import errno import json import os import tempfile import urllib from Queue import Empty from threading import Thread import numpy as np import requests from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from memento_damage import MementoDamage from multiprocess import Queue, Process, Pool # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def column(matrix, i): return [row[i] for row in matrix] class MultiProcess(object): def __init__(self, cores=4): self.cores = cores def map(self, function, sequence, native=False): def _run(e, q): q.put(function(e)) def _worker(e): q = Queue() t = Thread(target=_run, args=(e, q,)) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join(60) ret = q.get() return ret return Pool(self.cores).map(_worker, sequence) # q_in = Queue() # for e in sequence: q_in.put(e) # q_out = Queue() # # # def _run(e): # # q_out.put(function(e)) # # # # def _process(): # # while True: # # if q_in.qsize() == 0: break # # # # try: # # t = Thread(target=_run, args=(q_in.get(timeout=5), )) # # # t.daemon = True # # t.start() # # t.join(15) # # except Empty, e: # # break # # # # processes = [] # # for _ in range(self.cores): # # p = Process(target=_process) # # # p.daemon = True # # processes.append(p) # # # # for p in processes: p.start() # # for p in processes: p.join() # # def _run(i, n, e): # q_out.put(function(e)) # # def _process(i, n, e): # q_out.put(function(e)) # # # t = Thread(target=_run, args=(i, n, e,)) # # t.daemon = True # # t.start() # # t.join(60) # # processes = [] # for i, e in enumerate(sequence): # p = Process(target=_process, args=(i, len(sequence), e, )) # p.daemon = True # processes.append(p) # # while len(processes) > 0: # ses_processes = [] # for _ in range(self.cores): # ses_processes.append(processes.pop()) # # for t in ses_processes: t.start() # for t in ses_processes: t.join(15) # # # def _run(fn, e, q): # # q.put(fn(e)) # # # # def _map(fn, list, q): # # for e in list: # # t = Thread(target=_run, args=(fn, e, q, )) # # t.daemon = True # # t.start() # # t.join(60) # # # # sl_idx = np.array_split(np.array(range(len(sequence))), self.cores) # # # # sublist = [] # # for sli in sl_idx: # # sublist.append([sequence[i] for i in sli]) # # # # arr_ps = [] # # for sl in sublist: # # p = Process(target=_map, args=(function, sl, q,)) # # p.daemon = True # # arr_ps.append(p) # # # # for p in arr_ps: p.start() # # for p in arr_ps: p.join() # # results = [] # while q_out.qsize() != 0: # results += q_out.get() # # return results class URIMCrawler(object): pool = MultiProcess(100) def get_uri_ms(self, index_uri, uri_r, idx, total, *args): print '{0}/{1} Get URI-M for {2} from {3}'.format(idx, total, uri_r, index_uri) uri_ms = [] try: resp_index = requests.get(index_uri) if resp_index.status_code == 200: resp_index_content = resp_index.content # Content is in link format, convert it so it looks like html format resp_index_content = resp_index_content.replace('<', '') \ .replace('\n', '') + ' />' bs = BeautifulSoup(resp_index_content, 'html.parser') for memento in bs.findAll('a', rel="memento"): uri_m = memento['href'].strip() uri_m_time = datetime.strptime(memento['datetime'], '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') uri_ms.append((uri_r, uri_m, str(uri_m_time.year), str(uri_m_time), )) except: pass return uri_ms def get_uri_ms_wrapper(self, args): if not (type(args) == list or type(args) == tuple): args = [args, ] return self.get_uri_ms(*args) def get_index_uris(self, uri_r, idx, total): print '{0}/{1} Get index uris for URI-R = {2}'.format(idx, total, uri_r) index_uris = [] try: resp_timemap = requests.get('{}'.format(uri_r)) if resp_timemap.status_code == 200: resp_timemap_content = resp_timemap.json() index_uris = [(index['uri'], uri_r, idx, total) for index in resp_timemap_content['timemap_index']] except: pass print '{0}/{1} Index uris = {2} for URI-R = {3}'.format(idx, total, len(index_uris), uri_r) return index_uris def get_index_uris_wrapper(self, args): if not (type(args) == list or type(args) == tuple): args = [args, ] return self.get_index_uris(*args) def process_input(self, uri_r_file, uri_r_file_output): flat_uri_ms = [] if not os.path.exists(uri_r_file_output): uri_rs = list(set([u.strip() for u in open(uri_r_file).readlines()])) uri_rs = [(u, i+1, len(uri_rs)) for i, u in enumerate(uri_rs)] index_uris =, uri_rs, native=True) # Combine into flat arrays flat_index_uris = [] for iu in index_uris: flat_index_uris += iu uri_ms =, flat_index_uris, native=True) # Combine into flat arrays for iu in uri_ms: flat_uri_ms += iu with open(uri_r_file_output, 'wb') as f: str_row = [] for r in flat_uri_ms: str_row.append(','.join(r)) f.write('\n'.join(str_row)) else: for l in open(uri_r_file_output).readlines(): flat_uri_ms.append(l.strip().split(',')) return flat_uri_ms class URIMDamage(object): pool = MultiProcess(50) def process_uri_m(self, uri_r, uri_m, year, time, outdir): quoted_url = urllib.quote(uri_m).replace('/', '_').replace('.', '-') out_json_file = os.path.join(outdir, quoted_url + '.json') try: os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise print 'Processing {0}'.format(uri_m) exists = True result = None if not os.path.exists(out_json_file): exists = False m = MementoDamage(uri_m, tempfile.mkdtemp()) m.set_show_debug_message() m.set_output_mode_json() # m.set_dont_clean_cache_on_finish() m.set_follow_redirection() result = m.get_result() with open(out_json_file, 'wb') as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=4) ''' else: result = json.load(open(out_json_file)) return uri_r, uri_m, year, time, result ''' print 'Processing {0} Done: {1}'.format(uri_m, 'Exists' if exists else None) return uri_r, uri_m, year, time def process_uri_m_wrapper(self, args): if not (type(args) == list or type(args) == tuple): args = [args, ] return self.process_uri_m(*args) def process(self, uri_ms, outdir): p_uri_ms = [list(u) + [outdir, ] for u in uri_ms] return, p_uri_ms) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 3: print 'Parameter must be three.' print ' ' exit() uri_ms = URIMCrawler().process_input(args[0], args[1]) uri_damages = URIMDamage().process(uri_ms, args[2]) ''' # Make graph damages_per_year = {} missings_per_year = {} for uri_r, uri_m, year, time, damage in uri_damages: if not damage['error']: damages_per_year.setdefault(year, []) damages_per_year[year].append(damage['total_damage']) csses = damage['csses'] jses = damage['jses'] images = damage['images'] multimedias = damage['multimedias'] resources = csses + jses + images + multimedias missings = 0 for res in resources: if 'status_code' in res and res['status_code'] > 399: missings += 1 missings_per_year[year] = float(missings) / len(resources) arr_damage_year = [] for year, damages in damages_per_year.items(): arr_damage_year.append((int(year), float(sum(damages)) / len(damages), missings_per_year[year])) arr_damage_year.sort() plt.plot(column(arr_damage_year, 0), column(arr_damage_year, 1), 'ro') plt.plot(column(arr_damage_year, 0), column(arr_damage_year, 1), '--') plt.plot(column(arr_damage_year, 0), column(arr_damage_year, 2), 'ro') plt.plot(column(arr_damage_year, 0), column(arr_damage_year, 2), '--') '''