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Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths
Script indicating a dating to the late 8th or in the 9th century. One instance each of
The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 809994).
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He who, with joy, has particular devotion to Mahādeva
best kind of gold
(The best kind has the color of lotus filament and is soft, smooth, not sonorous, and radiant
The text is incomplete. Traces of the very top of a 7th line are visible on the photos. Unusual cross marks occupy the space between lines 1 and 2. Extra space is left open between stanzas 1 and 2.
The interpretation of stanza II is quite uncertain, partly because of the lacuna at the end of line 4 and the uncertainty of the readings at the ends of lines 5 and 6. One has the impression that the three figures mentioned in the fourth verse quarter somehow correspond to the items Time (Viṣṇu), Gold (= Lakṣmī, Viṣṇu's wife) and Son of the preceding three verse quarters. The identification of Viṣṇu with Time is not a standard one, though one can imagine the identification being made with reference to
I am Time. Still it is not clear who the son would be.
Read by Arlo Griffiths on 31st January through 3 February, 2023 from photos and a 3D model furnished respectively by Kusworo Rahadyan and by Goenawan Sambodo.