00:01:20.475,00:01:23.475 umberto valleriani: Yes 00:01:22.894,00:01:25.894 Marzia Riso: Yes 00:02:39.094,00:02:42.094 umberto valleriani: I didn't 00:02:58.474,00:03:01.474 donato crisostomi: I did 00:03:05.886,00:03:08.886 francesco veneziano: yes 00:03:06.942,00:03:09.942 valerio mannucci: yes 00:03:10.913,00:03:13.913 riccardo taiello: yes 00:03:21.605,00:03:24.605 daniele baieri: Me too 00:03:26.690,00:03:29.690 Simone Antonelli: yes 00:03:34.086,00:03:37.086 andrea caciolai: yes 00:03:38.636,00:03:41.636 mattia capparella: I did send th3 solution to prof Rodolà 00:04:07.531,00:04:10.531 donato crisostomi: yes give me one second to get colab working 00:05:31.699,00:05:34.699 mattia capparella: Ok 00:05:46.621,00:05:49.621 donato crisostomi: yes, almost done 00:10:36.910,00:10:39.910 shadi andishmand: I don’t have any voicevoice 00:10:50.831,00:10:53.831 Emanuele Rodola': in the sense that you can't hear us? 00:11:11.388,00:11:14.388 umberto valleriani: Einstein sum notation isn't really clear for me 00:11:24.671,00:11:27.671 shadi andishmand: Yes i was hearing but now anything 00:11:42.220,00:11:45.220 andrea caciolai: umberto try this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26089893/understanding-numpys-einsum 00:11:45.454,00:11:48.454 umberto valleriani: I think i understand the basics but don't understand the explicit form 00:11:55.977,00:11:58.977 andrea caciolai: it helped me out a lot understanding 00:12:05.483,00:12:08.483 umberto valleriani: Thanks 00:13:01.466,00:13:04.466 Emanuele Rodola': shadi, try to logout and login again, and try to close all the applications that use sound / mic 00:16:28.104,00:16:31.104 umberto valleriani: Ok thanks a lot 00:20:08.987,00:20:11.987 leonardo torcellini: how do you tell which is the max size your gpu can fit? 00:21:26.622,00:21:29.622 Emanuele Giona: i usually try to instantiate the model with a given batch size, if it works i try to increase it until i get a memory error during allocation 00:25:06.488,00:25:09.488 leonardo torcellini: ok thanks 00:26:33.672,00:26:36.672 denis stanev: Yes, we can see it. 00:31:01.224,00:31:04.224 Luca Moschella: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/what-is-adaptiveavgpool2d/26897/2?u=ptrblck 00:31:46.799,00:31:49.799 Marzia Riso: Got it, thanks! 00:31:47.476,00:31:50.476 shadi andishmand: no its clear 00:31:50.590,00:31:53.590 shadi andishmand: thanks 00:45:26.974,00:45:29.974 shadi andishmand: professor could you explain a little about reproducibility when we run same data on same algorithm but we have differnt result sometimes! and when we should do it or before which algoritms? for ex in kfold or random forest e have a parameter random_state. so does it effect or not? 00:45:56.611,00:45:59.611 Emanuele Rodola': ok noted 00:46:32.267,00:46:35.267 francesco veneziano: i see your screen too small 00:46:43.680,00:46:46.680 francesco veneziano: it's ok 00:46:46.871,00:46:49.871 Emanuele Rodola': francesco i see it perfectly 00:46:48.266,00:46:51.266 Emanuele Rodola': ok 00:47:03.112,00:47:06.112 valentina de paolis: me too 00:49:31.097,00:49:34.097 francesco veneziano: yes thanks 00:53:14.185,00:53:17.185 shadi andishmand: thanks a lot .so when intialise seed the weights update each time in same huristic way? i mean backpropagation part? 00:53:17.615,00:53:20.615 denis stanev: How big of a performance impact does the deterministic mode have? 00:53:19.781,00:53:22.781 shadi andishmand: yes 00:53:25.290,00:53:28.290 Valerio Neri: Is it a good practice to set the random seeds manually on a project? Should we always set them? 00:54:48.694,00:54:51.694 shadi andishmand: thanks a lot professor 00:55:29.285,00:55:32.285 shadi andishmand: yes it is slowing working even with gpu 00:55:35.705,00:55:38.705 valerio mannucci: shoulden't the error for validation set increase a lot when the degree became big?(about last graph) 00:56:01.917,00:56:04.917 valerio mannucci: i can't see in last graph 00:56:32.864,00:56:35.864 valerio mannucci: ok thanks 00:59:02.378,00:59:05.378 francesco veneziano: yes, but the problem pointed out in jupyter, not in colab 01:00:06.972,01:00:09.972 francesco veneziano: ok thanks 01:00:14.666,01:00:17.666 umberto valleriani: Just a casual question: in the last lesson (about CNNs) you mentioned we're going to see some applications on graphs. Could you anticipate a bit on what are they? 01:01:44.613,01:01:47.613 umberto valleriani: Sounds cool, thanks 01:05:33.969,01:05:36.969 shadi andishmand: some libraries like plotly have some problem in pycharm. i use scientific mode of pycharm and can plot by matplotlib but i imported plotly and it was successful . i run the project without any error but i cant see the plot that i can see in jupyter or google colab. i wanted to ask its about pycharm limitation in ploting with some library? 01:06:46.889,01:06:49.889 shadi andishmand: thanks a lot 01:08:06.575,01:08:09.575 Andrea Rosati: lol 01:10:47.687,01:10:50.687 valerio mannucci: could you explain the utility of detach() in a learning model 01:10:47.736,01:10:50.736 dario aragona: when saving colab notebooks I often get an "automatic save pending for X minutes" and it stucks 01:10:52.513,01:10:55.513 Luca Moschella: Shadi I re-read your question, if you have problems even to only show the plot in the browser tab, be sure to call the `.show()` on the fig obj 01:11:02.968,01:11:05.968 dario aragona: does anybody else get the same error? 01:13:06.378,01:13:09.378 valerio mannucci: thanks 01:13:08.976,01:13:11.976 shadi andishmand: i did that luca . i have plot for matplotlib but no plot for pltly even with no error. i should say i use ubunto. if i dont find any good way to ploting maybe i use google colab . thanks 01:14:49.694,01:14:52.694 dario aragona: it's strange because my connection works, and also if I manual save it gets stuck 01:14:53.852,01:14:56.852 dario aragona: but I'll google it 01:14:56.859,01:14:59.859 dario aragona: thanks! 01:15:02.436,01:15:05.436 Emanuele Rodola': also try changing browser 01:15:04.112,01:15:07.112 dario aragona: yes I use Chrome 01:15:04.610,01:15:07.610 Emanuele Rodola': right 01:15:17.946,01:15:20.946 Emanuele Rodola': try disabling AdBlock 01:15:38.968,01:15:41.968 dario aragona: Yes, I download the notebook and upload it on my drive 01:15:45.621,01:15:48.621 dario aragona: Ok I'll check 01:17:09.450,01:17:12.450 shadi andishmand: thanks a lot professor . happy easter. 01:17:19.055,01:17:22.055 Emanuele Giona: goodbye prof 01:17:19.195,01:17:22.195 francesco veneziano: it's ok, thanks professors. Happy easter 01:17:19.876,01:17:22.876 dario aragona: Thank you, happy holidays 01:17:22.463,01:17:25.463 mohammad kamel: Thank you. bye 01:17:23.977,01:17:26.977 donato crisostomi: thanks, goodbye and happy holidays 01:17:25.313,01:17:28.313 umberto valleriani: Bye thanks 01:17:26.215,01:17:29.215 Simone Antonelli: Goobye 01:17:26.450,01:17:29.450 andrea caciolai: thanks goodbye 01:17:27.692,01:17:30.692 davide sforza: Bye! 01:17:27.739,01:17:30.739 daniele baieri: Okay, thank you very much. Bye 01:17:28.766,01:17:31.766 Antonio Musolino: Goodbye 01:17:28.815,01:17:31.815 riccardo taiello: thanks bye 01:17:28.967,01:17:31.967 Valerio Neri: Goodbye 01:17:29.572,01:17:32.572 denis stanev: Goodbye. 01:17:30.052,01:17:33.052 seid koudia: thank you bye 01:17:31.672,01:17:34.672 leonardo torcellini: goodbye 01:17:36.207,01:17:39.207 stefano esposito: thanks and goodbyw 01:17:37.095,01:17:40.095 Marzia Riso: Thank you so much! Have a nice day 01:17:37.141,01:17:40.141 luca podo: thanks bye 01:17:38.408,01:17:41.408 mattia capparella: Bye bye! Happy holidays! 01:17:40.790,01:17:43.790 shadi andishmand: goodbye luca and antonio . happy easter too 01:17:42.679,01:17:45.679 valentina de paolis: good bye 01:17:43.027,01:17:46.027 shadi andishmand: bye