/* ==UserStyle== @name Pinafore/Semaphore customizations @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 1.2.0 @description Set custom body fonts and tweak other aspects of Pinafore's and Semaphore's UI. @author eritbh @license WTFPL @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eritbh/userstyles/main/pinafore-customization.user.css @preprocessor stylus @var text bodyFont "Body font" "system-ui" @var text codeFont "Code font" "monospace" @var text customWidth "Timeline width" "602px" @var checkbox wrapCode "Text wrapping in code blocks" 1 @var checkbox blockCodeBackground "Add background and padding to code blocks" 1 @var checkbox inlineCodeBackground "Add background and slight padding to inline code" 1 @var checkbox disableBlockquoteItalic "Prevent quotes from being italicized" 1 ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("pinafore.social"), domain("semaphore.social") { body { font-family: bodyFont; } code { font-family: codeFont; } if codeBlockBackground { pre { padding: 1em; background: var(--body-bg); } } if inlineCodeBackground { code { background: var(--body-bg); padding: 0.125em 0.25em } pre > code { background: none; padding: 0; } } if wrapCode { .status-content pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } } else { .status-content pre { overflow: auto; } } if customWidth != "" { main { width: customWidth; } } if disableBlockquoteItalic { .status-content blockquote { font-style: inherit; } } }