# [ // script \\ ] # name: checkingPlayer # version: 0.1 # creator: esej # date: 10.07.2017 [ 11:42 ] # [ \\ script // ] options: # ustawienia perm-check: esej.checkplayer.check perm-clear: esej.checkplayer.clear perm-set: esej.checkplayer.set variables: {checkplayer::location} = "0, 0, 0" {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%player%} = "" {checkplayer::bantime::%player%} = "0" command /esej:checkplayer [] [] []: description: Sprawdzanie graczy. executable by: player aliases: /checkplayer, /sprawdz, /check, trigger: if argument 1 isn't "set" or "check" or "clear" or "ustawsprawdzanie" or" sprawdz" or "czysty": send "&8» &cNie poprawny argument 1! &8(&6%argument 1%&8)" to the player stop if argument 1 is "set" or "ustawsprawdzanie": if player has permission "{@perm-set}": set {checkplayer::location} to location of the player send "&8» &cUstawiles lokalizacje sprawdzania" to the player stop if argument 1 is "check" or "sprawdz": if player has permission "{@perm-check}": if {checkplayer::location} is set: if argument 2 is a player: set {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%argument 2 parsed as player%} to true teleport argument 2 parsed as player to {checkplayer::location} if argument 3 is "andme": teleport the player to {checkplayer::location} stop broadcast "&8» &ccheckPlayer &8«" broadcast "&8» &6Sprawdzany jest: &c%argument 2 parsed as player%" broadcast "&8» &6Sprawdzajacym jest: &a%the player%" broadcast "&8» &cJesli chcesz sie przyznac do cheatow wpisz &8(&6/poddajsie&8)" stop else: send "&8» &c/checkplayer &2 &4 &6" to the player else: send "&8» &cNie ustawiono lokacji sprawdzania" to the player else: send "&8» &cYou don't have permission." to the player if argument 1 is "czysty" or "clear": if player has permission "{@perm-clear}": if {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%argument 2 parsed as player%} is true: clear {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%argument 2 parsed as player%} broadcast "&8» &ccheckPlayer &8«" broadcast "&8» &6%argument 2 parsed as player% &cjest &aCZYSTY" broadcast "&8» &ccheckPlayer &8«" make argument 2 parsed as player command "spawn" as op else: send "&8» &cTen gracz nie jest sprawdzany..." to the player else: send "&8» &cYou don't have permission. &8(&c{@perm-clear}&8)" to the player if argument 1 is "autor" or "author": send "&8» &8[ &a// &cscript &a\\ &8] &8«" to the player send "&8» &8[ &6name&8: &ccheckPlayer &8] &8«" to the player send "&8» &8[ &6version&8: &a0.1 &8] &8«" to the player send "&8» &8[ &6creator&8: &cesej &8] &8«" to the player send "&8» &8[ &a\\ &cscript &a// &8] stop on quit: if {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%player%} is true: ban player due to "&8» &cLogout podczas sprawdzania &8«" add {@ban-time} to {checkplayer::bantime::%player%} broadcast "&8» &c%player% wylogowal sie podczas sprawdzania" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.wither.death" with pitch 2 volume 100 at loop-player stop stop on click: if {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%player%} is true: cancel event on connect: if {checkplayer::bantime::%player%} is > 0: kick player due to "&8» &cMasz bana! &8«%nl%&8» &9Czas: &6%{checkplayer::bantime::%player%}%" every day: loop all players: if {checkplayer::bantime::%loop-player%} is set: subtract 1 from {checkplayer::bantime::%loop-player%} message "&8» &cUff.. juz minal jeden dzien!" to the loop-player stop stop stop on chat: if {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%player%} is true: cancel event send "&8» &cJestes sprawdzany! Nie mozesz tymczasowo pisac na chacie" to the player stop stop on command: if {checkplayer::sprawdzany::%player%} is true: cancel event send "&8» &cJestes sprawdzany! Nie mozesz korzystac z chatu" to the player stop stop