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            <title>Pu Mamruk (828 Śaka)</title>
               <resp>EpiDoc Encoding</resp>
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               <resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
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            <idno type="filename">DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuMamruk</idno>
               <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
                  <p>This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported
							Licence. To view a copy of the licence, visit
							https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to
							Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
							California, 94041, USA.</p>
                  <p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Arlo Griffiths.</p>
            <date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
         <sourceDesc><!-- only the handDesc can be filled in at this stage -->
            <msDesc><!-- //// NB: the msIdentifier had to be added for validation purposes ///. It will be edited later with the metadata spreadsheet -->
                  <!-- don't modify this -->
               <msContents><!-- describe the intellectual content of an inscription -->
                  <summary><!-- //// NOT MANDATORY  ////--></summary>
                  <!-- offers the possibility to give a summary of the inscription's content -->
                     <p>The basic punctuation sign takes the shape of a small circle at median height.<!-- The script name(s) will be inserted here at a later stage from the metadata spreasheet. At this stage, you can mention here in a free-text paragraph any characteristics of the writing observed more than once in this inscription that seem unusual/uncommon or otherwise noteworthy given the general characteristics of the script in question. See EGD 11.2. --></p>
            <p>The project DHARMA has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
                        under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
                        agreement no 809994).</p>
         <schemaRef type="guide" key="EGDv01" url="https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02888186"/>
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               <p>Public URIs with the prefix bib to point to a Zotero Group Library named
                            ERC-DHARMA whose data are open to the public.</p>
            <prefixDef ident="part" matchPattern="([a-z]+)" replacementPattern="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erc-dharma/project-documentation/master/DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml#$1">
               <p>Internal URIs using the part prefix to point to person elements in the
                            <ref>DHARMA_IdListMembers_v01.xml</ref> file.</p>
         <change who="part:argr" when="2020-12-08" status="draft">finished initial encoding of the inscription</change>
         <change who="part:axja" when="2020-11-03" status="draft">updating toward the encoding template v03</change>
         <change who="part:argr" when="2020-09-18" status="draft">started initial encoding of the inscription</change>
   <text xml:space="preserve">
         <div type="edition" xml:lang="kaw-Latn" rendition="class:38769 maturity:83213">
 <p><pb n="1r"/><lb n="1r1"/><g type="ddandaCross"/> svasti śaka-varṣātīta <num value="828">828</num> śravaṇa-māsa<g type="circleSmall">.</g> navamĭ kr̥ṣṇa<g type="circleSmall">.</g>pakṣa<g type="circleSmall">.</g> vurukuṁ pon·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> br̥haspati<unclear reason="eccentric_ductus" cert="low"><g type="circleSmall">.</g></unclear><lb n="1r2" break="no"/>-vāra<g type="circleSmall">.</g> tatkāla pu mamruk· vinaiḥ kaliliran· sakira-kiraniṁ taṅguṅan· pinānam· dinūm valaṁ<g type="circleSmall">.</g>
<lb n="1r3"/>vinaihan· sira sadūman· mas· <abbr>su</abbr> <num value="3">3</num> muAṁ pātra<g type="circleSmall">.</g> Isinya pirak· <abbr>kā</abbr> <num value="3">3</num> <abbr>dhā</abbr> <num value="10">10</num> samaṅkana
<lb n="1r4"/>sira sovaṁ-sovaṁ<g type="circleSmall">.</g> hana pātra kinabaihan· lavan· suhunan·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> hutaṁ saṁ pamasaṅan· pirak·
<lb n="1r5"/><abbr>kā</abbr> <num value="5">5</num> dumanniṅ anak· sovaṁ-sovaṁ pirak· <abbr>dhā</abbr> <num value="11">11</num> <abbr>mā</abbr> <num value="1">1</num> <abbr>ku</abbr> <num value="3">3</num> sampun· suddhaparisuddha<g type="circleSmall">.</g> hananikanaṁ
<lb n="1r6"/>gavayan·<!-- ga is weirdly shaped --> dinūm·<g type="circleSmall">.</g></p> <p>Anuṁ tumaṅgap ikanaṁ mas·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> dūman· pu mamruk·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> pu kavəl· vanuA I vugaṁ vatək·
<lb n="1r7"/>tilimpik·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> muAṁ pu lava<g type="circleSmall">.</g> vanuA I pəAr· vatək alum varak·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> muAṁ pu luvak· vanuA I sa<lb n="1r8" break="no"/>liṅsiṅan· vetan iṁ parhyaṅan·<g type="circleSmall">.</g></p> <p>tatra sākṣī saṁ pamgat· maṅguluṅi<g type="circleSmall">.</g> pu baisava<g type="circleSmall">.</g> vanuA
<pb n="1r"/><lb n="1v1"/>I pucaṅ anak· vatək· pulu vatu<g type="circleSmall">.</g> muAṁ juru I maṅguluṅi<g type="circleSmall">.</g> juru vadvā rarai saṁ rumakət· vanu<lb n="1v2" break="no"/>A I lalar· vatək· tilimpik· juruniṁ kanayakān· pu baṭinī vanuA I vvāhan· vatək·
<lb n="1v3"/>muntiṁ<g type="circleSmall">.</g> muAṁ rāmanta I maṅhuḍipi makabaihan·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> kalaṁ kidul· pu hurip· ramani subha<choice><sic>ṅ</sic><corr>d</corr></choice>ră<g type="circleSmall">.</g> kalaṁ lo<lb n="1v4" break="no"/>r pu taḍaḥ ramani Asiḥ gusti kidul· pu bhiṭa ramani mañā<g type="circleSmall">.</g> gusti lor· pu garuguḥ ramani sukī<g type="circleSmall">.</g>
<lb n="1v5"/>parujar· kidul· pu Artha ramani Ayū parujar· lor· pu maṅāb· ramani vuddhī<g type="circleSmall">.</g> kalima kidul·
<lb n="1v6"/>pu talaga ramani kpu<g type="circleSmall">.</g> kalima lor· pu mesya ramani paṅantyan·<g type="circleSmall">.</g> vinkas· pu jampal· raman<choice><sic>a</sic><corr>i</corr></choice> santā
<lb n="1v7"/>matahun· pu mañju ramani <choice><sic>dhamarī</sic><corr>dharmmī</corr></choice><g type="circleSmall">.</g> rāma maratā pu sādhu pu bhajñāna pu gutul· pu radin· <space/></p> <p>likhi<lb n="1v8" break="no"/>ta juruniṁ maṇḍakat· pu tatva<g type="circleSmall">.</g> vanuA I sirikan· vatək· sirikan·<g type="ddanda">.</g>
         <div type="apparatus">
           <!--apparatus encoded as per EGD §9.1, basic elements for apparatus below-->
                  <app loc="1v3">
                     <note>The correction follows from the appearance of the same name, spellted Subhadrā, in the <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.xml">Pu Bahut inscription</ref>.</note>
	<app loc="1v7">
		<note>The correction follows from the appearance of the same name in the <ref target="DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.xml">Pu Bahut inscription</ref>.</note>
         <div type="translation">
 	<p n="1r1-1r6">Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 828, month of Śravaṇa, ninth <supplied reason="subaudible"><foreign>tithi</foreign></supplied> of the waxing fortnight, Vurukuṅ, Pon, Thursday. That was the time that <foreign>pu</foreign> Mamruk was given an inheritance in accordance with the estimate of the shoulderload divided into six <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>p-in-ānam</foreign></supplied>
<!-- see §125-126 in Bahasa Parwa, jilid I (or pages 93–4 in De Taal van het Adiparwa.  -->
 <supplied reason="subaudible">and</supplied> apportioned in small bits. They were given one portion of 3 <foreign>suvarṇa</foreign>s of gold with a vessel filled with 3 <foreign>kāṭi</foreign>s and 10 <foreign>dhāraṇa</foreign>s of silver — so much per person. As for the vessel, it was integrated into the headload. The debt of the Pamasaṅan was 5 <foreign>kāṭi</foreign>s of silver. The portion of the children was 11 <foreign>dhāraṇa</foreign>s each, 1 <foreign>māṣa</foreign>s and 3 <foreign>kupaṅ</foreign>s of silver. All of the products shared were already fully cleared.</p>
1 kati = 20 dharana
1 masa = 1/16 dharana
1 kupang = 1/4 masa
	3 kati = 60 dharana
	3 kati + 10 dharana = 70 dharana
	5 kati = 100 dharana
	3 suvarna = 3/20 kati
	3 kupang = 3/4 masa
<p n="1r6-1r8">The ones who received the gold in shares were <foreign>pu</foreign> Mamruk <supplied reason="subaudible">and</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Kavəl of the village of Vugaṅ, district of Tilimpik; and <foreign>pu</foreign> Lava of the village of Pəar, district of Alum Varak; and <foreign>pu</foreign> Luvak of the village of Saliṅsiṅan, east of Parhyaṅan.</p>
<p n="1r8-1v7">The witnesses to it were:
<list rend="bulleted">
<item>the officiant of Maṅguluṅi  <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Baisava of the village of Pucaṅ Anak, district of Pulu Vatu;</item>
<item>with the overseers at Maṅguluṅi, <supplied reason="explanation">namely</supplied> the overseer of junior troops <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>saṅ</foreign> Rumakət of the village of Lalar, district of Tilimpik <supplied reason="subaudible">and</supplied> the overseer of the <foreign>kanayakān</foreign> <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Baṭinī of the village of Vvahan, district of Muntiṅ;</item>
<item>with all the elders of Maṅhuḍipi, <supplied reason="explanation">namely</supplied> 
the <foreign>kalaṅ</foreign> South <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Hurip, father of Subhadrā; 
the <foreign>kalaṅ</foreign> North <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Taḍah, father of Asih; 
the <foreign>gusti</foreign> South <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Bhiṭa, father of Mañā; 
the <foreign>gusti</foreign> North <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Garuguh, father of Sukī; 
the herald South <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Artha, father of Ayū;
the herald North <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Maṅāb, father of Buddhī;
the <foreign>kalima</foreign> South <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Talaga, father of Kpu;
the <foreign>kalima</foreign> North <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Mesya, father of Paṅantyan;
the <foreign>vinkas</foreign> <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Jampal, father of Santā;
the <foreign>matahun</foreign> <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Mañju, father of Dharmī; the regular <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>maratā</foreign></supplied> elders <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Sādhu, <foreign>pu</foreign> Bhajñāna, <foreign>pu</foreign> Gutul, <foreign>pu</foreign> Radin.</item> 
<p n="1v7-1v8">Written by the overseer of Maṇḍakat <supplied reason="explanation">called</supplied> <foreign>pu</foreign> Tatva of the village of Sirikan, district of Sirikan.</p>
         <div type="commentary">
            <p n="1r2, 1r4">On the meaning of <foreign>taṅguṅan</foreign> and <foreign>suhunan</foreign>, see <bibl><ptr target="bib:Goris1954_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">2</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">319</citedRange><citedRange unit="entry"><foreign>tanggung</foreign></citedRange></bibl>, where it is explained that in rules on division of inheritance, <foreign>suhunan taṅguṅan</foreign> means that the widow receives ⅓, the widower ⅔.</p>
<!--Trunjan A1 = 003
	(5) In het geval van een kinderloos overgebleven weduwnaar (weduwe) moet verdeeld worden volgens de regel „hoofdlast-schouderlast": de (overgebleven) weduwnaar ontvangt twee derden, de (overgebleven) weduwe een derde; indien het betreft een alleenstaande kinderloze, (3b. 1) dan moet van al zijn have, die hij daar wonende bezat: goud, zilver, bronzen vaatwerk, koperen vaatwerk, slaven, huisslaven, karbouwen, runderen, ter waarde van 4 māsaka afgenomen worden voor het dodenfeest, (2) de rest, nadat er voor het dodenfeest is afgenomen, moet worden opgebracht aan het heiligdom te Turuñan.

Srokodan = 101 ..
(1) In het geval van een kinderloze ongehuwde wordt van al het huisraad, dat hij daar wonende bezat: goud, zilver, bronzen vaatwerk, koperen vaatwerkt, (2) slaven, huisslaven, karbouwen, runderen, ter waarde van 4 māsaka goud afgenomen voor het dodenritueel, de gehele rest wordt opgebracht aan de diṅaṅa en door deze (3) aan de vorst : de diṅaṅa (zelf) ontvangt hiervan 4 pi, de dorpsgenoten 2 pi.

Sembiran I = 104
In het geval van een kinderloos overgebleven weduwnaar (weduwe), ontvangt de overlevende van het bezit enz. volgens de regel: „hoofdlast-schouderlast" (2) de man twee derden, de vrouw één derde, zonder verder aandeel voor de vorst (?).

The Bwahan inscription (916 Śaka) reads: i krāṅan hana valunya, suhunan taṅguṅan tkapan iṅ dumūma drabyānya. jalu rvaṅ dūman strī sadūmān‚ umuṅgaha i saṅ hyaṅ api, mapaknā caru,
	in het geval van een kinderloos echtpaar, moet de have verdeeld worden volgens de regel: hoofdlast, schouderlast; de overlevende man ontvangt twee derden (9) de overlevende vrouw één derde ; (het andere gedeelte) moet opgebracht worden aan de heilige Vuurtempel om te dienen als dodenoffer (caru).
	<p n="1v7">Instead of <foreign>pu</foreign> Sādhu and <foreign>pu</foreign> Radin, we see <foreign>pu</foreign> Ganal and <foreign>pu</foreign> Prya in the corresponding passage of the <ref target="Sindoro-PuBahut">Pu Bahut inscription</ref>.</p>
        <div type="bibliography">
           <p>Previously unpublished. Edited here by Arlo Griffiths on the basis of photos shared by Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah in 2015.</p>
images used for recto: T3 and PRASASTI 3
images used for verso: T4
        	<!--<listBibl type="primary">
				<bibl n="siglum"/><!-\- one <bibl/> per item of primary bibliography. Every entry mentionned in apparatus  should hava a @n to declare its sigla -\->
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              <bibl n="siglum"/><!-\- one <bibl/> per item of secondary bibliography . Every entry mentionned in apparatus  should hava a @n to declare its sigla -\->