498 nano .bashrc 499 echo Testing 500 clear 501 git 501 git 501 git 501 git 501 git 501 git 501 git 502 git config --global user.name "Emily Davenport" 503 git config --global user.email "erdavenport@uwalumni.com" 504 git config --global color.ui "auto" 505 git config --list 506 cd 507 mkdir planets 508 cd planets 509 pwd 510 git init 511 ls 512 ls -a 513 git status 514 nano mars.txt 515 ls 516 cat mars.txt 517 git status 518 git add mars.txt 519 git status 520 git commit -m "Start notes on Mars as base" 521 ls 522 nano mars.txt 523 cat mars.txt 524 git status 525 git add mars.txt 526 git diff 527 git diff --staged 528 git commit -m "Add concerns about the effects of Mar's moons on Wolfman" 529 nano mars.txt 530 cat mars.txt 531 git diff 532 git commit -m "added notes about humidity" 533 git add mars.txt 534 git status 535 git commit -m "added notes about humidity" 536 git status 537 cd 538 mkdir bio 539 cd bio 540 nano me.txt 541 cat me.txt 542 git commit -m "made a bio" 543 git init 544 git add me.txt 545 git commit -m "made a bio" 546 git status 547 ls 548 nano me.txt 549 git diff 550 cd 551 cd planets/ 552 pwd 553 git diff HEAD~1 mars.txt 554 git diff HEAD~2 mars.txt 555 git log 556 git diff 89b0be779ee12bfd0f4546dbe280ada82b71187f mars.txt 557 git diff 89b0e7 mars.txt 558 git diff 89b0e77 mars.txt 559 git diff 89b0e779 mars.txt 560 git diff 89b0be77 mars.txt 561 nano mars.txt 562 git status 563 git checkout HEAD mars.txt 564 cat mars.txt 565 history 566 clar 567 clear 568 akjdfha; 569 skjsdf;ihad 570 klajsdf; 571 clear 572 history 573 clear 574 pwd 575 touch a.dat b.dat c.dat 576 ls 577 mkdir results 578 touch results/a.out results/b.out 579 ls 580 git status 581 nano .gitignore 582 cat .gitignore 583 git status 584 git add .gitignore 585 git commit -m "added gitignore file" 586 git status 587 git add a.dat 588 git status --ignored 589 git remote add origin https://github.com/erdavenport/planets.git 590 git remote -v 591 git push origin master 592 git pull origin master 593 cd /tmp 594 git clone https://github.com/erdavenport/planets.git 595 ls 596 cd planets/ 597 pwd 598 ls 599 nano pluto.txt 600 cat pluto.txt 601 git status 602 git add pluto.txt 603 git commit -m "Some notes about Pluto" 604 git status 605 git push origin master 606 cd ~/planets/ 607 ls 608 pwd 609 git pull origin master 610 ls 611 git log 612 cat mars.txt 613 nano mars.txt 614 cat mars.txt 615 git add mars.txt 616 git commit -m "adding a line in our home copy" 617 git push origin master 618 cd /tmp/planets/ 619 nano mars.txt 620 cat mars.txt 621 git add mars.txt 622 git commit -m "Adding a line in the temporary copy" 623 git push origin master 624 git pull origin master 625 nano mars.txt 626 cat mars.txt 627 git add mars.txt 628 git status 629 git commit -m "Merging changes from github" 630 git status 631 git push origin master 632 cd ~/planets/ 633 git pull origin master 634 cat mars.txt 635 cd .. 636 cd bio/ 637 git push origin master 638 git remote add origin https://github.com/erdavenport/bio.git 639 git push origin master 640 ls 641 nano me.txt 642 git status 643 git add me.txt 644 git commit -m "updated my bio" 645 git push origin master 646 ls 647 cd /tmp/ 648 git clone https://github.com/erdavenport/bio.git 649 ls 650 cd bio 651 ls 652 touch monkey.txt 653 nano me.txt 654 git add me.txt monkey.txt 655 git commit -m "updated my bio" 656 git pull origin master 657 ls 658 git push origin master 659 cd ~/bio/ 660 ls 661 nano me.txt 662 git pull origin master 663 cat me.txt 664 git add me.txt 665 git commit -m "updated bio, again" 666 git pull origin master 667 nano me.txt 668 nano .bashrc 669 cd 670 nano .bashrc