# Changelog All notable changes to ircdog will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). For the purposes of versioning, we consider the "public API" to refer to the configuration files and CLI. ## [0.5.3] - 2024-05-06 ircdog v0.5.3 upgrades the readline library, adding support for the Home and End keys. * Upgrade ergochat/readline to v0.1.1 (#48) * Release builds use Go 1.22.2 ## [0.5.2] - 2024-01-14 ircdog v0.5.2 upgrades the readline library, fixing some edge cases in line editing. * Upgrade ergochat/readline to v0.1.0-rc1 (#47) * Release builds use Go 1.21.6 ## [0.5.1] - 2023-06-11 ircdog v0.5.1 fixes a bug in the new (v0.5.0) `--reconnect` feature. We apologize for the oversight. * Fixed deadlock during `--reconnect` (#45) ## [0.5.0] - 2023-06-04 ircdog v0.5.0 is a new release with fixes and enhancements: * Readline support is now enabled by default. To disable, use `--no-readline` or `--raw`, or set the environment variable `IRCDOG_READLINE=0` * Added the `--script=` argument, which reads an initial list of commands to send from a file * Added the `--reconnect=