#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # # Copyright Eric Bishop, 2008 # This is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0 # START=50 EXTRA_COMMANDS=show EXTRA_HELP=" show Show current Qos configuration (if active)" include /lib/network include /usr/lib/gargoyle_firewall_util config_file_name="qos_gargoyle" upload_mask="0x007F" download_mask="0x7F00" qos_mark_file="/etc/qos_class_marks" #created while qos is being initialized so hotplug and init script don't #both try to initialize qos at the same time lock_file="/var/run/qos_updating" load_all_config_options() { local config_name="$1" local section_id="$2" ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES="" # this callback loads all the variables # in the section_id section when we do # config_load. We need to redefine # the option_cb for different sections # so that the active one isn't still active # after we're done with it. For reference # the $1 variable is the name of the option # and $2 is the name of the section config_cb() { if [ ."$2" = ."$section_id" ]; then option_cb() { ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES="$ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES $1" } else option_cb() { return 0; } fi } config_load "$config_name" for var in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES do config_get "$var" "$section_id" "$var" done } load_all_config_sections() { local config_name="$1" local section_type="$2" all_config_sections="" section_order="" config_cb() { if [ -n "$2" ] || [ -n "$1" ] ; then if [ -n "$section_type" ] ; then if [ "$1" = "$section_type" ] ; then all_config_sections="$all_config_sections $2" fi else all_config_sections="$all_config_sections $2" fi fi } config_load "$config_name" echo "$all_config_sections" } load_and_sort_all_config_sections() { local config_name="$1" local section_type="$2" local sort_variable="$3" all_config_sections="" defined_option_cb() { if [ "$1" = "$sort_variable" ]; then all_config_sections=" $2:$all_config_sections" fi } config_cb() { if [ -n "$2" ] || [ -n "$1" ] ; then if [ -n "$section_type" ] ; then if [ "$1" = "$section_type" ] ; then all_config_sections="$2 $all_config_sections" option_cb() { defined_option_cb $1 $2 ; } else option_cb() { return 0; } fi else all_config_sections="$2 $all_config_sections" option_cb(){ defined_option_cb $1 $2 ; } fi fi } config_load "$config_name" echo "$all_config_sections" | awk ' {for(i=1; i <= NF; i++){ print $i }}' | sort -n -t ":" | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}; {print $2}' } get_classname_mark() { local class="$1" local class_mark_list="$2" echo "$class_mark_list" | awk -v class="$class" '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++){ if($i~class":"){ gsub(class":",""); print $i } }}' } apply_all_rules() { local rule_type="$1" local class_mark_list="$2" local chain="$3" local table="$4" local need_proto local tmp_proto local fam # add filter rules rule_list=$(load_and_sort_all_config_sections "$config_file_name" "$rule_type" "test_order") for rule in $rule_list ; do class="" proto="" min_pkt_size="" max_pkt_size="" match_str="" need_proto="" load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "$rule" for option in $ALL_OPTION_VARIABLES ; do option_value=$(eval echo \$$option) case "$option" in source) if [ "$3" = "qos_egress" ] ; then if [ "$option_value" = "$local_ip" ] || [ "$option_value" = "$wan_ip" ]; then option_value="$wan_ip" fi fi match_str="$match_str -s $option_value" ;; destination) if [ "$3" = "qos_ingress" ] ; then if [ "$option_value" = "$local_ip" ] || [ "$option_value" = "$wan_ip" ]; then option_value="$wan_ip" fi fi match_str="$match_str -d $option_value" ;; srcport) if [ -n $(echo $option_value | grep "-") ] ; then option_value="$(echo "$option_value" | sed -e 's,-,:,g')" ; fi match_str="$match_str --sport $option_value" need_proto="1" ;; dstport) if [ -n $(echo $option_value | grep "-") ] ; then option_value="$(echo "$option_value" | sed -e 's,-,:,g')" ; fi match_str="$match_str --dport $option_value" need_proto="1" ;; layer7) layer7_connmark=$(cat /etc/l7marker.marks 2>/dev/null | grep "$option_value" | awk '{ print $2 }') layer7_mask=$(cat /etc/l7marker.marks 2>/dev/null | grep "$option_value" | awk '{ print $3 }') if [ -n "$layer7_connmark" ] ; then match_str="$match_str -m connmark --mark $layer7_connmark/$layer7_mask " else match_str="$match_str -m layer7 --l7proto $option_value" fi ;; connbytes_kb) match_str="$match_str -m connbytes --connbytes $(($option_value*1024)): --connbytes-dir both --connbytes-mode bytes" ;; family) fam=$option_value ;; esac done if [ -n "$min_pkt_size" ] || [ -n "$max_pkt_size" ] ; then if [ -z "$min_pkt_size" ] ; then min_pkt_size=0 ; fi if [ -z "$max_pkt_size" ] ; then max_pkt_size=1500 ; fi match_str="$match_str -m length --length $min_pkt_size:$max_pkt_size" fi [ -z "$fam" ] && fam="ipv4" if [ -n "$class" ] ; then if [ -n "$proto" ] || [ -n "$match_str" ] ; then next_mark=$(get_classname_mark "$class" "$class_mark_list" ) #We need to specify both udp and tcp if the user indicated a port #and he did not indicate a protocol. if [ -z "$proto" ] && [ -n "$need_proto" ] ; then $echo_on apply_xtables_rule "-t $table -I $chain -p tcp $match_str -j MARK --set-mark $next_mark" "$fam" apply_xtables_rule "-t $table -I $chain -p udp $match_str -j MARK --set-mark $next_mark" "$fam" $echo_off else #Otherwise just specify what the user requested (or nothing) if [ -n "$proto" ] ; then tmp_proto="-p $proto" else tmp_proto="" fi $echo_on apply_xtables_rule "-t $table -I $chain $tmp_proto $match_str -j MARK --set-mark $next_mark" "$fam" $echo_off fi fi fi done } update_markfile() { #initialize mark file in /tmp first, and test md5sum #this should speed things up and prevent writing to flash unnecessarily (since /tmp is ramdisk) tmp_qos_mark_file="/tmp/qos_marks.tmp.tmp" rm -rf "$tmp_qos_mark_file" #re-populate per the QoS setup. if [ $total_upload_bandwidth -ge 0 ] ; then upload_class_list=$(load_all_config_sections "$config_file_name" "upload_class") next_class_index=2 for uclass_name in $upload_class_list ; do printf "upload $uclass_name %d $upload_mask\n" $next_class_index >> "$tmp_qos_mark_file" next_class_index=$(($next_class_index+1)) done fi if [ $total_download_bandwidth -ge 0 ] ; then download_class_list=$(load_all_config_sections "$config_file_name" "download_class") next_class_index=2 for dclass_name in $download_class_list ; do printf "download $dclass_name %d $download_mask\n" $(($next_class_index << 8)) >> "$tmp_qos_mark_file" next_class_index=$(($next_class_index+1)) done fi mark_files_match="0" if [ -e "$qos_mark_file" ] ; then new_md5=$(md5sum "$tmp_qos_mark_file" | awk '{ print $1 ; } ') old_md5=$(md5sum "$qos_mark_file" | awk '{ print $1 ; } ') if [ "$new_md5" = "$old_md5" ] ; then mark_files_match="1" fi fi if [ "$mark_files_match" = "0" ] ; then mv "$tmp_qos_mark_file" "$qos_mark_file" else rm -rf "$tmp_qos_mark_file" fi } initialize_qos() { #initialize layer7_marker if necessary create_l7marker_chain # Now, load/insert necessary kernel modules # The following packages are required for the modules: rmmod ifb >&- 2>&- # Allow IFB to fail to load 3 times (15 seconds) before we bail out gracefully insmod ifb >&- 2>&- ip link add $qos_ifb type ifb 2>/dev/null cnt=0 while [ "$(ls -d /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ifb* 2>&- | wc -l)" -eq "0" ] do logger -t "qos_gargoyle" "insmod ifb failed. Waiting and trying again..." cnt=`expr $cnt + 1` if [ $cnt -ge 3 ] ; then logger -t "qos_gargoyle" "Could not insmod ifb, too many retries. Stopping." rm -rf "$lock_file" stop exit fi sleep 5 insmod ifb >&- 2>&- ip link add $qos_ifb type ifb 2>/dev/null done ip link set dev $qos_ifb mtu 1500 # Make sure the other kernel modules we need are loaded insmod cls_fw >&- 2>&- insmod cls_flow >&- 2>&- insmod sch_hfsc >&- 2>&- insmod sch_sfq >&- 2>&- insmod act_connmark >&- 2>&- #Deciding how to set sfq_depth is not straight forward. Too high and we burn up RAM #needlessly on low memory routers. Too low and our maximum bandwidth gets limited. # #On low memory routers we need to take it easy on how big the queues can get. #When depth is limited to 32 maximum bandwidth through any class will be around 11Mbps. #Otherwise it will be around 350Mbps. total_mem="$(sed -e '/^MemTotal: /!d; s#MemTotal: *##; s# kB##g' /proc/meminfo)" if [ "$total_mem" -lt 16000 ] ; then sfq_depth="depth 32"; else sfq_depth=""; fi $echo_off #load upload variables load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "upload" $echo_on if [ -n "$total_bandwidth" ] ; then total_upload_bandwidth="$total_bandwidth" else total_upload_bandwidth=-1 fi upload_default_class="$default_class" #load download variables total_bandwidth="" default_class="" $echo_off load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "download" $echo_on if [ -n "$total_bandwidth" ] ; then total_download_bandwidth="$total_bandwidth" else total_download_bandwidth=-1 fi download_default_class="$default_class" #Since the introduction of ADSL IP Extensions its not so easy to tell if we have a DSL connection #or not making it hard to set the stab parameters correctly. #Stab parameters here are derived from tc-stab(8).html overhead="stab linklayer atm overhead 32 mtu 2048 " #It is now often difficult to tell if the overhead should be used or not because even DSL modems use DHCP or may #not be in bridge mode. So I make the assumption that all connections with less than 3Mbps down or 1Mbps up #are DSL regardless of the protocol selection type. wan_proto=$(uci get network.wan.proto 2>/dev/null) if [ "$wan_proto" != "pppoe" ] && [ "$total_upload_bandwidth" -ge 1100 ] && [ "$total_download_bandwidth" -ge 3100 ] ; then overhead="" fi $echo_off if [ $total_upload_bandwidth -ge 0 ] ; then #load upload classes upload_class_list=$(load_all_config_sections "$config_file_name" "upload_class") for uclass_name in $upload_class_list ; do percent_bandwidth="" min_bandwidth="" max_bandwidth="" load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "$uclass_name" if [ -z "$percent_bandwidth" ] ; then percent_bandwidth="0" fi if [ -z "$min_bandwidth" ] ; then min_bandwidth="-1" fi if [ -z "$max_bandwidth" ] ; then max_bandwidth="-1" fi classdef="$percent_bandwidth $max_bandwidth $min_bandwidth" eval $uclass_name=\"\$classdef\" #"#comment quote here so formatting in editor isn't FUBAR done # Attach egress queuing discipline to QoS interface, now with temperary default $echo_on tc qdisc add dev $qos_interface root handle 1:0 hfsc default 1 # For the root qdisc, only ul and ls are relevant since rt only applies to leaf qdiscs # # A detailed explanation of how/why/what is being set is warranted here... # Link Share bandwidths of the leaf nodes are all relative to their parents link share parameter and those of their # fellow leaf nodes competing for shares. We set the root class link share to 1000Mbit as per unit bandwidth. # Leaf nodes are then set with the respective percent of this per unit number. # # The actual maximum link speed is the lower of the ul and the ls and this is going to always be the ul parameter in our # design. # # Again, for ls only the ratios matter, the absolute values do not. tc class add dev $qos_interface parent 1:0 classid 1:1 hfsc ls rate 1000Mbit ul rate ${total_upload_bandwidth}kbit $echo_off class_mark_list="" upload_shift=0 next_class_index=2 next_classid=$(printf "0x%X" $(($next_class_index << $upload_shift)) ) def_upload_idx=$next_class_index def_upload_class=$next_classid for uclass_name in $upload_class_list ; do class_mark_list="$class_mark_list$uclass_name:$next_classid " $echo_on uclass_def=$(eval echo "\$$uclass_name") #Bandwidth at capacity for this class m2=$(( 10 * $(echo $uclass_def | awk ' {print $1}' ) )) #is there a minimum bandwidth specified in kbps? min_bandwidth=$( echo $uclass_def | awk ' {print $3}' ) if [ "$min_bandwidth" -gt 0 ] ; then ll_str=" rt m1 $((2*$min_bandwidth))kbit d 2ms m2 ${min_bandwidth}kbit" else ll_str="" fi #is there an upper limit specified in kbps? max_bandwidth=$( echo $uclass_def | awk ' {print $2}' ) if [ "$max_bandwidth" -ge 0 ] ; then ul_str=" ul m2 ${max_bandwidth}kbit" else #Calculate from the class link share. max_bandwidth=$(($m2*$total_upload_bandwidth/1000000)) ul_str="" fi # For leaf nodes in HFSC we calculate the latency as the time spent waiting to earn enough credit (credit_t) to #get selected to send plus the time to transmit (tts). The maximum latency can be calculated as shown #below assuming an MTU of 1500bytes and 8.2bits/byte including overhead. #credit_t = $((1500*82/$max_bandwidth/10)); #tts = $((1500*82/$total_upload_bandwidth/10)); #tbw is the Delay x Bandwidth product in bytes. We do not actually know the packet #delay so we make an estimate of 150ms here and hope for the best. max_bandwidth is in kbps #we multiply 100ms by 1000 below so the units work out. tbw=$(($max_bandwidth*100/8)); if [ "$tbw" -lt 6000 ] ; then tbw=6000 fi #We will use the SFQ qdisc with flow classifier. The limit on the depth of our qdisc depends on the upper limit #of the bandwidth allocated to this class. To impliment per IP sharing of the class we use the flow classifier #and the 'nfct-src' on the upload side and 'dst' on the download side. I found a nice man page here #https://arndtroide.homelinux.org/cgi-bin/man/man2html?tc-sfq+8 #Add the leaf class tc class add dev $qos_interface parent 1:1 classid 1:$next_class_index hfsc ls m2 ${m2}Mbit $ll_str $ul_str #Add the qdisc to the leaf class, assuming average packet at 250 bytes. tc qdisc add dev $qos_interface parent 1:$next_class_index handle $next_class_index:1 sfq headdrop limit $(($tbw/250)) $sfq_depth divisor 256 # #Folks interested in experimenting with CoDEL can comment out the preceeding line and uncomment hte next line. #This will work for the upload direction. Left to the student how to mod the download. #As of Chaos Calmer there does not seem to be any benefit in changing SFQ to FQ_CODEL and some stability #issues as well. Will re-evaluate once Openwrt 18.06 based Gargoyle is released. #fq_codel parameters # limit - SFQ used 127 so i suggest the same here. # target - At and above 6Mbps = 5ms (min). At 100kbps = 100ms (max). Select accordingly # interval - 100ms, This is the default # flows - 255 (One for each IP) # #tc qdisc add dev $qos_interface parent 1:$next_class_index handle $next_class_index:1 fq_codel limit 127 target 5ms interval 100ms flows 255 quantum 1514 #Add a filter to the root class to direct packets to this leaf class according to the conntrack mark tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent 1:0 protocol ip handle $next_classid/$upload_mask fw flowid 1:$next_class_index tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent 1:0 protocol ipv6 handle $next_classid/$upload_mask fw flowid 1:$next_class_index #Add a filter to the leaf class to define flows as being the source IP address. tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent $next_class_index: handle 1 flow divisor 256 map key nfct-src and 0xff $echo_off if [ "$upload_default_class" = "$uclass_name" ] ; then def_upload_idx=$next_class_index def_upload_class=$next_classid fi next_class_index=$(($next_class_index+1)) next_classid=$(printf "0x%X" $(($next_class_index << $upload_shift)) ) done $echo_on #Go back and touch up the root qdisc to have the proper default class tc qdisc change dev $qos_interface $overhead root handle 1:0 hfsc default $def_upload_idx # Set up egress chain apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -N qos_egress" "any" apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o $qos_interface -j qos_egress" "any" #Next the user entered rules. $echo_off apply_all_rules "upload_rule" "$class_mark_list" "qos_egress" "mangle" $echo_on #set default class mark first in case we don't match anything apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_egress -j MARK --set-mark $def_upload_class" "any" #if we already set a mark in quota chain, we need to save that mark to the connmark, then return so it doesn't get over-written apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_egress -m mark ! --mark 0x0/$upload_mask -j RETURN" "any" apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_egress -m mark ! --mark 0x0/$upload_mask -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $upload_mask" "any" # save current mark to connmark at end of chain apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -A qos_egress -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $upload_mask" "any" fi #Only if both upload and download QoS are enabled can we enable Gargoyle active QoS monitor if [ $total_download_bandwidth -eq 0 ] || [ $total_upload_bandwidth -eq 0 ] ; then qos_monenabled = "false" ; fi if [ $total_download_bandwidth -ge 0 ] ; then # Set up the Intermediate Functional block (IFB0) for ingress ip link set $qos_ifb up # Attach ingress queuing discipline to IFB0 with temporary default tc qdisc add dev $qos_ifb root handle 1:0 hfsc default 1 # For the root qdisc, only ul is relevant, since there is no link sharing, and rt only applies to leaf qdiscs tc class add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:0 classid 1:1 hfsc ls rate 1000Mbit ul m2 ${total_download_bandwidth}kbit #load download classes $echo_off download_class_list=$(load_all_config_sections "$config_file_name" "download_class") for dclass_name in $download_class_list ; do percent_bandwidth="" min_bandwidth="" max_bandwidth="" minRTT="" load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "$dclass_name" if [ -z "$percent_bandwidth" ] ; then percent_bandwidth="0" fi if [ -z "$min_bandwidth" ] ; then min_bandwidth="-1" fi if [ -z "$max_bandwidth" ] ; then max_bandwidth="-1" fi classdef="$percent_bandwidth $max_bandwidth $min_bandwidth $minRTT" eval $dclass_name=\"\$classdef\" #"#comment quote here so formatting in editor isn't FUBAR done class_mark_list="" download_shift=8 next_class_index=2 next_classid=$(printf "0x%X" $(($next_class_index << $download_shift)) ) def_download_idx=$next_class_index def_download_class=$next_classid #leave room for 2 high priority ping classes next_class_prio=3 for dclass_name in $download_class_list ; do $echo_on class_mark_list="$class_mark_list$dclass_name:$next_classid " dclass_def=$(eval echo "\$$dclass_name") #bandwidth for this class m2=$(( 10 * $(echo $dclass_def | awk ' {print $1}' ) )) #The Gargoyle ACC switches from optimum WAN utilization mode to minimum RTT mode #when it detects a class has become active that includes a two part service curve. #So to trigger this behaviour we create two parts curves when minRTT is set. #Calculations for the delay parameter. Assuming PKT is the packet size the best we #could possibly do is PKT/total_download_bandwidth. If we do nothing we get the #worst delay of PKT/$m2 (the class bandwidth). Since this class has minRTT set we #are going to select the best case and allow up to one max size packet to go at the highest #speed. #is there an upper limit specified? max_bandwidth=$( echo $dclass_def | awk ' {print $2}' ) ul_str="" if [ "$max_bandwidth" -ge 0 ] ; then ul_str=" ul m2 ${max_bandwidth}kbit" else max_bandwidth="$total_download_bandwidth" fi #How about a link share in percent? minRTT=$( echo $dclass_def | awk ' {print $4}' ) if [ "$minRTT" = "Yes" ] ; then d1=$((15000/$max_bandwidth+1)) ll_str=" ls m1 $((2*$m2))Mbit d ${d1}ms m2 ${m2}Mbit" else ll_str=" ls m2 ${m2}Mbit" fi #is there a minimum bandwidth specified? min_bandwidth=$( echo $dclass_def | awk ' {print $3}' ) rt_str="" if [ "$min_bandwidth" -gt 0 ] ; then if [ "$minRTT" = "Yes" ] ; then d2=$((15000/$max_bandwidth+1)) rt_str=" rt m1 $(($max_bandwidth))kbit d ${d2}ms m2 ${min_bandwidth}kbit" else rt_str=" rt m2 ${min_bandwidth}kbit" fi fi tbw=$(($max_bandwidth*100/8)); if [ "$tbw" -lt 10000 ] ; then tbw=10000 fi tc class add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:1 classid 1:$next_class_index hfsc $rt_str $ll_str $ul_str #Assume average download packet size is 250 bytes. tc qdisc add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:$next_class_index handle $next_class_index:1 sfq headdrop limit $(($tbw/250)) $sfq_depth divisor 256 tc filter add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:0 prio $next_class_prio protocol ip handle $next_classid/$download_mask fw flowid 1:$next_class_index tc filter add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:0 prio $(($next_class_prio+1)) protocol ipv6 handle $next_classid/$download_mask fw flowid 1:$next_class_index tc filter add dev $qos_ifb parent $next_class_index: handle 1 flow divisor 256 map key dst and 0xff $echo_off if [ "$download_default_class" = "$dclass_name" ] ; then def_download_idx=$next_class_index def_download_class=$next_classid fi next_class_index=$(($next_class_index+1)) next_classid=$(printf "0x%X" $(($next_class_index << $download_shift)) ) next_class_prio=$(($next_class_prio+2)) done $echo_on #Go back and touch up the root qdisc to have the proper default class tc qdisc change dev $qos_ifb $overhead root handle 1:0 hfsc default $def_download_idx # Create ingress chain apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -N qos_ingress" "any" # Mark ingress in FORWARD and INPUT chains to make sure any DNAT (virt. server) is taken into account apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -A FORWARD -i $qos_interface -j qos_ingress" "any" apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -A INPUT -i $qos_interface -j qos_ingress" "any" # Clear MARKs before we get to Quotas/QoS. They have been restored by act_connmark apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I PREROUTING -i $qos_interface -j MARK --set-mark 0" "any" #Now the rest of the user entered rules. $echo_off apply_all_rules "download_rule" "$class_mark_list" "qos_ingress" "mangle" "$download_mask" $echo_on #set default class mark first in case we don't match anything apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_ingress -j MARK --set-mark $def_download_class" "any" #If we already set a mark in quota chain, we need to save that mark to the connmark, then return so it doesn't get over-written apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_ingress -m mark ! --mark 0x0/$download_mask -j RETURN" "any" apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_ingress -m mark ! --mark 0x0/$download_mask -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $download_mask" "any" # Make sure all packets get sent through IFB tc qdisc add dev $qos_interface handle ffff: ingress tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u8 0 0 action connmark action mirred egress redirect dev $qos_ifb flowid ffff:1 tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent ffff: protocol ipv6 u32 match u8 0 0 action connmark action mirred egress redirect dev $qos_ifb flowid ffff:1 #save current mark to connmark at end of chain apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -A qos_ingress -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $download_mask" "any" $echo_off fi #Enable Gargoyle active QoS monitor if [ $total_upload_bandwidth -ge 0 ] && [ $total_download_bandwidth -ge 0 ] && [ "$qos_monenabled" = "true" ] ; then $echo_on #if the user specified a ping target then use that otherwise use the gateway. if [ -z "$ptarget_ip" ] ; then old_ifs="$IFS" IFS=$(printf "\n\r") targets=$(traceroute -n -I -w 1 -q 2 -m6 | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}.*ms' | grep -v '' | sed 's/ms//g') ptarget_ip="" for t in $targets ; do if [ -z "$ptarget_ip" ] ; then #ip of potential gateway target=$(echo "$t" | awk '{ print $1 ; }') target_is_local=$(echo "$target" | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.|0\.0\.0\.0|127\.|255\.)') # round or rather ceil() time up to nearest millisecond since bash doesn't like working with decimals time=$(echo "$t" | awk ' { print $3 ; }' | sed 's/\..*$//g') time=$(( $time + 1 )) if [ -z "$target_is_local" ] || [ "$time" -gt 5 ] ; then ptarget_ip="$target" fi fi done IFS="$old_ifs" #in case ping target is still not defined use default gateway if [ -z "$ptarget_ip" ] ; then ptarget_ip=$(gargoyle_header_footer -i gargoyle | sed -n 's/.*currentWanGateway.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p') fi fi #Ping responses from the ping target never go to ingress QoS (so their MARK isn't overwritten). if [ "$(ip_family $ptarget_ip)" == "ipv4" ] ; then apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_ingress -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -s $ptarget_ip -j RETURN" "ipv4" fi if [ "$(ip_family $ptarget_ip)" == "ipv6" ] ; then apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_ingress -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type 129 -s $ptarget_ip -j RETURN" "ipv6" fi #Make a class to handle the replied ping requests from the ptarget. tc class add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:1 classid 1:127 hfsc rt umax 106 dmax 10ms rate 4kbit tc qdisc add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:127 pfifo tc filter add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:0 prio 1 protocol ip handle 127 fw flowid 1:127 tc filter add dev $qos_ifb parent 1:0 prio 2 protocol ipv6 handle 127 fw flowid 1:127 #Make a class to handle the outgoing ping requests from the router. #These pings 84 bytes each for ethernet plus 22 more for PPPoE connections, allowing a maximum rate of 200ms we get 2.6kbps tc class add dev $qos_interface parent 1:1 classid 1:127 hfsc rt umax 106 dmax 10ms rate 4kbit tc qdisc add dev $qos_interface parent 1:127 pfifo tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent 1:0 prio 1 protocol ip handle 127 fw flowid 1:127 tc filter add dev $qos_interface parent 1:0 prio 2 protocol ipv6 handle 127 fw flowid 1:127 #Mark all ping requests from the router to the ptarget to the above special class overriding any other mark. if [ "$(ip_family $wan_ip)" == "ipv4" ] && [ "$(ip_family $ptarget_ip)" == "ipv4" ] ; then apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_egress -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -s $wan_ip -d $ptarget_ip -j MARK --set-mark 127" "ipv4" fi if [ "$(ip_family $wan_ip6)" == "ipv6" ] && [ "$(ip_family $ptarget_ip)" == "ipv6" ] ; then apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -I qos_egress -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type 128 -s $wan_ip6 -d $ptarget_ip -j MARK --set-mark 127" "ipv6" fi #Start the monitor if [ -n "$pinglimit" ] ; then #In manual mode the user selects the active mode pinglimit indirectly. qosmon always measures the RTT of a ping on an unloaded link. #This is called the ping entitlement. With a manual entry the minRTT ping limit is 110% of this measured ping entitlement #and the active mode ping limit is the minRTT limit plus the user entered value. See the qosmon source code for more details. #In summary manaully entered ping times only affect the active mode, not the minRTT mode ping time limits. qosmon -a -b 800 $ptarget_ip $total_download_bandwidth $pinglimit else #In auto mode we calculate transmission delay based on our bandwidth and then ask qosmon #to add this value to its measured ping entitlement to form the final ping limit. pinglimit=$((1500*10*2/3/$total_download_bandwidth+1500*10/$total_upload_bandwidth+2)) qosmon -a -b 800 $ptarget_ip $total_download_bandwidth $pinglimit fi $echo_off fi update_markfile } define_interface() { $echo_on #Wait for up to 15 seconds for the wan interface to indicate it is up. wait_sec=15 while ! network_is_up wan && [ $wait_sec -gt 0 ] ; do sleep 1 wait_sec=$(($wait_sec - 1)) done #The wan interface name will depend on if pppoe is used or not. If pppoe is used then #the name we are looking for is in network.wan.l3_device. If there is nothing there #use the device named by network.wan.device network_get_device qos_interface wan if [ -z $qos_interface ] ; then network_get_physdev qos_interface wan fi #Determine our wan ip from the wan interface we detected. network_get_ipaddr wan_ip wan network_get_ipaddr local_ip lan #Determine wan6 ip from wan interface. Note that the pppoe case is untested and likely incorrect! Also attempt to only grab global addresses network_get_ipaddr6 wan_ip6 wan6 network_get_ipaddr6 local_ip6 lan [ -n "$local_ip6" ] && wan_ip6="$local_ip6" #Determine the VPN interface if there is one. vpn_interface=$(uci -q get firewall.vpn_zone.device) #Set up the ingress IFB name for good measure qos_ifb="ifb0" $echo_off } stop() { #if already in process of being initialized, do not continue #until that is finished, and then exit cleanly, without #doing anything further if [ -e "$lock_file" ] ; then while [ -e "$lock_file" ] ; do sleep 1 done exit fi #Kill the qos monitor in case it is running killall qosmon 2>/dev/null $echo_on #Delete the qdiscs we hung on the devices for iface in $(tc qdisc show | grep hfsc | awk '{print $5}'); do tc qdisc del dev "$iface" root 2>/dev/null tc qdisc del dev "$iface" ingress 2>/dev/null done # eliminate existing rules in mangle table delete_chain_from_table "mangle" "qos_egress" delete_chain_from_table "mangle" "qos_ingress" if [ -z "$qos_interface" ] ; then define_interface fi apply_xtables_rule "-t mangle -D PREROUTING -i $qos_interface -j MARK --set-mark 0" "any" $echo_off } start() { test_total_up=$(uci get qos_gargoyle.upload.total_bandwidth 2>/dev/null) test_total_down=$(uci get qos_gargoyle.download.total_bandwidth 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$test_total_up" ] && [ -z "$test_total_down" ] ;then disable exit 0 fi #This script is called by a hotplug event. If the WAN comes #up fast we could end up trying to run qos_gargoyle while the #boot is still in progress which causes issues in low memory #routers. To avoid this we check to see if rcS is still running #or not. If it is we wait until it completes or 60 seconds. cnt=0 while ps | grep '[//]rcS S boot' >/dev/null do sleep 4 cnt=`expr $cnt + 1` if [ $cnt -ge 15 ] ; then break; fi done stop touch "$lock_file" #load qos_interface from global variables define_interface if [ -n "$qos_interface" ] ; then load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "global" initialize_qos fi rm -rf "$lock_file" } restart() { echo_on="set -x" echo_off="set +x" start "$1" } show() { #load global variables load_all_config_options "$config_file_name" "global" #load qos_interface from global variables define_interface echo "Egress configuration on $qos_interface" iptables -t mangle -vnL qos_egress 2>/dev/null ip6tables -t mangle -vnL qos_egress 2>/dev/null tc -s qdisc show dev $qos_interface tc -s class show dev $qos_interface tc -s filter show dev $qos_interface echo "Ingress configuration in ifb0" iptables -t mangle -vnL qos_ingress 2>/dev/null ip6tables -t mangle -vnL qos_ingress 2>/dev/null tc -s qdisc show dev $qos_ifb tc -s class show dev $qos_ifb tc -s filter show dev $qos_ifb tc -s filter show dev $qos_ifb parent 2: } boot() { #Do nothing during init. Start is called by hotplug. return }