# [ // script \\ ] # name: testCPS # version: 0.3 # made by: esej # date: 09.07.2017 [21:49] # [ // script \\ ] options: # Czas pomiaru CPS test time: 5 on left click: if {checkCPS::%player%} is true: add 1 to {_click::%player%} every second: loop all players: if {checkCPS::%loop-player%} is true: if {checkCPS::timer::%loop-player%} > 0: remove 1 from {checkCPS::timer::%loop-player%} if {checkCPS::timer::%loop-player%} = 0: set {checkCPS::%loop-player%} to false send "&8» &cPomiar zakonczony... Za chwile wyniki!" to loop-player testCPS(loop-player , {checkCPS::admin::%loop-player%}) stop command /esej:clickpersecond [] []: description: Skrypt umozliwiajacy pomiar CPS permission: esej.testCPS permission message: &4Nie posiadasz uprawnien aliases: /clickpersecond, /cps, /checkcps, /testcps, trigger: if argument 1 is a player: if argument 1 parsed as player is online: if argument 2 is set: if argument 2 is integer: send "&8» &6Pomiar CPS za chwile zostanie rozpoczety.." to the argument 1 parsed as player send "&8» &6Rozpoczynasz pomiar CPS" to the player wait 4 seconds loop 4 times: send "&8» &6%loop-time%" to the player send "&8» &6%loop-time%} to the argument 1 parsed as player loop 2 times: send "&8» &c%loop-time%" to the player send "&8» &c%loop-time%" to the argument 1 parsed as player set {checkCPS::%argument 1 parsed as player%} to true set {checkCPS::timer::%argument 1 parsed as player} to argument 2 set {checkCPS::admin::%argument 1 parsed as player} to the player send "&8» &aSTART!" to the argument 1 parsed as player wait 0.01 seconds send "&8» &aSTART!" to the player stop else: send "&8» &4Error: &cArgument 2 isn't integer" to the player else: send "&8» &4Error: &cArgument 2 isn't set" to the player else: send "&8» &4Blad: &cPodany gracz jest &7offline" to the player if argument 1 is "setmax": argument 2 is integer: set {maxcps} to argument 2 parsed as integer send "&8» &aZmieniles maksymalna ilosc CPS" to the player else: send "&8» &cArgument 2 to musi byc liczba" to the player if argument 1 is "author" or "autor": send "&8» &3Autorem skryptu jest: &6&l&oesej" to the player stop function testCPS(p: player , p2: string): set {_click} to {_click::%{_p}%} set {cps::%{_p}%} to {_click}/{checkCPS::timer::%{_p}%} send "&8» &6CPS: &3%{cps::%{_p}%}%" to {_p} send "&8» &cCPS: &3%{cps::%{_p}%}%" to {_p2}