#!/usr/bin/env python # TO DO: # - Fixing encoding and parsing issues # - Using a temporary file to save channels, so we save time in each execution # Stardard tools import sys import os import re import logging import json import argparse # Time handling import time import datetime from datetime import timedelta #Threading import threading # XML import urllib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, Comment, ElementTree, dump # ese's tva lib from tva import TvaStream, TvaParser def parse_day(n,xmltv,rawclist): i = n + 130 logger.info("Reading day " + str(i - 130)) epgstream = TvaStream('239.0.2.'+str(i),config['mcast_port']) epgstream.getfiles() for i in epgstream.files().keys(): logger.info("Parsing "+i) epgparser = TvaParser(epgstream.files()[i]) epgparser.parseepg(OBJ_XMLTV,rawclist) return # load config file values config = {} if os.path.isfile('tv_grab_es_movistar.config'): with open('tv_grab_es_movistar.config') as json_config: config = json.load(json_config) else: config['quiet'] = False config['filename'] = False config['days'] = 6 config['offset'] = 0 config['logfile'] = '/tmp/movistar.log' config['demarcation'] = '' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--description", help="show 'Spain: Movistar IPTV grabber'", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--capabilities", help="show xmltv capabilities", action="store_true") # config arguments parser.add_argument("--quiet", help="Suppress all progress information. The grabber shall only print error-messages to stderr.", action="store_true", default = config['quiet']) parser.add_argument("--output", help="Redirect the xmltv output to the specified file. Otherwise output goes to stdout.", action="store", dest="filename", default=config['filename']) parser.add_argument("--days", action = "store", type = int, dest = "grab_days", help = "Supply data for X days. Grabber may have an upper limit to the number of days that it can return data for. If X is larger than that limit, the grabber shall return no data for the days that it lacks data for, print a warning to stderr, and exit with an error-code. See XmltvErrorCodes. In other words, if too many days are requested, the grabber will return data for as many days as it can. The default number of days is 'as many as possible'", default = config['days']) parser.add_argument("--offset", action = "store", type = int, dest = "grab_offset", help = "Start with data for day today plus X days. The default is 0, today; 1 means start from tomorrow, etc. ", default = config['offset']) parser.add_argument("--config-file", action="store", dest="config_file", help = "The grabber shall read all configuration data from the specified file.") parser.add_argument("--m3u", help = "Dump channels in m3u format", action = "store_true") parser.add_argument("--log-file", help = "write to the specified log file, if not will log to /tmp/movistar.log or as per config", action = "store", dest = "log_file", default = config['logfile']) args = parser.parse_args() if args.description: print "Spain: Movistar IPTV grabber" elif args.capabilities: print "baseline" elif args.config_file: if os.path.isfile(args.config_file): with open(args.config_file) as json_config: config = json.load(json_config) else: print 'Config file does not exist' exit() else: logger = logging.getLogger('movistarxmltv') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # log to file fh = logging.FileHandler(config['logfile']) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) # log to console if not args.quiet: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.ERROR) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) reload(sys) if config['demarcation']=='' or config['tvpackages']=='' or config['mcast_grp_start']=='' or config['mcast_port']=='': clientprofile = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("").read())['resultData'] platformprofile = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("").read())['resultData'] config['demarcation'] = clientprofile["demarcation"] config['tvpackages'] = clientprofile["tvPackages"].split("|") config['mcast_grp_start'] = platformprofile["dvbConfig"]["dvbEntryPoint"].split(":")[0] config['mcast_port'] = int(platformprofile["dvbConfig"]["dvbEntryPoint"].split(":")[1]) try: with open('tv_grab_es_movistar.config', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config, outfile) except: logger.info("Config file can not be saved") logger.info("Init. DEM="+str(config['demarcation'])+" TVPACKS="+str(config['tvpackages'])+" ENTRY_MCAST="+str(config['mcast_grp_start'])+":"+str(config['mcast_port'])) ENCODING_EPG = 'utf-8' ENCODING_SYS = sys.getdefaultencoding() sys.setdefaultencoding(ENCODING_EPG) # Main starts demarcationstream = TvaStream(config['mcast_grp_start'],config['mcast_port']) demarcationstream.getfiles() demarcationxml = demarcationstream.files()["1_0"] logger.info("Getting channels source for DEM: "+str(config['demarcation'])) MCAST_CHANNELS = TvaParser(demarcationxml).get_mcast_demarcationip(config['demarcation']) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() OBJ_XMLTV = ET.Element("tv" , {"date":now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S +0000"),"source_info_url":"https://go.tv.movistar.es","source_info_name":"Grabber for internal multicast of MovistarTV","generator_info_name":"python-xml-parser","generator_info_url":"http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XMLTVFormat"}) #OBJ_XMLTV = ET.Element("tv" , {"date":now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")+" +0200"}) logger.info("Getting channels list from: "+MCAST_CHANNELS) channelsstream = TvaStream(MCAST_CHANNELS,config['mcast_port']) channelsstream.getfiles() xmlchannels = channelsstream.files()["2_0"] xmlchannelspackages = channelsstream.files()["5_0"] channelparser = TvaParser(xmlchannels) rawclist = {} rawclist = channelparser.channellist(rawclist) channelspackages = {} channelspackages = TvaParser(xmlchannelspackages).getpackages() # If m3u arg create m3u and exit if args.m3u: clist = {} for package in config['tvpackages']: for channel in channelspackages[package].keys(): clist[channel] = rawclist[channel] clist[channel]["order"] = channelspackages[package][channel]["order"] channelsm3u = channelparser.channels2m3u(clist) if args.filename: FILE_M3U = args.filename if os.path.isfile(FILE_M3U): os.remove(FILE_M3U) fM3u = open(FILE_M3U, 'w+') fM3u.write(channelsm3u) fM3u.close else: print channelsm3u exit() OBJ_XMLTV = channelparser.channels2xmltv(OBJ_XMLTV,rawclist) last_day = args.grab_offset + args.grab_days if last_day > 6: last_day = 6 threads = list() for d in range(args.grab_offset, last_day): t = threading.Thread(target=parse_day, args=(d,OBJ_XMLTV,rawclist)) threads.append(t) t.start() [x.join() for x in threads] # A standard grabber should print the xmltv file to the stdout or to # filename if called with option --output filename if args.filename: FILE_XML = args.filename ElementTree(OBJ_XMLTV).write(FILE_XML,encoding="UTF-8") else: dump(ElementTree(OBJ_XMLTV)) logger.info("Grabbed "+ str(len(OBJ_XMLTV.findall('channel'))) +" channels and "+str(len(OBJ_XMLTV.findall('programme')))+" programmes") exit()