# [ // script \\ ] # name: FallingBlock # version: 0.1 # creator: esej # [ \\ script // ] function fallingBlock(p: player , s: string)::string: loop all blocks: if difference between loop-block and y-coord of {_p} > 30: set {_loc} to y-coord of loop-block set block at {_loc} to {_s} set {_true} to true while {_true}: set block at {_loc} to air subtract 1 from y-coord of {_loc} set block at {_loc} to chest set {_loc1} to {_loc} subtract 1 from y-coord of {_loc1} if block at {_loc1} is not air: delete {_true} create 50 of water particles at {_loc} offset by 1, 0, 1 at speed 0.5 loop 10 times: set {_n} to random integer from 1 to 100 play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" to {_p} with volume {_n} and pitch 1 command /esej:fallingBlock : description: spadajace bloki łiiiiiii. aliases: /fallingBlock, /fallblock, trigger: fallingBlock(player , argument) send "&8» &6Juz leci do Ciebie bloczek.." to the player stop