" File: monokai.vim " Maintainer: Erich Gubler (erichdongubler) " URL: https://github.com/erichdongubler/vim-sublime-monokai " License: MIT " Initialisation if !has('gui_running') && &t_Co < 256 " Shim this out so code doesn't hard break -- users should notice if this " doesn't work. fun! g:SublimeMonokaiHighlight(group, style) endf finish endif if !exists('g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic') let g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic = 1 endif if !exists('g:sublimemonokai_term_italic') let g:sublimemonokai_term_italic = 0 endif let g:sublimemonokai_termcolors = 256 " does not support 16 color term right now. set background=dark hi clear if exists('syntax_on') syntax reset endif let colors_name = 'sublimemonokai' fun! s:h(group, style) let s:ctermformat = 'NONE' let s:guiformat = 'NONE' if has_key(a:style, 'format') let s:ctermformat = a:style.format let s:guiformat = a:style.format endif if g:sublimemonokai_term_italic == 0 let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, ',italic', '', '') let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, 'italic,', '', '') let s:ctermformat = substitute(s:ctermformat, 'italic', '', '') endif if g:sublimemonokai_gui_italic == 0 let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, ',italic', '', '') let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, 'italic,', '', '') let s:guiformat = substitute(s:guiformat, 'italic', '', '') endif if g:sublimemonokai_termcolors == 16 let l:ctermfg = (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.cterm16 : 'NONE') let l:ctermbg = (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? a:style.bg.cterm16 : 'NONE') else let l:ctermfg = (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.cterm : 'NONE') let l:ctermbg = (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? a:style.bg.cterm : 'NONE') end execute 'highlight' a:group \ 'guifg=' (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.gui : 'NONE') \ 'guibg=' (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? a:style.bg.gui : 'NONE') \ 'guisp=' (has_key(a:style, 'sp') ? a:style.sp.gui : 'NONE') \ 'gui=' (!empty(s:guiformat) ? s:guiformat : 'NONE') \ 'ctermfg=' . l:ctermfg \ 'ctermbg=' . l:ctermbg \ 'cterm=' (!empty(s:ctermformat) ? s:ctermformat : 'NONE') endfunction " Expose the more complicated style setting via a global function fun! g:SublimeMonokaiHighlight(group, style) return s:h(a:group, a:style) endfun " Palette " Convenience function to have a convenient script variable name and an " namespaced global variable fun! s:create_palette_color(color_name, color_data) exec 'let s:' . a:color_name . ' = a:color_data' exec 'let g:sublimemonokai_' . a:color_name . ' = a:color_data' endf call s:create_palette_color('brightwhite', { 'gui': '#FFFFFF', 'cterm': '231' }) call s:create_palette_color('white', { 'gui': '#E8E8E3', 'cterm': '252' }) call s:create_palette_color('black', { 'gui': '#272822', 'cterm': '234' }) call s:create_palette_color('lightblack', { 'gui': '#2D2E27', 'cterm': '235' }) call s:create_palette_color('lightblack2', { 'gui': '#383a3e', 'cterm': '236' }) call s:create_palette_color('darkblack', { 'gui': '#211F1C', 'cterm': '233' }) call s:create_palette_color('grey', { 'gui': '#8F908A', 'cterm': '243' }) call s:create_palette_color('lightgrey', { 'gui': '#575b61', 'cterm': '237' }) call s:create_palette_color('darkgrey', { 'gui': '#64645e', 'cterm': '239' }) call s:create_palette_color('warmgrey', { 'gui': '#75715E', 'cterm': '59' }) call s:create_palette_color('pink', { 'gui': '#f92772', 'cterm': '197' }) call s:create_palette_color('green', { 'gui': '#a6e22d', 'cterm': '148' }) call s:create_palette_color('aqua', { 'gui': '#66d9ef', 'cterm': '81' }) call s:create_palette_color('yellow', { 'gui': '#e6db74', 'cterm': '186' }) call s:create_palette_color('darkyellow', { 'gui': '#878700', 'cterm': '100' }) call s:create_palette_color('orange', { 'gui': '#fd9720', 'cterm': '208' }) call s:create_palette_color('purple', { 'gui': '#ae81ff', 'cterm': '141' }) call s:create_palette_color('red', { 'gui': '#e73c50', 'cterm': '196' }) call s:create_palette_color('darkred', { 'gui': '#5f0000', 'cterm': '52' }) call s:create_palette_color('addfg', { 'gui': '#d7ffaf', 'cterm': '193' }) call s:create_palette_color('addbg', { 'gui': '#5f875f', 'cterm': '65' }) call s:create_palette_color('delbg', { 'gui': '#f75f5f', 'cterm': '167' }) call s:create_palette_color('changefg', { 'gui': '#d7d7ff', 'cterm': '189' }) call s:create_palette_color('changebg', { 'gui': '#5f5f87', 'cterm': '60' }) " Expose the foreground colors of the Sublime palette as a bunch of " highlighting groups. This lets us (and users!) get tab completion for the `hi " link` command, and use more semantic names for the colors we want to assign " to groups call s:h('SublimeBrightWhite', { 'fg': s:brightwhite }) call s:h('SublimeWhite', { 'fg': s:white }) call s:h('SublimeBlack', { 'fg': s:black }) call s:h('SublimeLightBlack', { 'fg': s:lightblack }) call s:h('SublimeLightBlack2', { 'fg': s:lightblack2 }) call s:h('SublimeDarkBlack', { 'fg': s:darkblack }) call s:h('SublimeGrey', { 'fg': s:grey }) call s:h('SublimeLightGrey', { 'fg': s:lightgrey }) call s:h('SublimeDarkGrey', { 'fg': s:darkgrey }) call s:h('SublimeWarmGrey', { 'fg': s:warmgrey }) call s:h('SublimePink', { 'fg': s:pink }) call s:h('SublimeGreen', { 'fg': s:green }) call s:h('SublimeAqua', { 'fg': s:aqua }) call s:h('SublimeYellow', { 'fg': s:yellow }) call s:h('SublimeOrange', { 'fg': s:orange }) call s:h('SublimePurple', { 'fg': s:purple }) call s:h('SublimeRed', { 'fg': s:red }) call s:h('SublimeDarkRed', { 'fg': s:darkred }) " Default highlight groups (see ':help highlight-default' or http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html#highlight-groups) call s:h('ColorColumn', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) hi! link Conceal SublimeLightGrey call s:h('CursorColumn', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) call s:h('CursorLine', { 'bg': s:lightblack2 }) call s:h('CursorLineNr', { 'fg': s:orange, 'bg': s:lightblack }) call s:h('DiffAdd', { 'fg': s:addfg, 'bg': s:addbg }) call s:h('DiffChange', { 'fg': s:changefg, 'bg': s:changebg }) call s:h('DiffDelete', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:delbg }) call s:h('DiffText', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:aqua }) hi! link Directory SublimeAqua call s:h('ErrorMsg', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:red, 'format': 'standout' }) hi! link FoldColumn SublimeDarkBlack call s:h('Folded', { 'fg': s:warmgrey, 'bg': s:darkblack }) call s:h('IncSearch', { 'format': 'reverse,underline'}) call s:h('LineNr', { 'fg': s:grey, 'bg': s:lightblack }) call s:h('MatchParen', { 'format': 'underline' }) hi! link ModeMsg SublimeYellow hi! link MoreMsg SublimeYellow hi! link NonText SublimeLightGrey call s:h('Normal', { 'fg': s:white, 'bg': s:black }) if has('nvim') call s:h('NormalFloat',{ 'fg': s:white, 'bg': s:warmgrey }) end call s:h('Pmenu', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:white }) call s:h('PmenuSbar', { }) call s:h('PmenuSel', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'bg': s:black, 'format': 'reverse,bold' }) call s:h('PmenuThumb', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:grey }) hi! link Question SublimeYellow call s:h('Search', { 'format': 'reverse,underline'}) hi! link SignColumn LineNr call s:h('SpecialKey', { 'fg': s:purple, 'bg': s:darkblack }) call s:h('SpellBad', { 'bg': s:darkred }) call s:h('SpellCap', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) call s:h('SpellLocal', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) call s:h('SpellRare', { 'bg': s:darkyellow }) call s:h('StatusLine', { 'fg': s:warmgrey, 'bg': s:black, 'format': 'reverse' }) call s:h('StatusLineNC', { 'fg': s:darkgrey, 'bg': s:warmgrey, 'format': 'reverse' }) call s:h('TabLine', { 'fg': s:white, 'bg': s:darkgrey }) call s:h('TabLineFill', { 'fg': s:grey, 'bg': s:darkgrey }) call s:h('TabLineSel', { 'fg': s:black, 'bg': s:white }) hi! link Title SublimeYellow call s:h('VertSplit', { 'fg': s:darkgrey, 'bg': s:darkblack }) call s:h('Visual', { 'bg': s:lightgrey }) hi! link WarningMsg SublimeRed " Generic Syntax Highlighting (see reference: 'NAMING CONVENTIONS' at http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/syntax.html#group-name) hi! link Comment SublimeWarmGrey hi! link Constant SublimePurple hi! link String SublimeYellow hi! link Character SublimeYellow hi! link Number SublimePurple hi! link Boolean SublimePurple hi! link Float SublimePurple hi! link Identifier SublimeWhite hi! link Function SublimeWhite hi! link Type SublimeAqua hi! link StorageClass SublimePink hi! link Structure SublimePink hi! link Typedef SublimeAqua hi! link Statement SublimeWhite hi! link Conditional SublimePink hi! link Repeat SublimePink hi! link Label SublimePink hi! link Operator SublimePink hi! link Keyword SublimePink hi! link Exception SublimePink call s:h('CommentURL', { 'fg': s:grey, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link PreProc SublimeGreen hi! link Include SublimeWhite hi! link Define SublimePink hi! link Macro SublimeGreen hi! link PreCondit SublimeWhite hi! link Special SublimePurple hi! link SpecialChar SublimePink hi! link Tag SublimeGreen hi! link Delimiter SublimePink hi! link SpecialComment SublimeAqua " call s:h('Debug' {}) call s:h('Underlined', { 'format': 'underline' }) " call s:h('Ignore', {}) call s:h('Error', { 'fg': s:red, 'bg': s:darkred }) hi! link Todo Comment " Some highlighting groups custom to the Sublime Monokai theme call s:h('SublimeType', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) call s:h('SublimeContextParam', { 'fg': s:orange, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link SublimeDocumentation SublimeGrey hi! link SublimeFunctionCall SublimeAqua hi! link SublimeUserAttribute SublimeGrey " Neovim LSP support if has('nvim') call s:h('LspReferenceText', { 'bg': s:darkgrey }) call s:h('LspReferenceRead', { 'bg': s:addbg }) call s:h('LspReferenceWrite', { 'bg': s:changebg }) " TODO: WIP. I haven't tried to get parity with NERDTree yet. hi! link NvimTreeFolderIcon Comment hi! link NvimTreeGitDeleted SublimeRed hi! link NvimTreeGitDirty SublimeYellow hi! link NvimTreeGitMerge SublimePink hi! link NvimTreeGitRenamed SublimeOrange hi! link NvimTreeGitStaged SublimeGreen endif " Neovim support for the Lazy package manager if has('nvim') hi! link LazyProp SublimeAqua endif " Neovim support for [`barbar.nvim`] " "[`barbar.nvim`]: https://github.com/romgrk/barbar.nvim if has('nvim') hi! link BufferCurrentMod SublimeAqua endif " Bash/POSIX shell hi! link shConditional Conditional hi! link shDerefOff SublimeWhite hi! link shDerefSimple SublimeAqua hi! link shDerefVar SublimeAqua hi! link shFunctionKey SublimePink hi! link shLoop Keyword hi! link shQuote String hi! link shSet Keyword hi! link shStatement SublimePink " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * Can't highlight POSIX builtins right because shStatement is later in the " highlight stack " * Can't override shOption to be "normal" because it could be within a string " or substitution. It looks okay anyway. :) " * shCommandSub can't be override for a similar reason to shOption " * Boolean operators and subsequent commands don't have the right " highlighting " Batch hi! link dosbatchImplicit Keyword hi! link dosbatchLabel SublimeWhite " FIXME: This should have its own group, like SublimeEscapedSequence hi! link dosbatchSpecialChar SublimePurple hi! link dosbatchSwitch SublimeWhite " FIXME: Variables don't have their own highlighting in Sublime " hi! link dosbatchVariable SublimeAqua " XXX: string highlight is used for echo commands, but Sublime doesn't " highlight at all " XXX: Sublime sets everything to the right of an assignment to be a string " color, but Vim doesn't " XXX: Create an extra flag for "nice" stuff " hi! link dosbatchLabel Tag " hi! link dosbatchStatement Keyword " hi! link dosbatchSwitch SublimePurple " hi! link dosbatchVariable SublimeAqua " C hi! link cAnsiFunction SublimeFunctionCall hi! link cDefine SublimeGreen hi! link cFormat Special hi! link cInclude SublimePink hi! link cLabel SublimePink hi! link cSpecial Special hi! link cSpecialCharacter Special hi! link cStatement Keyword hi! link cStorageClass SublimePink hi! link cStructure SublimeType hi! link cType SublimeType " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * There's no way to distinguish between function calls and " definitions/declarations. :( If you prefer both to be colored, then you " can use `hi! link cCustom `. " CMake hi! link cmakeCommand SublimeAqua hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam " XXX: Variation: I actually really like making this aqua. hi! link cmakeVariableValue SublimeWhite " pboettch/vim-cmake-syntax plugin hi! link cmakeBracketArgument SublimeAqua hi! link cmakeKWExternalProject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWExternalProject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_compile_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_target SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_custom_target SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_dependencies SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_dependencies SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_executable SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_executable SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_library SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_library SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_link_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_link_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_subdirectory SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_subdirectory SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_test SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWadd_test SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWbuild_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWbuild_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_host_system_information SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_host_system_information SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_minimum_required SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_minimum_required SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_parse_arguments SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_parse_arguments SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_policy SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcmake_policy SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file_constants SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWconfigure_package_config_file_constants SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcreate_test_sourcelist SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWcreate_test_sourcelist SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_build SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_build SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_configure SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_configure SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_coverage SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_coverage SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_memcheck SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_memcheck SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_run_script SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_run_script SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_start SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_start SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_submit SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_submit SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_test SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_test SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_update SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_update SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_upload SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWctest_upload SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWdefine_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWdefine_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWenable_language SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWenable_language SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWenable_testing SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWenable_testing SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexec_program SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexec_program SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexecute_process SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexecute_process SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexport SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexport SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexport_library_dependencies SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWexport_library_dependencies SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfile SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfile SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_library SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_library SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_package SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_path SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_path SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_program SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfind_program SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfltk_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfltk_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWforeach SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWforeach SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfunction SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWfunction SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_cmake_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_cmake_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_directory_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_directory_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_filename_component SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_filename_component SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_source_file_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_source_file_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_target_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_target_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_test_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWget_test_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWif SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWif SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_external_msproject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_external_msproject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_guard SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinclude_guard SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_files SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_files SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_programs SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_programs SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_targets SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWinstall_targets SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWlink_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWlink_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWlist SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWlist SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWload_cache SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWload_cache SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWload_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWload_command SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmacro SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmacro SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmark_as_advanced SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmark_as_advanced SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmath SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmath SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmessage SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWmessage SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWoption SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWoption SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWproject SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_cpp SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_cpp SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWqt_wrap_ui SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWremove SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWremove SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWseparate_arguments SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWseparate_arguments SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_directory_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_directory_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_property SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_source_files_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_source_files_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_target_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_tests_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWset_tests_properties SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWsource_group SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWsource_group SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWstring SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWstring SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWsubdirs SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWsubdirs SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_definitions SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_features SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_features SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_compile_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_include_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_include_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_directories SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_libraries SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_libraries SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_link_options SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_sources SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtarget_sources SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtry_compile SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtry_compile SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtry_run SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWtry_run SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWunset SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWunset SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWuse_mangled_mesa SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWuse_mangled_mesa SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWvariable_requires SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWvariable_requires SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWvariable_watch SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWvariable_watch SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWwrite_basic_package_version_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWwrite_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeKWwrite_file SublimeContextParam hi! link cmakeProperty SublimeContextParam " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " * Some special args like `IMPORTED_TARGET` aren't recognized in Vim, but " Sublime's `CMake` package recognizes them. " CSS hi! link cssAttr SublimeAqua hi! link cssAttributeSelector Tag " XXX: Not sure about this one; it has issues with the following: " - calc " - colors hi! link cssAttrRegion SublimeWhite hi! link cssBraces SublimeWhite hi! link cssClassName Tag hi! link cssColor Constant hi! link cssFunctionName SublimeFunctionCall hi! link cssIdentifier Tag hi! link cssPositioningAttr SublimeAqua hi! link cssProp SublimeAqua " XXX: Variation: might be better as pink, actually hi! link cssPseudoClassId SublimeWhite hi! link cssSelectorOp SublimeWhite hi! link cssStyle cssAttr hi! link cssTagName Keyword " TODO: Find a way to distinguish unit decorators from color hash hi! link cssUnitDecorators SpecialChar hi! link cssURL String hi! link cssValueLength Constant " C++ " XXX: This is imperfect, as this highlights the expression for the `#if`s " too. hi! link cCppOutWrapper Keyword hi! link cppStatement Keyword " XXX: This is too inclusive of the `namespace` keyword hi! link cppStructure SublimeType hi! link cppSTLException SublimeType hi! link cppSTLfunction SublimeFunctionCall " XXX: There may be no special highlighting here in Sublime itself hi! link cppSTLios SublimeAqua " XXX: There may be no special highlighting here in Sublime itself hi! link cppSTLnamespace SublimePurple hi! link cppType SublimeType " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * There's no way to distinguish between function calls and " definitions/declarations. :( If you prefer both to be colored, then you " can use `hi! link cCustom `. " C# hi! link csClass SublimeType hi! link csContextualStatement Keyword hi! link csIface SublimeType hi! link csMethodTag SublimeType hi! link csPreCondit Keyword hi! link csTypeDecleration SublimeType hi! link csType SublimeType hi! link csUnspecifiedStatement Keyword hi! link csXmlTag xmlTagName hi! link csXmlComment SublimeDocumentation " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * Need some local links for XML getting set to the right color " * Operators aren't red in Vim, but are in Sublime. " * Function arguments aren't distinguished with their own highlight group " * `namespace` is a type in Sublime's highlighting, but is a `csStorage` in " Vim " * No function call groups exist in Vim. " * Region highlighting has no way to distinguish between region " preprocess keyword and region name. " D hi! link dExternal Keyword " `diff` patch files hi! link diffAdded SublimeGreen hi! link diffFile SublimeWarmGrey hi! link diffIndexLine SublimeWarmGrey hi! link diffLine SublimeWarmGrey hi! link diffNewFile SublimeWarmGrey hi! link diffRemoved SublimePink hi! link diffSubname SublimeWarmGrey " eRuby " call s:h('erubyDelimiter', {}) hi! link erubyRailsMethod SublimeAqua " Git hi! link gitrebaseCommit Comment hi! link gitrebaseDrop Error hi! link gitrebaseEdit Keyword hi! link gitrebaseExec Keyword hi! link gitrebaseFixup Keyword " FIXME: Make this cooler in extensions! hi! link gitrebaseHash Comment hi! link gitrebasePick Keyword hi! link gitrebaseReword Keyword hi! link gitrebaseSquash Keyword hi! link gitrebaseSummary String " XXX: Note that highlighting inside the always-present help from Git in " comments is not available in vim's current highlighting version. " Variation: it's actually kinda nice to give each of these different colors " like vanilla Vim does. " vim-gitgutter hi! link GitGutterAdd SublimeGreen hi! link GitGutterChange SublimeYellow hi! link GitGutterDelete SublimePink hi! link GitGutterChangeDelete SublimeOrange " GraphViz " Variation: I actually like to keep these as Keyword, but Sublime does this " differently. hi! link dotBraceEncl SublimeWhite hi! link dotBrackEncl SublimeWhite " XXX: This colors way more stuff than Sublime does, but otherwise we'd miss " out on operator highlights like with equals signs in attribute value " definitions. hi! link dotKeyChar Keyword hi! link dotKeyword SublimeType " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * `graph` keyword isn't correctly classified into a keyword, Sublime does. " This can be fixed with `syn keyword dotKeyword graph`. " * Neither Sublime nor Vim highlight `--` in undirected graphs. " * Sublime doesn't treat semicolons as a keyword here, Vim does. " * Vim doesn't distinctly identify declarations like `digraph *blah* { ... }`. " * Vim doesn't have a group for escape chars (i.e., for `label` values). " Go hi! link goArgumentName SublimeContextParam hi! link goDeclType SublimeType hi! link goDeclaration SublimeType hi! link goField Identifier hi! link goFunction Tag hi! link goFunctionCall SublimeFunctionCall " Variation: It's not a bad idea to highlight these separately. Maybe using " `PreProc` and `Special` like in vanilla `vim-go` upstream isn't a bad idea. hi! link goGenerate Comment hi! link goGenerateVariables Comment " Variation: It's nice to have builtins highlighted specially, though Sublime " doesn't do this. I would use `Special` here. hi! link goExtraType Identifier hi! link goImport Keyword hi! link goPackage Keyword hi! link goReceiverVar SublimeContextParam hi! link goStatement Keyword hi! link goType SublimeType " Variation: I like this better as `SublimeType`, since it has symmetry with " `goType`. hi! link goTypeConstructor Identifier hi! link goTypeDecl SublimeType hi! link goTypeName Tag hi! link goVarAssign SublimeWhite hi! link goVarDefs SublimeWhite " HTML " This partially depends on XML -- make sure that groups in XML don't " adversely affect this! " XXX: This doesn't exclude things like colons like Sublime does " FIXME: For some reason this is excluding a "key" attribute hi! link htmlArg Tag " Variation: This is an interesting idea for hi! link htmlLink SublimeWhite hi! link htmlSpecialTagName htmlTagName hi! link htmlSpecialChar Special hi! link htmlTagName Keyword " Java " Common groups hi! link javaAnnotation SublimeAqua hi! link javaAssert SublimeFunctionCall hi! link javaClassDecl SublimeType hi! link javaConditional Keyword hi! link javaExceptions Keyword hi! link javaExternal Keyword hi! link javaRepeat Keyword hi! link javaSpecialChar Special hi! link javaStatement Keyword hi! link javaType SublimeType hi! link javaTypedef SublimeContextParam hi! link javaUserLabel SublimeWhite hi! link javaUserLabelRef SublimeWhite " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * There's currently no highlight group for user-defined type names. Weird. " * `javaClassDecl`, which is the stuff that can go around a class name in a " class declaration, doesn't distinguish like Sublime does between the `class` " keyword and the `extends`/`implements` keywords. " * There's a LOT of operators that don't have a good group. :( " * No nice highlight groups exist for lambdas yet. Mainline `vim` has one, " but it highlights the entire span of the lambda. " Mainline vim distro " Variation: I actually like keeping this a separate color -- it's kind of " nice. " XXX: Sublime distinguishes between @param names and other tags, but this " doesn't. hi! link javaCommentTitle SublimeDocumentation hi! link javaDocParam SublimeAqua hi! link javaDocTags Keyword hi! link javaFuncDef Tag hi! link javaC_JavaLang SublimeType hi! link javaE_JavaLang SublimeType hi! link javaR_JavaLang SublimeType hi! link javaX_JavaLang SublimeType hi! link javaVarArg Keyword " XXX: Other known deficiencies (mainline vim): " " * javaFuncDef is way too inclusive -- even the args and its parens are " highlighted! " * java*_JavaLang isn't really up-to-date. " vim-java hi! link javaDeclType SublimeType " XXX: Currently unable to distinguish function calls from function definitions. hi! link javaFunction SublimeAqua hi! link javaMapType SublimeType " XXX: This isn't a builtin...don't other languages use italics for types? hi! link javaNonPrimitiveType SublimeType call s:h('jpropertiesIdentifier', { 'fg': s:pink }) " JavaScript hi! link jsArgsObj SublimeAqua hi! link jsArrowFunction SublimePink hi! link jsBuiltins SublimeFunctionCall hi! link jsCatch Keyword hi! link jsConditional Keyword call s:h('jsDocTags', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link jsException Keyword " Variation: It's actually nice to get this italicized, to me hi! link jsExceptions Type hi! link jsExport Keyword hi! link jsFinally Keyword hi! link jsFrom Keyword call s:h('jsFuncArgRest', { 'fg': s:purple, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link jsFuncArgs SublimeContextParam hi! link jsFuncCall SublimeFunctionCall hi! link jsFuncName Tag hi! link jsFunction SublimeType hi! link jsFunctionKey Tag " FIXME: FutureKeys includes a bit too much. It had some type names, which should be aqua, but most of the keywords that might actually get used would be pink (keywords like public, abstract). hi! link jsFutureKeys Keyword call s:h('jsGlobalObjects', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link jsImport Keyword hi! link jsModuleAs Keyword hi! link jsModuleAsterisk Keyword hi! link jsNan Constant hi! link jsNull Constant hi! link jsObjectFuncName Tag hi! link jsPrototype SublimeAqua " Variation: Technically this is extra from Sublime, but it looks nice. hi! link jsRepeat Keyword hi! link jsReturn Keyword hi! link jsStatement Keyword hi! link jsStatic jsStorageClass hi! link jsStorageClass SublimeType hi! link jsSuper SublimeContextParam hi! link jsThis SublimeContextParam hi! link jsTry Keyword hi! link jsUndefined Constant " JSON hi! link jsonKeyword Identifier " LESS hi! link lessVariable Tag " Makefile hi! link makeCommands SublimeWhite hi! link makeCmdNextLine SublimeWhite " NERDTree hi! link NERDTreeBookmarkName SublimeYellow hi! link NERDTreeBookmarksHeader SublimePink hi! link NERDTreeBookmarksLeader SublimeBlack hi! link NERDTreeCWD SublimePink hi! link NERDTreeClosable SublimeYellow hi! link NERDTreeDir SublimeYellow hi! link NERDTreeDirSlash SublimeGrey hi! link NERDTreeFlags SublimeDarkGrey hi! link NERDTreeHelp SublimeYellow hi! link NERDTreeOpenable SublimeYellow hi! link NERDTreeUp SublimeWhite " NERDTree Git hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusModified SublimeOrange hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusRenamed SublimeOrange hi! link NERDTreeGitStatusUntracked SublimeGreen " Nushell hi! link nuClosure SublimeContextParam hi! link nuString SublimeYellow hi! link nuType SublimeType hi! link nuVar SublimeAqua " PHP " Variation: It's actually a cool idea to style these to assist reading. hi! link phpClass Tag call s:h('phpClassExtends', { 'fg': s:green, 'format': 'italic' }) hi! link phpComment Comment hi! link phpCommentStar SublimeDocumentation hi! link phpCommentTitle SublimeDocumentation hi! link phpDocComment SublimeDocumentation hi! link phpDocIdentifier SublimeDocumentation hi! link phpDocParam SublimeDocumentation hi! link phpDocTags Keyword " Variation: It'd be nice to make these a different color, but there's SO MANY " THINGS that this applies to! hi! link phpKeyword Keyword " Variation: I actually like linking this against `Keyword`. hi! link phpMemberSelector Identifier hi! link phpNullValue Special hi! link phpParent SublimeWhite call s:h('phpStaticClasses', { 'fg': s:aqua, 'format': 'italic' }) " Variation: I actually like linking this against `Keyword` instead. hi! link phpVarSelector Identifier " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * Links in doc comments are highlighted aqua in Sublime, but there's no " distinguishing right now with php.vim. " * `phpKeyword` is used as a blanket group for several things that Sublime " distinguishes right now. For example: " * `echo` should be aqua " * `function` should be a `SublimeType` " * `return` should be a `Keyword` " * `class` should be aqua and italic (maybe `SublimeType`?) " " ... but these are all listed as a `Keyword` right now. " * Local args don't have their own highlighting group yet in `php.vim` " * Some doctags don't get highlight like in Sublime because Sublime is " weirdly inconsistent with them. " * The PHP delimiter uses `Delimiter`, which was set to be pink for other " reasons. Sublime shows them as white, though. " Python " This configuration assumed `python-syntax` hi! link pythonBoolean Special hi! link pythonBuiltinFunc SublimeFunctionCall hi! link pythonBuiltinType SublimeType " XXX: `__name__` (and maybe others?) get classified into this group, and aren't " highlighted in vanilla Sublime. hi! link pythonBuiltinObj Special " XXX: `mcs` isn't highlighted by Sublime ATOW, but it should be. hi! link pythonClass SublimeGreen hi! link pythonClassVar SublimeContextParam hi! link pythonCoding Comment hi! link pythonConditional Conditional hi! link pythonException Keyword hi! link pythonExClass SublimeType hi! link pythonFunction Tag hi! link pythonImport Keyword hi! link pythonInclude Keyword hi! link pythonLambdaExpr SublimeType hi! link pythonNone Special " XXX: def parens are, for some reason, included in this group. hi! link pythonParam SublimeContextParam hi! link pythonRaiseFromStatement Keyword hi! link pythonSingleton Special hi! link pythonSelf SublimeContextParam " XXX: pythonStatement covers a bit too much...unfortunately, this means that " some keywords, like `def`, can't be highlighted like in Sublime yet. hi! link pythonStatement Keyword hi! link pythonStrFormat Special hi! link pythonRun Comment " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * Python special regexp sequences aren't highlighted. :\ " * Function calls aren't highlighted like they are in Sublime. " * Non-special args aren't highlighted at all like in Sublime. " * `b` prefixes for strings aren't highlighted separately like in Sublime. " " Most of the above really are just because I haven't found a syntax that " supports these distinctions yet. " QuickScope plugin call s:h('QuickScopePrimary', { 'bg': s:lightgrey, 'fg': s:black, 'format': 'underline' }) call s:h('QuickScopeSecondary', { 'bg': s:black, 'fg': s:lightgrey, 'format': 'underline' }) " Ruby " call s:h('rubyInterpolationDelimiter', {}) " call s:h('rubyInstanceVariable', {}) " call s:h('rubyGlobalVariable', {}) " call s:h('rubyClassVariable', {}) " call s:h('rubyPseudoVariable', {}) hi! link rubyFunction SublimeGreen hi! link rubyStringDelimiter SublimeYellow hi! link rubyRegexp SublimeYellow hi! link rubyRegexpDelimiter SublimeYellow hi! link rubySymbol SublimePurple hi! link rubyEscape SublimePurple hi! link rubyInclude SublimePink hi! link rubyOperator Operator hi! link rubyControl SublimePink hi! link rubyClass SublimePink hi! link rubyDefine SublimePink hi! link rubyException SublimePink hi! link rubyRailsARAssociationMethod SublimeOrange hi! link rubyRailsARMethod SublimeOrange hi! link rubyRailsRenderMethod SublimeOrange hi! link rubyRailsMethod SublimeOrange hi! link rubyConstant SublimeAqua hi! link rubyBlockArgument SublimeContextParam hi! link rubyBlockParameter SublimeContextParam " Rust hi! link rustAttribute SublimeGrey hi! link rustCommentLineDoc SublimeDocumentation hi! link rustConditional Conditional hi! link rustDerive SublimeGrey hi! link rustDeriveTrait SublimeGrey " Variation: I like making these Special hi! link rustEnumVariant SublimeType hi! link rustFuncCall SublimeFunctionCall hi! link rustFuncName Tag hi! link rustIdentifier Tag " Variation: I actually like making these Special too hi! link rustLifetime Keyword hi! link rustMacro SublimeFunctionCall hi! link rustModPathSep SublimeWhite hi! link rustQuestionMark Keyword hi! link rustRepeat Keyword hi! link rustSelf SublimeContextParam " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * In Sublime, `fn` and `let` keywords are highlighted with italicized aqua, " but Vim lumps them with all other keywords " * Crate names after `extern crate` are included in `rustIdentifier`, which " is technically more inclusive than Sublime's definition group but not so " bad I don't think it's an okay default. " * Sublime does NOT have the `rustEnumVariant` distinction, which is actually " a really nice feature. " * No `fn`/lambda param highlighting is available in Vim like in Sublime " here. :( " * `rust.vim` doesn't highlight typical attributes like in Sublime. Sublime " makes this fairly nice, though I prefer to just make them look like doc " comments. " SASS hi! link sassAmpersand Operator hi! link sassClass Tag hi! link sassCssAttribute SublimeAqua hi! link sassInclude Keyword " FIXME: No distinction between mixin definition and call hi! link sassMixinName SublimeAqua hi! link sassMixing Keyword hi! link sassProperty SublimeAqua hi! link sassSelectorOp Operator hi! link sassVariable Identifier " Scala " XXX: This highlights the arroba (`@`) of the annotation too, but Sublime " distinguishes the arroba with pink. hi! link scalaAnnotation SublimeAqua hi! link scalaCapitalWord SublimeAqua hi! link scalaCaseFollowing SublimeContextParam hi! link scalaEscapedChar Special hi! link scalaExternal Keyword hi! link scalaInstanceDeclaration Tag " XXX: This is a bit too inclusive compared to Sublime, since it also " highlights the quotes themselves. hi! link scalaInterpolationBrackets SublimeAqua hi! link scalaKeywordModifier Keyword " Variation: I actually prefer these to be `SublimeWhite`. hi! link scalaNameDefinition Tag " TODO: Is this too inclusive? hi! link scalaSpecial Keyword hi! link scalaSquareBracketsBrackets SublimeWhite " Variation: This isn't perfect, because it encompasses brackets right now. hi! link scalaTypeDeclaration SublimeType " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * `scalaCapitalWord` is a silly notion. That is all. " * `scalaNumber` seems more inclusive (erroneously, from what I can tell) " than Sublime's number highlights. " * Function and lambda params don't have a highlight group in vanilla Vim. " :( " * Sublime distinguishes between groups of keywords, i.e., `case class`, from " things like `extends`. Vim's vanilla syntax currently doesn't. " * Sublime highlights some operators pink and others it doesn't, i.e., it " DOES do `=` but not parents, brackets " * Interestingly, arrow notation is highlighted differently for between case " matches (pink) and lambdas (blue). " SQL hi! link Quote String hi! link sqlFunction SublimeFunctionCall hi! link sqlKeyword Keyword hi! link sqlStatement Keyword " Syntastic hi! link SyntasticErrorSign Error call s:h('SyntasticWarningSign', { 'fg': s:lightblack, 'bg': s:orange }) " Tagbar hi! link TagbarFoldIcon SublimePurple hi! link TagbarHelp Comment hi! link TagbarKind Keyword hi! link TagbarNestedKind Keyword hi! link TagbarScope Tag hi! link TagbarSignature Comment hi! link TagbarVisibilityPrivate SublimePink hi! link TagbarVisibilityProtected SublimeYellow hi! link TagbarVisibilityPublic SublimeGreen " TypeScript " Why is this `Keyword` by default? Who knows? hi! link typescriptEndColons SublimeWhite " XXX: This is too inclusive -- I expected this to just be the types, but it " includes the `throw` keyword too. hi! link typescriptExceptions SublimeType hi! link typescriptFuncKeyword SublimeType hi! link typescriptIdentifier SublimeContextParam " Variation: I far prefer to let this be `SublimeWhite`... hi! link typescriptInterpolation String " ...and have this be `Special`. hi! link typescriptInterpolationDelimiter String hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols Keyword " Why is this `Keyword` by default? Who knows? hi! link typescriptParens SublimeWhite " Variation: I prefer to make this `Special.`, since I use the value way more " than `null` as a type. Sublime distinguishes, it'd be nice if we could too. hi! link typescriptNull Special hi! link typescriptStatement Keyword hi! link typescriptType SublimeType " XXX: Other deficiencies: " * `typescriptReserved` doesn't allow some distinctions Sublime does: " * globs in imports " * `Tag` for things that are definitely declarations/definitions " * Browser context params like `console` " * Common functions like `console.debug`; I actually don't care about " these, but Sublime does. " * `is` keyword " VimL hi! link vimCommand Keyword " Variation: Interesting how this could vary... hi! link vimCommentTitle Comment hi! link vimEnvvar SublimeAqua hi! link vimFBVar SublimeWhite hi! link vimFuncName SublimeAqua hi! link vimFuncNameTag SublimeAqua hi! link vimFunction SublimeGreen hi! link vimFuncVar SublimeContextParam hi! link vimHiGroup Identifier hi! link vimIsCommand SublimeAqua hi! link vimMapModKey SublimeAqua hi! link vimMapRhs SublimeYellow hi! link vimNotation SublimeAqua hi! link vimOption SublimeAqua hi! link vimParenSep SublimeWhite hi! link vimScriptFuncTag SublimePink hi! link vimSet Keyword hi! link vimSetEqual Operator hi! link vimUserFunc SublimeAqua hi! link vimVar SublimeWhite " XML hi! link xmlArg Tag hi! link xmlAttrib Tag " XXX: This highlight the brackets and end slash too...which we don't want. hi! link xmlEndTag Keyword " Variation: I actually liked it when this was faded. hi! link xmlProcessingDelim SublimeWhite hi! link xmlTagName Keyword " YAML hi! link yamlBlockCollectionItemStart SublimeWhite hi! link yamlBlockMappingKey Keyword hi! link yamlEscape Special " Variation: I kind of like keeping these Special hi! link yamlFlowIndicator SublimeWhite hi! link yamlFlowMappingKey Keyword hi! link yamlKeyValueDelimiter SublimeWhite hi! link yamlPlainScalar String " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " A good place to see these in action is: http://www.yaml.org/start.html " * "yes"/"no" values are actually not recognized as yamlBool groups in Vim. " * Literal/folded block scalars don't have their own group right now in Vim. " * yamlInteger gets applied to leading numbers in literal/folded block " scalars in Vim. " * References aren't handled at all by Vim, it seems. " * Vim incorrectly highlights for comments after a scalar value has started. " " Other noted deficiencies when using YAML to manually analyze binary files: " " * Hex literals as map keys are highlighted in Sublime, not in Vim. " * Sublime is more permissive about what it highlights for keys, but Sublime " may reject them as invalid; i.e., "???" (minus quotes) " zsh " Variation: I actually like making these aqua. hi! link zshDeref SublimeWhite hi! link zshFunction Tag " XXX: This isn't awesome because it includes too much, like semicolons. :( hi! link zshOperator Operator " Variation: This actually looks nicer as a Special. hi! link zshOption SublimeWhite hi! link zshQuoted Special " Variation: I'd probably prefer this to be something else, actually. " XXX: This doesn't work particularly well here...but most of the time, we're " in quotes, so let's go with that. hi! link zshSubst String " Variation: I actually like keeping this as Type. hi! link zshTypes Keyword " XXX: Other known deficiencies: " " * Semicolons in `if` blocks are `Keyword`ed in Sublime but not distinct in " Vim " * Commands aren't distinct from builtins and keywords in Vimmoni