaḥ sv
ya śukla
da-nakṣatra, Āhi
ṅgavijaya, tumurun· I rakryān· mapatiḥ I halu‚ sirikan·, vka‚ muAṁ rakryān· gu
run vaṁṅi, muAṁ I samgat· tiruAn·
nan· vuṅkal· pahatəguhan· śāsananya, Umuvaha svatantra, svatantra ṅaranya ta
n· pinarabyāpāra, deni saprakāra saṁ maṅilala drabya haji kabeḥ paṅkur· tavān·
tirip·, maṁhuri, kriṁ, paḍəmm apuy·, maṇiga‚ lva, malañja
r haji‚ maṁrumve, tuha gusali‚ tuha dagaṁ‚ tuhān· huñjamman·, tuhān· kutak·
bubulan· sa
I jro I tpĭ makulīliṅan· mo
Ataḥ pramāṇā Irikā kabaiḥ yāpuAnn ikāṁ nambi mahya
nnan· vatu mahābhr̥tya Ataḥ parṇnahanya yan uṅguAna ma
hanya bhaṭārĭ parānanya satṅaḥ satuhān·
hāra bhaṭārī Ataḥ parānanī
ja I rakryān mapatiḥ katag
(2–15) May the whole world be happy! Elapsed Śrī Sañjaya year 196, month of Phalguna, second
(15–17) As for the condition of its ‘pain and relief’,
(18) Only [that deity] shall have authority over them. When the Nambi..
(19) the great servant(s) Timbanan Vatu only. Its condition when it is placed…
(20) … their forms. As for, its ‘pain and relief’, starting with ‘apportioning of shares’ ...
(21)... the goddess shall be the beneficiary of half thereof, per chief masters…
(22–23) the monastery of the goddess shall only be the beneficiary of all its ‘pain and relief’. The grant of the King to the Lord chief minister is to be adhered to firmly by all sanctuary personnel…
(24) …. Timbanan Vatu….
7. The toponym Timbanan Wungkal does not appear elsewhere except in this charter. It recurs again in line 19 and 24 with its synonymous name, Timbanan Watu.
10. The reading of
14. The rare phrase
17. Here we have a list of foreign traders from Persia, Khmer and Singhala, which uniquely only figures here in this corpus. It clearly gives us another support of the international trade that was present in the tenth century Java. More discussion on international trade and foreign traders can be consulted in Barrett Jones 1984 (pp. 23–57), Wisseman Christie 1998 and 1999.