-- -- ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2011 ProcessOne -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -- CREATE TYPE test_enum_char AS ENUM('A','B', 'C'); CREATE TABLE test_types( unicode text, unicode250 varchar(250), binary_data_8k bytea, -- byte a has 1 GB limit binary_data_65k bytea, binary_data_16m bytea, ascii_char character(1), ascii_string varchar(250), int32 integer, int64 bigint, int8 smallint, -- has no tinyint, so the next one is 2-bytes smallint enum_char test_enum_char, bool_flag boolean ); CREATE TABLE users ( username varchar(250), server varchar(250), "password" text NOT NULL, pass_details text, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (server, username) ); CREATE TABLE last ( server varchar(250), username varchar(250), seconds integer NOT NULL, state text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (server, username) ); CREATE INDEX i_last_server_seconds ON last USING btree (server, seconds); CREATE TABLE rosterusers ( server varchar(250) NOT NULL, username varchar(250) NOT NULL, jid text NOT NULL, nick text NOT NULL, subscription character(1) NOT NULL, ask character(1) NOT NULL, askmessage text NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (server, username, jid) ); CREATE TABLE rostergroups ( server varchar(250) NOT NULL, username varchar(250) NOT NULL, jid text NOT NULL, grp text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (server, username, jid, grp) ); CREATE TABLE roster_version ( server varchar(250), username varchar(250), version text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (server, username) ); CREATE TABLE vcard ( username varchar(150), server varchar(100), vcard text NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (server, username) ); CREATE TABLE vcard_search ( username varchar(150) NOT NULL, lusername varchar(100), server varchar(250), fn text NOT NULL, lfn text NOT NULL, family text NOT NULL, lfamily text NOT NULL, given text NOT NULL, lgiven text NOT NULL, middle text NOT NULL, lmiddle text NOT NULL, nickname text NOT NULL, lnickname text NOT NULL, bday text NOT NULL, lbday text NOT NULL, ctry text NOT NULL, lctry text NOT NULL, locality text NOT NULL, llocality text NOT NULL, email text NOT NULL, lemail text NOT NULL, orgname text NOT NULL, lorgname text NOT NULL, orgunit text NOT NULL, lorgunit text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (server, lusername) ); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lfn ON vcard_search(lfn); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lfamily ON vcard_search(lfamily); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lgiven ON vcard_search(lgiven); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lmiddle ON vcard_search(lmiddle); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lnickname ON vcard_search(lnickname); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lbday ON vcard_search(lbday); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lctry ON vcard_search(lctry); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_llocality ON vcard_search(llocality); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lemail ON vcard_search(lemail); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lorgname ON vcard_search(lorgname); CREATE INDEX i_vcard_search_lorgunit ON vcard_search(lorgunit); CREATE TABLE privacy_default_list ( server varchar(250), username varchar(250), name text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (server, username) ); CREATE TABLE privacy_list ( server varchar(250) NOT NULL, username varchar(250) NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, id SERIAL UNIQUE, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (server, username, name) ); CREATE TABLE privacy_list_data ( id bigint REFERENCES privacy_list(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, t character(1) NOT NULL, value text NOT NULL, action character(1) NOT NULL, ord INT NOT NULL, match_all boolean NOT NULL, match_iq boolean NOT NULL, match_message boolean NOT NULL, match_presence_in boolean NOT NULL, match_presence_out boolean NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id, ord) ); CREATE TABLE private_storage ( server varchar(250) NOT NULL, username varchar(250) NOT NULL, namespace varchar(250) NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY(server, username, namespace) ); CREATE TYPE mam_behaviour AS ENUM('A', 'N', 'R'); CREATE TYPE mam_direction AS ENUM('I','O'); CREATE TABLE mam_message( -- Message UID (64 bits) -- A server-assigned UID that MUST be unique within the archive. id BIGINT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, -- FromJID used to form a message without looking into stanza. -- This value will be send to the client "as is". from_jid varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- The remote JID that the stanza is to (for an outgoing message) or from (for an incoming message). -- This field is for sorting and filtering. remote_bare_jid varchar(250) NOT NULL, remote_resource varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- I - incoming, remote_jid is a value from From. -- O - outgoing, remote_jid is a value from To. -- Has no meaning for MUC-rooms. direction mam_direction NOT NULL, -- Term-encoded message packet message bytea NOT NULL, search_body text, origin_id varchar, is_groupchat boolean NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(user_id, id) ); CREATE INDEX i_mam_message_username_jid_id ON mam_message USING BTREE (user_id, remote_bare_jid, id); CREATE INDEX i_mam_message_username_jid_origin_id ON mam_message USING BTREE (user_id, remote_bare_jid, origin_id); CREATE TABLE mam_config( user_id INT NOT NULL, -- If empty, than it is a default behaviour. remote_jid varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- A - always archive; -- N - never archive; -- R - roster (only for remote_jid == "") behaviour mam_behaviour NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(user_id, remote_jid) ); CREATE TABLE mam_server_user( id SERIAL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, server varchar(250) NOT NULL, user_name varchar(250) NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_mam_server_user_name ON mam_server_user USING BTREE (server, user_name); CREATE TABLE mam_muc_message( -- Message UID -- A server-assigned UID that MUST be unique within the archive. id BIGINT NOT NULL, room_id INT NOT NULL, sender_id INT NOT NULL, -- A nick of the message's originator nick_name varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- Term-encoded message packet message bytea NOT NULL, search_body text, origin_id varchar, PRIMARY KEY (room_id, id) ); CREATE INDEX i_mam_muc_message_sender_id ON mam_muc_message USING BTREE (sender_id); CREATE INDEX i_mam_muc_message_room_id_sender_id_origin_id ON mam_muc_message USING BTREE (room_id, sender_id, origin_id); CREATE TABLE offline_message( id SERIAL UNIQUE PRIMARY Key, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, expire BIGINT, server varchar(250) NOT NULL, username varchar(250) NOT NULL, from_jid varchar(250) NOT NULL, packet text NOT NULL, permanent_fields bytea ); CREATE INDEX i_offline_message ON offline_message USING BTREE (server, username, id); CREATE TABLE auth_token( owner TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, seq_no BIGINT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE muc_light_rooms( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE, luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (lserver, luser) ); CREATE TABLE muc_rooms( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE, muc_host VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, room_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, options JSON NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (muc_host, room_name) ); CREATE TABLE muc_room_aff( room_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES muc_rooms(id), luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, resource VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, aff SMALLINT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX i_muc_room_aff_id ON muc_room_aff (room_id); CREATE TABLE muc_registered( muc_host VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, nick VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (muc_host, luser, lserver) ); CREATE TABLE muc_light_occupants( room_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES muc_light_rooms(id), luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, aff SMALLINT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX i_muc_light_occupants_id ON muc_light_occupants (room_id); CREATE INDEX i_muc_light_occupants_us ON muc_light_occupants (lserver, luser); CREATE TABLE muc_light_config( room_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES muc_light_rooms(id), opt VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, val VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX i_muc_light_config ON muc_light_config (room_id); CREATE TABLE muc_light_blocking( luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, what SMALLINT NOT NULL, who VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX i_muc_light_blocking_su ON muc_light_blocking (lserver, luser); CREATE TABLE inbox ( luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, remote_bare_jid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, msg_id VARCHAR(250), box VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'inbox', content BYTEA NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, muted_until BIGINT DEFAULT 0, unread_count INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(lserver, luser, remote_bare_jid)); CREATE INDEX i_inbox_timestamp ON inbox USING BTREE(lserver, luser, timestamp); CREATE INDEX i_inbox_us_box ON inbox USING BTREE(lserver, luser, box); CREATE INDEX i_inbox_box ON inbox (box) WHERE (box = 'bin'); CREATE TABLE pubsub_nodes ( nidx BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, p_key VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, owners JSON NOT NULL, options JSON NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_pubsub_nodes_key_name ON pubsub_nodes USING btree (p_key, name); CREATE TABLE pubsub_node_collections ( name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, parent_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(name, parent_name) ); CREATE TABLE pubsub_affiliations ( nidx BIGINT NOT NULL, luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, aff SMALLINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(luser, lserver, nidx) ); CREATE INDEX i_pubsub_affiliations_nidx ON pubsub_affiliations(nidx); CREATE TABLE pubsub_items ( nidx BIGINT NOT NULL, itemid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, modified_luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, modified_lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, modified_lresource VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, modified_at BIGINT NOT NULL, publisher TEXT, payload TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(nidx, itemid) ); CREATE TABLE pubsub_last_item ( nidx BIGINT NOT NULL, itemid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, payload TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (nidx) ); -- we skip luser and lserver in this one as this is little chance (even impossible?) -- to have itemid duplication for distinct users CREATE INDEX i_pubsub_items_lus_nidx ON pubsub_items(created_luser, created_lserver, nidx); CREATE INDEX i_pubsub_items_nidx ON pubsub_items(nidx); CREATE TABLE pubsub_subscriptions ( nidx BIGINT NOT NULL, luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, lresource VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, type SMALLINT NOT NULL, sub_id VARCHAR(125) NOT NULL, options JSON NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX i_pubsub_subscriptions_lus_nidx ON pubsub_subscriptions(luser, lserver, nidx); CREATE INDEX i_pubsub_subscriptions_nidx ON pubsub_subscriptions(nidx); CREATE TABLE event_pusher_push_subscription ( owner_jid VARCHAR(250), node VARCHAR(250), pubsub_jid VARCHAR(250), form JSON NOT NULL, created_at BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(owner_jid, node, pubsub_jid) ); CREATE INDEX i_event_pusher_push_subscription ON event_pusher_push_subscription(owner_jid); CREATE TABLE mongoose_cluster_id ( k varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, v text ); -- chat marker types: -- 'R' - received -- 'D' - displayed -- 'A' - acknowledged CREATE TYPE chat_marker_type AS ENUM('R', 'D', 'A'); CREATE TABLE smart_markers ( lserver VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, luser VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, to_jid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, thread VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, type chat_marker_type NOT NULL, msg_id VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(lserver, luser, to_jid, thread, type) ); CREATE INDEX i_smart_markers ON smart_markers(to_jid, thread); CREATE TABLE offline_markers ( jid VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, thread VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, room VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(jid, thread, room) ); CREATE INDEX i_offline_markers ON offline_markers(jid); CREATE TABLE domain_admins( domain VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, pass_details TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(domain) ); -- Mapping from domain hostname to host_type. -- Column id is used for ordering only. CREATE TABLE domain_settings ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE, domain VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, host_type VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, status SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(domain) ); -- A new record is inserted into domain_events, each time -- domain_settings table is updated: i.e. when a domain is removed, -- inserted, enabled or disabled. -- Column id is used for ordering and not related to domain_settings.id. CREATE TABLE domain_events ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, domain VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ); CREATE INDEX i_domain_events_domain ON domain_events(domain); CREATE TABLE discovery_nodes ( cluster_name varchar(250) NOT NULL, node_name varchar(250) NOT NULL, node_num INT NOT NULL, address varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- empty means we should ask DNS updated_timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, -- in seconds PRIMARY KEY (node_name) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_discovery_nodes_node_num ON discovery_nodes USING BTREE(cluster_name, node_num); CREATE TABLE caps ( node varchar(250) NOT NULL, sub_node varchar(250) NOT NULL, features text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (node, sub_node) ); -- XEP-0484: Fast Authentication Streamlining Tokens -- Module: mod_fast_auth_token CREATE TABLE fast_auth_token( server VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, username VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, -- Device installation ID (User-Agent ID) -- Unique for each device -- https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0388.html#initiation user_agent_id VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, current_token VARCHAR(250), current_expire BIGINT, -- seconds unix timestamp current_count INT, -- replay counter current_mech_id smallint, new_token VARCHAR(250), new_expire BIGINT, -- seconds unix timestamp new_count INT, new_mech_id smallint, PRIMARY KEY(server, username, user_agent_id) );