Wuru Tunggal (833 Śaka) EpiDoc encoding Arlo Griffiths intellectual authorship of edition Arlo Griffiths DHARMA Lyon DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruTunggal

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śaka 833 phālguna-māsa dvitīyă kr̥ṣṇa-pakṣa, ma, vaĀ, vāra‚ kālani ḍaṁ navī sumahur hutaṁ saṁ bapa I mpu guru ḍayā‚ panahurnya mas· su 16 10 ku 2 ha 5 tumaṅgapp ikaṁ mas· pu latī bapani bayal anag vanva I vuru tuṅgal· tutuganniṁ taṇḍa muAṁ pu vijaḥ bapani bhūmi Anag vanva I vuru tuṅgal·‚ śuddha hutaṁni ḍaṁ navĭ I mpu guru ḍayā,

tatra sākṣī saṁ tguhān anag vanva I pilaṁ vatak paṅgil hyaṁ‚ saṁ ta Anag vanva I valakaśs vatak valakas saṁ bhāskara Anag vanva I valeṁ vatak valeṁ‚ saṁ pakambaṅan· Anag vanva I taṅga vatak hino saṁ ra tira Anag vanva I limo vatak pagar vsi‚ likhitapātra rake pilaṁ

ḍaṁ navī banavī I adopt the reading recorded by 176. ḍayā dhayā I adopt the reading recorded by 365. ḍaṁ navĭ banavī I adopt the reading (with short i!) recorded by 176. ḍayā dhayā I adopt the reading recorded by 365. tguhān tguhhan I adopt the reading recorded by 455. ta I adopt the reading recorded by 669. saṁ ra tira saṁ ratiraṁ I adopt the reading recorded by 404, 727.

Śaka 833, month of Phālguna, second tithi of the waning fortnight, Mavulu, Vagai‚ Sunday. That was the time that ḍaṅ Navī repaid the debt of his/her father bapaThe use of bapa instead of the common rāma to denote father throughout this charter is peculiar. See also 1r4, 1r5. to Master mpu guru Ḍayā. The repayment for it was 16 suvarṇa, 10 māṣa, 2 kupaṅ, and 5 hatak. Pu Latī, father of Bayal, resident of the village of Vuru Tuṅgal, tutuganniṅ taṇḍa,On the expression tutuganniṅ taṇḍa, see 198-199139. The translation who signed the document offered by 180, connecting the expression to the name of a person, is unlikely to be correct, as the expression is normally associated with toponyms. together with pu Vijah, father of Bhūmi, also resident of the village of Vuru Tuṅgal, received the gold. The debt of ḍaṅ Navī to Master Ḍayā was cleared śuddha.

The witnesses to it were: saṅ Təguhan, resident of the village of Pilaṅ, vatak of Paṅgil Hyaṅ; saṅ Ta, resident of the village of Valakas, vatak of Valakas; saṅ Bhāskara, resident of the village of Valaiṅ, vatak of Valaiṅ;The toponym here spelt valeṁ is obviously the same as the Valaiṅ found in several other Central Javanese inscriptions. See the elaborate discussion in 121-126 and . It is also mentioned in other inscriptions in the Daksa corpus, viz. in Wintang Mas and Tulang Er, though in the latter it figures in the spelling baleṁ. saṅ Pakambaṅan, resident of the village of Taṅga, vatak of Hino; saṅ Ra Tira, resident of the village of Limo, vatak of Pagar Vəsi.Pagar Vəsi already appears as the name a vatak since 798 Śaka (Jurungan) and the last occurrence is in 841 Śaka (Lintakan). From this list, we can reconstitute some villages that belong to Pagar Vəsi. Those are Juruṅan (Jurungan 1v2, Lintakan 1r12), Kalaṅkyaṅ (Kayu Ara Hiwang A17), Kukap (Rongkab 1r5), Watu-watu (Kasugihan 1r3), Limo (Wuru Tunggal 1v3), Kahuripan (Lintakan 2r3) and Pakalaṅkyaṅan (Panggumulan 2v1, Lintakan 3r8). Here, the last village mentioned seems to refer to the same place as the which is mentioned in the Kayu Ara Hiwang inscription as Kalaṅkyaṅ. For cross reference to this toponym, see the note for 1.23 in Taji Gunung. The document was written by the Lord of Pilaṅ.

First edited by J. L. A. Brandes , apparently based on autopsy of the plate; readings of small segments of text containing proper names and toponyms by L.-Ch. Damais () based on a mediocre eye-copy that he had been able to consult at the Archaeological Service; reproduction of Brandes’ edition, to which is added a translation into English, by H. B. Sarkar (). The text is re-edited by Arlo Griffiths without inspection of any reproduction, taking Brandes’ edition as base-text, with reinterpretation of the transliteration system and adoption of new readings proposed by Damais.

262 CXXX 2 135-137 81 53 3 5 65 50-51A91 49-50 123 52149 96-971105Nakada refers to 1082, but the paragraph in question concerns another item from the Dieduksman collection; Nakada’s reference to 245 is likewise a red herring, as the Guntur inscription is intended there. 45 180