--- title: Getting ready for course layout: default_with_disqus output: bookdown::html_chapter --- # Getting ready for the course 2014-10-01 ## Website setup {#blog-website-setup} I spent the better part of last night wrangling with CSS/bootstrap related things. I don't really do any web-stuff or CSS-schmid, so there was a lot of learning (and a painful amount of ignorance) going on last night. I had a good time putting most of the components into little html snippets in the `_includes` directory and then using the Liquid `include` type tags. That makes things a lot cleaner. Then I totally frittered away an hour trying to figure out how to put some extra padding on top of the body to keep the fixed top navbar from covering up the page title. Turns out I had to wrap the `body { top-padding: 70px }` directive in some `