# SmartBASIC Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text A Sublime Text syntax definition for Laird Connectivity's SmartBASIC language. ## SmartBASIC Laird Connectivity’s smartBASIC is an event-driven programming language that was designed to make BLE technology development quicker and simpler, vastly cutting down time to market. A simple smartBASIC application encapsulates the complete end-to-end process of reading, writing, and processing sensor data as well as advertising, connecting, security, power management, and wireless status. See https://www.lairdconnect.com/wireless-modules/bluetooth-modules for more information. ## Syntax Highlighting Laird provides syntax highlighting files for Notepad++ (Windows) and Textpad (Mac OSX) along with their regular module firmware version releases. This Sublime Text syntax file is based on the latest Notepad++ syntax files for BL652, BL653 and BL654 (as of today... ping me in case there is a new firmware version, I might have missed). Other than the original syntax files from Laird, which cover only the language scope of each module's SmartBASIC implementation, this Sublime Text syntax file is a superset of these scopes. The drawback of this implementation is, that when working on e.g. a BL652 module, Sublime Text would also highlight SmartBASIC functions, which are only available on the higher-end BL653 or BL654 modules. The advantage is, that you only need one syntax file and no need to switch syntax files when working with different modules in parallel. ## File Recognition SmartBASIC files are usually given names with suffix .sb or .sblib. This Sublime Text syntax definition recognizes both. ## Manual Installation Place the smartbasic.sublime-syntax file inside the Sublime Text packages User folder (Preferences | Browse Packages...) and restart Sublime Text. ## Install with Package Control Install Package Control and run “Package Control: Install Package” command, find and install SublimeSmartBASIC package, restart Sublime Text if necessary. ## License This package is licensed under the MIT License.