#! /bin/bash # This script does a rough install of VICE on the Raspberry Pi # VICE Version: 3.5 # Raspberry Pi OS: 2023-02-21-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.img.xz # You can download and execute it directly via: # wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erkrystof/vice/master/install-vice-3.5-raspi-4-buster-2023-02-21.sh | bash # or download manually and execute: # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erkrystof/vice/master/install-vice-3.5-raspi-4-buster-2023-02-21.sh # chmod +x install-vice-3.5-raspi-4-buster-2023-02-21.sh # ./install-vice-3.5-raspi-4-buster-2023-02-21.sh set -e KIO_VICE_VERSION=3.5 KIO_RASPI_OS_NAME=Buster trap 'catch $? $LINENO' EXIT catch() { echo "Exiting!" if [ "$1" != "0" ]; then # error handling goes here echo "Error $1 occurred on $2" fi } log () { echo "" echo "****************************************" echo "* $1" echo "****************************************" echo "" } log "Installing VICE ${KIO_VICE_VERSION} on RasPi 4 - ${KIO_RASPI_OS_NAME} Variant" sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y log "Compilation Dependencies" sudo apt-get install -y lsb-release git dialog wget gcc g++ build-essential unzip xmlstarlet \ python3-pyudev ca-certificates libasound2-dev libudev-dev libibus-1.0-dev libdbus-1-dev \ fcitx-libs-dev libsndio-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxext-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev \ libxkbcommon-dev libxrandr-dev libxss-dev libxt-dev libxv-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev \ libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libdrm-dev libgbm-dev \ devscripts debhelper dh-autoreconf libraspberrypi-dev libpulse-dev if [ -d ~/sdl-work ] then echo "Directory sdl-work exists already. Heading on in." else mkdir ~/sdl-work fi cd ~/sdl-work log "SDL2 dependencies" sudo apt-get install -y libudev-dev libdbus-1-dev libasound2-dev log "SDL2 compile/install" wget -O SDL2-2.0.22.tar.gz https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.22.tar.gz tar -xzf SDL2-2.0.22.tar.gz cd SDL2-2.0.22 ./configure --host=arm-raspberry-linux-gnueabihf \ --disable-video-opengl --disable-video-x11 \ --disable-pulseaudio --disable-esd \ --disable-video-mir --disable-video-wayland make sudo make install cd .. log "SDL2_image dependencies" sudo apt-get install -y libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev log "SDL2_image compile/install" wget -O SDL2_image-2.0.5.tar.gz https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/release/SDL2_image-2.0.5.tar.gz tar -xzf SDL2_image-2.0.5.tar.gz cd SDL2_image-2.0.5 ./configure make sudo make install cd .. log "SDL2_mixer dependencies" sudo apt-get install -y libmpg123-dev libvorbis-dev libflac-dev log "SDL2_mixer compile/install" wget -O SDL2_mixer-2.0.4.tar.gz https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/release/SDL2_mixer-2.0.4.tar.gz tar -xzf SDL2_mixer-2.0.4.tar.gz cd SDL2_mixer-2.0.4 ./configure make sudo make install cd .. log "SDL2_ttf dependencies" sudo apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-dev libfreetype6-dev log "SDL2_ttf compile/install" wget -O SDL2_ttf-2.0.15.tar.gz https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/release/SDL2_ttf-2.0.15.tar.gz tar -xzf SDL2_ttf-2.0.15.tar.gz cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.15 ./configure make sudo make install cd .. log "Additional VICE dependencies" sudo apt install -y libmpg123-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev libasound2-dev libvorbis-dev libflac-dev \ libpcap-dev automake bison flex subversion libjpeg-dev portaudio19-dev texinfo xa65 dos2unix if [ -d ~/vice-src ] then echo "Directory vice-src exists already. Heading on in." else mkdir ~/vice-src fi cd ~/vice-src log "Download VICE $KIO_VICE_VERSION" wget -O vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION}.tar.gz https://sourceforge.net/projects/vice-emu/files/releases/vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION}.tar.gz/download tar xvfz vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION}.tar.gz log "Autogen VICE" cd vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION} ./autogen.sh log "Configure VICE" #change --prefix= if you want the binaries elsewhere ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION} --enable-sdl2ui --without-oss --enable-ethernet \ --disable-catweasel --without-pulse --enable-x64 --disable-pdf-docs --with-fastsid log "Make VICE" make -j $(nproc) log "Install VICE" make install log "Done! You can delete vice-src and sdl-work at your leisure. Vice is installed at ${HOME}/vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION}" cd ~/vice-${KIO_VICE_VERSION}/bin ls