#!/usr/bin/env bash # Caution is a virtue. set -o nounset set -o errtrace set -o errexit set -o pipefail # ## Global Variables # The ievms version. ievms_version="0.3.1" # Options passed to each `curl` command. curl_opts=${CURL_OPTS:-""} # Reuse XP virtual machines for IE versions that are supported. reuse_xp=${REUSE_XP:-"yes"} # Reuse Win7 virtual machines for IE versions that are supported. reuse_win7=${REUSE_WIN7:-"yes"} # Timeout interval to wait between checks for various states. sleep_wait="5" # Store the original `cwd`. orig_cwd=`pwd` # The VM user to use for guest control. guest_user="IEUser" # The VM user password to use for guest control. guest_pass="Passw0rd!" # ## Utilities # Print a message to the console. log() { printf '%s\n' "$*" ; return $? ; } # Print an error message to the console and bail out of the script. fail() { log "\nERROR: $*\n" ; exit 1 ; } check_md5() { local md5 case $kernel in Darwin) md5=`md5 "${1}" | rev | cut -c-32 | rev` ;; Linux) md5=`md5sum "${1}" | cut -c-32` ;; esac if [ "${md5}" != "${2}" ] then log "MD5 check failed for ${1} (wanted ${2}, got ${md5})" return 1 fi log "MD5 check succeeded for ${1}" } # Download a URL to a local file. Accepts a name, URL and file. download() { # name url path md5 local attempt=${5:-"0"} local max=${6:-"3"} let attempt+=1 if [[ -f "${3}" ]] then log "Found ${1} at ${3} - skipping download" check_md5 "${3}" "${4}" && return 0 log "Check failed - redownloading ${1}" rm -f "${3}" fi log "Downloading ${1} from ${2} to ${3} (attempt ${attempt} of ${max})" curl ${curl_opts} -L "${2}" -o "${3}" || fail "Failed to download ${2} to ${ievms_home}/${3} using 'curl', error code ($?)" check_md5 "${3}" "${4}" && return 0 if [ "${attempt}" == "${max}" ] then echo "Failed to download ${2} to ${ievms_home}/${3} (attempt ${attempt} of ${max})" return 1 fi log "Redownloading ${1}" download "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" "${attempt}" "${max}" } # ## General Setup # Create the ievms home folder and `cd` into it. The `INSTALL_PATH` env variable # is used to determine the full path. The home folder is then added to `PATH`. create_home() { local def_ievms_home="${HOME}/.ievms" ievms_home=${INSTALL_PATH:-$def_ievms_home} mkdir -p "${ievms_home}" cd "${ievms_home}" PATH="${PATH}:${ievms_home}" # Move ovas and zips from a very old installation into place. mv -f ./ova/IE*/IE*.{ova,zip} "${ievms_home}/" 2>/dev/null || true } # Check for a supported host system (Linux/OS X). check_system() { kernel=`uname -s` case $kernel in Darwin|Linux) ;; *) fail "Sorry, $kernel is not supported." ;; esac } # Ensure VirtualBox is installed and `VBoxManage` is on the `PATH`. check_virtualbox() { log "Checking for VirtualBox" hash VBoxManage 2>&- || fail "VirtualBox command line utilities are not installed, please (re)install! (http://virtualbox.org)" } # Determine the VirtualBox version details, querying the download page to ensure # validity. check_version() { local version=`VBoxManage -v` major_minor_release="${version%%[-_r]*}" local major_minor="${version%.*}" local dl_page=`curl ${curl_opts} -L "http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/" 2>/dev/null` if [[ "$version" == *"kernel module is not loaded"* ]]; then fail "$version" fi for (( release="${major_minor_release#*.*.}"; release >= 0; release-- )) do major_minor_release="${major_minor}.${release}" if echo $dl_page | grep "${major_minor_release}/" &>/dev/null then log "Virtualbox version ${major_minor_release} found." break else log "Virtualbox version ${major_minor_release} not found, skipping." fi done } # Check for the VirtualBox Extension Pack and install if not found. check_ext_pack() { log "Checking for Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" if ! VBoxManage list extpacks | grep "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" then local archive="Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${major_minor_release}.vbox-extpack" local url="http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/${major_minor_release}/${archive}" local md5s="https://www.virtualbox.org/download/hashes/${major_minor_release}/MD5SUMS" local md5=`curl ${curl_opts} -L "${md5s}" | grep "${archive}" | cut -c-32` download "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" "${url}" "${archive}" "${md5}" log "Installing Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack from ${ievms_home}/${archive}" VBoxManage extpack install "${archive}" || fail "Failed to install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack from ${ievms_home}/${archive}, error code ($?)" fi } # Download and install `unar` from Google Code. install_unar() { local url="http://unarchiver.c3.cx/downloads/unar1.10.1.zip" local archive=`basename "${url}"` download "unar" "${url}" "${archive}" "d548661e4b6c33512074df81e39ed874" unzip "${archive}" || fail "Failed to extract ${ievms_home}/${archive} to ${ievms_home}/, unzip command returned error code $?" hash unar 2>&- || fail "Could not find unar in ${ievms_home}" } # Check for the `unar` command, downloading and installing it if not found. check_unar() { if [ "${kernel}" == "Darwin" ] then hash unar 2>&- || install_unar else hash unar 2>&- || fail "Linux support requires unar (sudo apt-get install for Ubuntu/Debian)" fi } # Pause execution until the virtual machine with a given name shuts down. wait_for_shutdown() { while true ; do log "Waiting for ${1} to shutdown..." sleep "${sleep_wait}" VBoxManage showvminfo "${1}" | grep "State:" | grep -q "powered off" && return 0 || true done } # Pause execution until guest control is available for a virtual machine. wait_for_guestcontrol() { while true ; do log "Waiting for ${1} to be available for guestcontrol..." sleep "${sleep_wait}" VBoxManage showvminfo "${1}" | grep 'Additions run level:' | grep -q "3" && return 0 || true done } # Find or download the ievms control ISO. find_iso() { local url="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/463624/ievms-control-${ievms_version}.iso" local url_bak="https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvgmy7t0phf8lui/ievms-control-${ievms_version}.iso?dl=0" local dev_iso="${orig_cwd}/ievms-control.iso" # Use local iso if in ievms dev root if [[ -f "${dev_iso}" ]] then iso=$dev_iso else iso="${ievms_home}/ievms-control-${ievms_version}.iso" download "ievms control ISO" "${url}" "${iso}" "6699cb421fc2f56e854fd3f5e143e84c" result=$? if [ result != 0 ] then download "ievms control ISO (fallback url)" "${url_bak}" "${iso}" "6699cb421fc2f56e854fd3f5e143e84c" fi fi } # Find or download the Virtual Box Guest Additions ISO. find_ga() { local dev_iso="VBoxGuestAdditions_${major_minor_release}.iso" local url="http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/${major_minor_release}/${dev_iso}" ga_iso="${ievms_home}/${dev_iso}" download "VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO" "${url}" "${ga_iso}" "8cf1af35478905ea29828954ddb2c5ee" } # Attach a dvd image to the virtual machine. attach() { log "Attaching ${3}" VBoxManage storageattach "${1}" --storagectl "IDE" --port 1 \ --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "${2}" } # Eject the dvd image from the virtual machine. eject() { log "Ejecting ${2}" VBoxManage storageattach "${1}" --storagectl "IDE" --port 1 \ --device 0 --medium none } # Boot the virtual machine with the control ISO in the dvd drive then wait for # it to do its magic and shut down. For XP images, the "magic" is simply # enabling guest control without a password. For other images, it installs # a batch file that runs on first boot to install guest additions and activate # the OS if possible. boot_ievms() { find_iso attach "${1}" "${iso}" "ievms control ISO" start_vm "${1}" wait_for_shutdown "${1}" eject "${1}" "ievms control ISO" } # Boot the virtual machine with guest additions in the dvd drive. After running # `boot_ievms`, the next boot will attempt automatically install guest additions # if present in the drive. It will shut itself down after installation. boot_auto_ga() { boot_ievms "${1}" find_ga attach "${1}" "${ga_iso}" "Guest Additions" start_vm "${1}" wait_for_shutdown "${1}" eject "${1}" "Guest Additions" } # Start a virtual machine in headless mode. start_vm() { log "Starting VM ${1}" VBoxManage startvm "${1}" --type headless } # Copy a file to the virtual machine from the ievms home folder. copy_to_vm() { log "Copying ${2} to ${3}" guest_control_exec "${1}" cmd.exe /c copy "D:\\${2}" "${3}" } # Execute a command with arguments on a virtual machine. guest_control_exec() { local vm="${1}" local image="${2}" shift VBoxManage guestcontrol "${vm}" run \ --username "${guest_user}" --password "${guest_pass}" \ --exe "${image}" -- "$@" } # Start an XP virtual machine and set the password for the guest user. set_xp_password() { start_vm "${1}" wait_for_guestcontrol "${1}" log "Setting ${guest_user} password" VBoxManage guestcontrol "${1}" run --username Administrator \ --password "${guest_pass}" --exe "net.exe" -- \ net.exe user "${guest_user}" "${guest_pass}" log "Setting auto logon password" VBoxManage guestcontrol "${1}" run --username Administrator \ --password "${guest_pass}" --exe "reg.exe" -- reg.exe add \ "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon" \ /f /v DefaultPassword /t REG_SZ /d "${guest_pass}" log "Enabling auto admin logon" VBoxManage guestcontrol "${1}" run --username Administrator \ --password "${guest_pass}" --exe "reg.exe" -- reg.exe add \ "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon" \ /f /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d 1 } # Shutdown an XP virtual machine and wait for it to power off. shutdown_xp() { log "Shutting down ${1}" guest_control_exec "${1}" "shutdown.exe" /s /f /t 0 wait_for_shutdown "${1}" } # Install an alternative version of IE in an XP virtual machine. Downloads the # installer, copies it to the vm, then runs it before shutting down. install_ie_xp() { # vm url md5 local src=`basename "${2}"` local dest="C:\\Documents and Settings\\${guest_user}\\Desktop\\${src}" download "${src}" "${2}" "${src}" "${3}" copy_to_vm "${1}" "${src}" "${dest}" log "Installing IE" # Always "fails" guest_control_exec "${1}" "${dest}" /passive /norestart || true shutdown_xp "${1}" } # Install an alternative version of IE in a Win7 virtual machine. Downloads the # installer, copies it to the vm, then runs it before shutting down. install_ie_win7() { # vm url md5 local src=`basename "${2}"` local dest="C:\\Users\\${guest_user}\\Desktop\\${src}" download "${src}" "${2}" "${src}" "${3}" start_vm "${1}" wait_for_guestcontrol "${1}" copy_to_vm "${1}" "${src}" "${dest}" log "Installing IE" guest_control_exec "${1}" "cmd.exe" /c \ "echo ${dest} /passive /norestart >C:\\Users\\${guest_user}\\ievms.bat" guest_control_exec "${1}" "cmd.exe" /c \ "echo shutdown.exe /s /f /t 0 >>C:\\Users\\${guest_user}\\ievms.bat" guest_control_exec "${1}" "schtasks.exe" /run /tn ievms wait_for_shutdown "${1}" } # Build an ievms virtual machine given the IE version desired. build_ievm() { unset archive unset unit local prefix="IE" local suffix="" local version="${1}" case $1 in 8|9|10) os="Win7" ;; 11) if [ "${reuse_win7}" != "yes" ] then os="Win8.1" else os="Win7" fi ;; EDGE) prefix="MS" version="Edge" os="Win10" unit="8" suffix="_preview" ;; *) fail "Invalid IE version: ${1}" ;; esac local vm="${prefix}${version} - ${os}" local def_archive="${vm/ - /_}.zip" archive=${archive:-$def_archive} unit=${unit:-"11"} local ova=`basename "${archive/_/ - }" .zip`"${suffix}".ova local url if [ "${os}" == "Win10" ] then url="https://az792536.vo.msecnd.net/vms/VMBuild_20160802/VirtualBox/MSEdge/MSEdge.Win10_RS1.VirtualBox.zip" else url="https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/VMBuild_20141027/VirtualBox/IE${version}/Windows/IE${version}.${os}.For.Windows.VirtualBox.zip" fi local md5 case $archive in IE8_Win7.zip) md5="86d481f517ca18d50f298fc9fb1c5a18" ;; IE9_Win7.zip) md5="61a2b69a5712abd6566fcbd1f44f7a2b" ;; IE10_Win7.zip) md5="755f05af1507cd8940354bf564a08d50" ;; IE11_Win7.zip) md5="7aa66ec15a51ee8b0a4ab39353472f07" ;; IE11_Win8.1.zip) md5="080c652c69359b6742de547ba594ab2a" ;; MSEdge_Win10.zip) md5="467d8286cb8cbed90f0761c3566abdda" ;; esac log "Checking for existing OVA at ${ievms_home}/${ova}" if [[ ! -f "${ova}" ]] then download "OVA ZIP" "${url}" "${archive}" "${md5}" log "Extracting OVA from ${ievms_home}/${archive}" unar "${archive}" || fail "Failed to extract ${archive} to ${ievms_home}/${ova}, unar command returned error code $?" fi log "Checking for existing ${vm} VM" if ! VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then local disk_path="${ievms_home}/${vm}-disk1.vmdk" log "Creating ${vm} VM (disk: ${disk_path})" VBoxManage import "${ova}" --vsys 0 --vmname "${vm}" --unit "${unit}" --disk "${disk_path}" log "Adding shared folder" VBoxManage sharedfolder add "${vm}" --automount --name ievms \ --hostpath "${ievms_home}" log "Building ${vm} VM" declare -F "build_ievm_ie${1}" && "build_ievm_ie${1}" log "Tagging VM with ievms version" VBoxManage setextradata "${vm}" "ievms" "{\"version\":\"${ievms_version}\"}" log "Creating clean snapshot" VBoxManage snapshot "${vm}" take clean --description "The initial VM state" fi } # Build the IE8 virtual machine, reusing the XP VM if requested (the default). build_ievm_ie8() { boot_auto_ga "IE8 - Win7" } # Build the IE9 virtual machine. build_ievm_ie9() { boot_auto_ga "IE9 - Win7" } # Build the IE10 virtual machine, reusing the Win7 VM if requested (the default). build_ievm_ie10() { boot_auto_ga "IE10 - Win7" } # Build the IE11 virtual machine, reusing the Win7 VM always. build_ievm_ie11() { if [ "${reuse_win7}" != "yes" ] then boot_auto_ga "IE11 - Win8.1" else boot_auto_ga "IE11 - Win7" fi } # ## Main Entry Point # Run through all checks to get the host ready for installation. check_system create_home check_virtualbox check_version check_ext_pack check_unar # Install each requested virtual machine sequentially. all_versions="8 9 10 11 EDGE" for ver in ${IEVMS_VERSIONS:-$all_versions} do log "Building IE ${ver} VM" build_ievm $ver done # We made it! log "Done!"