/* ==UserStyle== @name Un-fuck Amazon @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 1.0.0 @description Gets rid of stupid crap from Amazon @author eritbh @license WTFPL @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eritbh/userstyles/main/un-fuck-amazon.user.css @preprocessor stylus @var checkbox hidePrimeUpsellSidebar "Hide Prime ad above the buy box" 1 @var checkbox hideCartFlyout "Hide cart flyout/sidebar when there are items in the cart" 1 @var checkbox hideProtectionPlans "Hide protection plans from the buy box" 1 @var checkbox hideAccessories "Hide \"Add an Accessory\" section under buy box" 1 @var checkbox hideFrequentlyBoughtTogether "Hide \"Frequently Bought Together\" section" 1 @var checkbox hideFrequentlyBoughtTogether "Hide product videos section" 1 @var checkbox hideQnA "Hide Q&A section" 0 ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("amazon.com") { if hidePrimeUpsellSidebar { #primeDPUpsellContainer { display: none !important; } } if hideCartFlyout { #nav-flyout-ewc, #nav-flyout-iss-anchor, #nav-flyout-anchor { display: none !important; } .nav-ewc-persistent-hover body { padding-right: 0 !important; } } if hideProtectionPlans { #mbb_feature_div { display: none !important; } } if hideAccessories { #simpleBundleV2_feature_div { display: none !important; } } if hideFrequentlyBoughtTogether { #similarities_feature_div { display: none !important; } } if hideVideos { #va-related-videos-widget_feature_div { display: none !important; } } if hideQnA { #ask-btf_feature_div { display: none !important; } } }