#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2011-2022 Eric Wendelin # # This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, # available in the accompanying LICENSE.txt file. """ Converts lcov line coverage output to Cobertura-compatible XML for CI """ import re import sys import os import time import subprocess # nosec - not for untrusted input from xml.dom import minidom # nosec - not for untrusted input from optparse import OptionParser from distutils.spawn import find_executable __version__ = '2.0.2' CPPFILT = "c++filt" HAVE_CPPFILT = False if find_executable(CPPFILT) is not None: HAVE_CPPFILT = True class Demangler(): def __init__(self): self.pipe = subprocess.Popen( # nosec - not for untrusted input [CPPFILT], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def demangle(self, name): newname = name + "\n" self.pipe.stdin.write(newname.encode('utf-8')) self.pipe.stdin.flush() res = self.pipe.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8') return res.rstrip() def __del__(self): self.pipe.stdin.close() self.pipe.terminate() self.pipe.wait() class LcovCobertura(): """ Converts code coverage report files in lcov format to Cobertura's XML report format so that CI servers like Jenkins can aggregate results and determine build stability etc. >>> from lcov_cobertura import LcovCobertura >>> LCOV_INPUT = 'your lcov input' >>> converter = LcovCobertura(LCOV_INPUT) >>> cobertura_xml = converter.convert() >>> print(cobertura_xml) <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM 'http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd'> ... """ def __init__(self, lcov_data, base_dir='.', excludes=None, demangle=False): """ Create a new :class:`LcovCobertura` object using the given `lcov_data` and `options`. :param lcov_data: Path to LCOV data file :type lcov_data: string :param base_dir: Path upon which to base all sources :type base_dir: string :param excludes: list of regexes to packages as excluded :type excludes: [string] :param demangle: whether to demangle function names using c++filt :type demangle: bool """ if not excludes: excludes = [] self.lcov_data = lcov_data self.base_dir = base_dir self.excludes = excludes if demangle: demangler = Demangler() self.format = demangler.demangle else: self.format = lambda x: x def convert(self): """ Convert lcov file to cobertura XML using options from this instance. """ coverage_data = self.parse() return self.generate_cobertura_xml(coverage_data) def parse(self, **kwargs): """ Generate a data structure representing it that can be serialized in any logical format. """ coverage_data = { 'packages': {}, 'summary': {'lines-total': 0, 'lines-covered': 0, 'branches-total': 0, 'branches-covered': 0}, 'timestamp': str(kwargs["timestamp"]) if "timestamp" in kwargs else str(int(time.time())) } package = None current_file = None file_lines_total = 0 file_lines_covered = 0 file_lines = {} file_methods = {} file_branches_total = 0 file_branches_covered = 0 for line in self.lcov_data.split('\n'): if line.strip() == 'end_of_record': if current_file is not None: package_dict = coverage_data['packages'][package] package_dict['lines-total'] += file_lines_total package_dict['lines-covered'] += file_lines_covered package_dict['branches-total'] += file_branches_total package_dict['branches-covered'] += file_branches_covered file_dict = package_dict['classes'][current_file] file_dict['lines-total'] = file_lines_total file_dict['lines-covered'] = file_lines_covered file_dict['lines'] = dict(file_lines) file_dict['methods'] = dict(file_methods) file_dict['branches-total'] = file_branches_total file_dict['branches-covered'] = file_branches_covered coverage_data['summary']['lines-total'] += file_lines_total coverage_data['summary']['lines-covered'] += file_lines_covered coverage_data['summary']['branches-total'] += file_branches_total coverage_data['summary']['branches-covered'] += file_branches_covered line_parts = line.split(':', 1) input_type = line_parts[0] if input_type == 'SF': # Get file name file_name = line_parts[-1].strip() relative_file_name = os.path.relpath(file_name, self.base_dir) package = '.'.join(relative_file_name.split(os.path.sep)[0:-1]) class_name = '.'.join(relative_file_name.split(os.path.sep)) if package not in coverage_data['packages']: coverage_data['packages'][package] = { 'classes': {}, 'lines-total': 0, 'lines-covered': 0, 'branches-total': 0, 'branches-covered': 0 } coverage_data['packages'][package]['classes'][ relative_file_name] = { 'name': class_name, 'lines': {}, 'lines-total': 0, 'lines-covered': 0, 'branches-total': 0, 'branches-covered': 0 } package = package current_file = relative_file_name file_lines_total = 0 file_lines_covered = 0 file_lines.clear() file_methods.clear() file_branches_total = 0 file_branches_covered = 0 elif input_type == 'DA': # DA:2,0 (line_number, line_hits) = line_parts[-1].strip().split(',')[:2] line_number = int(line_number) if line_number not in file_lines: file_lines[line_number] = { 'branch': 'false', 'branches-total': 0, 'branches-covered': 0 } file_lines[line_number]['hits'] = line_hits # Increment lines total/covered for class and package try: if int(line_hits) > 0: file_lines_covered += 1 except ValueError: pass file_lines_total += 1 elif input_type == 'BRDA': # BRDA:1,1,2,0 (line_number, block_number, branch_number, branch_hits) = line_parts[-1].strip().split(',') line_number = int(line_number) if line_number not in file_lines: file_lines[line_number] = { 'branch': 'true', 'branches-total': 0, 'branches-covered': 0, 'hits': 0 } file_lines[line_number]['branch'] = 'true' file_lines[line_number]['branches-total'] += 1 file_branches_total += 1 if branch_hits != '-' and int(branch_hits) > 0: file_lines[line_number]['branches-covered'] += 1 file_branches_covered += 1 elif input_type == 'BRF': file_branches_total = int(line_parts[1]) elif input_type == 'BRH': file_branches_covered = int(line_parts[1]) elif input_type == 'FN': # FN:5,(anonymous_1) function_line, function_name = line_parts[-1].strip().split(',', 1) file_methods[function_name] = [function_line, '0'] elif input_type == 'FNDA': # FNDA:0,(anonymous_1) (function_hits, function_name) = line_parts[-1].strip().split(',', 1) if function_name not in file_methods: file_methods[function_name] = ['0', '0'] file_methods[function_name][-1] = function_hits # Exclude packages excluded = [x for x in coverage_data['packages'] for e in self.excludes if re.match(e, x)] for package in excluded: del coverage_data['packages'][package] # Compute line coverage rates for package_data in list(coverage_data['packages'].values()): package_data['line-rate'] = self._percent( package_data['lines-total'], package_data['lines-covered']) package_data['branch-rate'] = self._percent( package_data['branches-total'], package_data['branches-covered']) return coverage_data def generate_cobertura_xml(self, coverage_data, **kwargs): """ Given parsed coverage data, return a String cobertura XML representation. :param coverage_data: Nested dict representing coverage information. :type coverage_data: dict """ dom_impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation() doctype = dom_impl.createDocumentType("coverage", None, "http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-04.dtd") document = dom_impl.createDocument(None, "coverage", doctype) root = document.documentElement summary = coverage_data['summary'] self._attrs(root, { 'branch-rate': self._percent(summary['branches-total'], summary['branches-covered']), 'branches-covered': str(summary['branches-covered']), 'branches-valid': str(summary['branches-total']), 'complexity': '0', 'line-rate': self._percent(summary['lines-total'], summary['lines-covered']), 'lines-covered': str(summary['lines-covered']), 'lines-valid': str(summary['lines-total']), 'timestamp': coverage_data['timestamp'], 'version': '2.0.3' }) sources = self._el(document, 'sources', {}) source = self._el(document, 'source', {}) source.appendChild(document.createTextNode(self.base_dir)) sources.appendChild(source) root.appendChild(sources) packages_el = self._el(document, 'packages', {}) packages = coverage_data['packages'] for package_name, package_data in list(packages.items()): package_el = self._el(document, 'package', { 'line-rate': package_data['line-rate'], 'branch-rate': package_data['branch-rate'], 'name': package_name, 'complexity': '0', }) classes_el = self._el(document, 'classes', {}) for class_name, class_data in list(package_data['classes'].items()): class_el = self._el(document, 'class', { 'branch-rate': self._percent(class_data['branches-total'], class_data['branches-covered']), 'complexity': '0', 'filename': class_name, 'line-rate': self._percent(class_data['lines-total'], class_data['lines-covered']), 'name': class_data['name'] }) # Process methods methods_el = self._el(document, 'methods', {}) for method_name, (line, hits) in list(class_data['methods'].items()): method_el = self._el(document, 'method', { 'name': self.format(method_name), 'signature': '', 'line-rate': '1.0' if int(hits) > 0 else '0.0', 'branch-rate': '1.0' if int(hits) > 0 else '0.0', }) method_lines_el = self._el(document, 'lines', {}) method_line_el = self._el(document, 'line', { 'hits': hits, 'number': line, 'branch': 'false', }) method_lines_el.appendChild(method_line_el) method_el.appendChild(method_lines_el) methods_el.appendChild(method_el) # Process lines lines_el = self._el(document, 'lines', {}) lines = list(class_data['lines'].keys()) lines.sort() for line_number in lines: line_el = self._el(document, 'line', { 'branch': class_data['lines'][line_number]['branch'], 'hits': str(class_data['lines'][line_number]['hits']), 'number': str(line_number) }) if class_data['lines'][line_number]['branch'] == 'true': total = int(class_data['lines'][line_number]['branches-total']) covered = int(class_data['lines'][line_number]['branches-covered']) percentage = int((covered * 100.0) / total) line_el.setAttribute('condition-coverage', '{0}% ({1}/{2})'.format( percentage, covered, total)) lines_el.appendChild(line_el) class_el.appendChild(methods_el) class_el.appendChild(lines_el) classes_el.appendChild(class_el) package_el.appendChild(classes_el) packages_el.appendChild(package_el) root.appendChild(packages_el) return document.toprettyxml(**kwargs) def _el(self, document, name, attrs): """ Create an element within document with given name and attributes. :param document: Document element :type document: Document :param name: Element name :type name: string :param attrs: Attributes for element :type attrs: dict """ return self._attrs(document.createElement(name), attrs) def _attrs(self, element, attrs): """ Set attributes on given element. :param element: DOM Element :type element: Element :param attrs: Attributes for element :type attrs: dict """ for attr, val in list(attrs.items()): element.setAttribute(attr, val) return element def _percent(self, lines_total, lines_covered): """ Get the percentage of lines covered in the total, with formatting. :param lines_total: Total number of lines in given module :type lines_total: number :param lines_covered: Number of lines covered by tests in module :type lines_covered: number """ if lines_total == 0: return '0.0' return str(float(float(lines_covered) / float(lines_total))) def main(argv=None): """ Converts LCOV coverage data to Cobertura-compatible XML for reporting. Usage: lcov_cobertura.py lcov-file.dat lcov_cobertura.py lcov-file.dat -b src/dir -e test.lib -o path/out.xml By default, XML output will be written to ./coverage.xml """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv parser = OptionParser() parser.usage = ('lcov_cobertura.py lcov-file.dat [-b source/dir] ' '[-e <exclude packages regex>] [-o output.xml] [-d]') parser.description = 'Converts lcov output to cobertura-compatible XML' parser.add_option('-b', '--base-dir', action='store', help='Directory where source files are located', dest='base_dir', default='.') parser.add_option('-e', '--excludes', help='Comma-separated list of regexes of packages to exclude', action='append', dest='excludes', default=[]) parser.add_option('-o', '--output', help='Path to store cobertura xml file', action='store', dest='output', default='coverage.xml') parser.add_option('-d', '--demangle', help='Demangle C++ function names using %s' % CPPFILT, action='store_true', dest='demangle', default=False) parser.add_option('-v', '--version', help='Display version info', action='store_true') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv) if options.demangle and not HAVE_CPPFILT: raise RuntimeError("C++ filter executable (%s) not found!" % CPPFILT) if options.version: print('[lcov_cobertura {}]'.format(__version__)) sys.exit(0) if len(args) != 2: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit(1) try: with open(args[1], 'r') as lcov_file: lcov_data = lcov_file.read() lcov_cobertura = LcovCobertura(lcov_data, options.base_dir, options.excludes, options.demangle) cobertura_xml = lcov_cobertura.convert() with open(options.output, mode='wt') as output_file: output_file.write(cobertura_xml) except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Unable to convert %s to Cobertura XML" % args[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()