# [ // Script \\ ] # name: direct upload skript # made by: esej # version: 0.3 command /esej:installscript : description: &6komenda umozliwiajaca instalowanie skryptow w minecraft permission: esej.installscript.command permission message: &cNie posiadasz uprawnien. aliases: /installscript, /inscr, /ws, /wgraj, /wgrajskrypt trigger: if argument 1 is set: if argument 2 is set: if file "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 2%.sk" doesn't exists: create file "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 2%.sk" send "&8• &3» &6Utworzono plik. &8(%argument 2%.sk&8) &3« &8•" to the player if argument 1 contain "https://" or "http://": if argument 1 contain "http://": send "&8» &4Uwazaj! &cWitryna z ktorej probujesz zainstalowac skrypt nie posiada szyfrowania HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure" to the player download from "%argument 1%" to "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 2%.sk" load script from "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 2%.sk" send "&8• &3» &6Skrypt zostal pomyslnie wgrany. &3« &8•" to the player else: send "&8• &3» &c&lTo nie jest link. &8(&6Link musi zawierac: &c'https://'&8) &3« &8•" to the player else: send "&8• &3» &cMusisz podac nazwe skryptu &3« &8•" to the player else: send "&8• &3» &4Uzyj: &c/wgrajskrypt &8<&clink&8> &8<&cnazwa skryptu&8>" to the player if argument 1 is "author" or "autor": send "&8• &3» &6Skrypt zostal stworzony przez &3esej &3« &8•" to the player stop command /esej:deletescript : description: komenda usuwajaca skrypt z serwera minecraft permission: esej.deletescript.command permission message: &cNie posiadasz uprawnien! aliases: /deletescript, /ds, /us, /usunskrypt trigger: if file "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 1%.sk" exists: delete file "plugins/skript/scripts/%argument 1%.sk" send "&8• &3» &6Pomyslnie &cusunieto &6skrypt&8. &3« &8•" to the player stop else: send "&8• &3» &cNiestety nie wykryto owego skryptu" to the player stop