options: # czy wybuchanie tnt gdy jest postawione podczas gdy tnt jest wylaczone ma dzialac? (true - tak | false - nie) explode-tnt: false # kladzenie tnt gdy tnt jest wylaczone ma dzialac? (true - tak | false - nie) place-tnt: false not-perm: &8» &cYou don't have permission. on explode: if "{@explode-tnt}" is "false": if {esej::tnt::status} is false: cancel event on place of tnt: if "{@place-tnt}" is "false": if {esej::tnt::status} is false: wait 0.1 ticks cancel event send "&8» &c&lTNT &6&lJEST &4&lWYLACZONE" to the player stop command /esej:tnt []: description: Wylaczanie i wlaczanie TNT. aliases: /tnt trigger: if argument is "on": if player has permission "esej.tnt.switch": set {esej::tnt::status} to true send "&8[&6» &4TNT&7-&6SWITCHER &6«&8] &cTNT &6zostalo &awlaczone" to the player broadcast "&8» &cTNT &6zostalo &awlaczone" to the player stop else: send "{@not-perm}" to the player if argument is "off": if player has permission "esej.tnt.switch": set {esej::tnt::status} to false send "&8[&6» &4TNT&7-&6SWITCHER &6«&8] &cTNT &6zostalo &cwylaczone" to the player broadcast "&8» &cTNT &6zostalo &cwylaczone" stop else: send "{@not-perm}" to the player if argument is "author" or "autor": send "&6Autor skryptu: &3esej" to the player stop