# Enforce consistent param names and ordering when creating new promises (`promise/param-names`) 💼 This rule is enabled in the following configs: ✅ `flat/recommended`, ✅ `recommended`. Enforce standard parameter names for Promise constructors #### Valid ```js new Promise(function (resolve) { ... }) new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { ... }) new Promise(function (_resolve, _reject) { ... }) // Unused marker for parameters are allowed ``` #### Invalid ```js new Promise(function (reject, resolve) { ... }) // incorrect order new Promise(function (ok, fail) { ... }) // non-standard parameter names new Promise(function (_, reject) { ... }) // a simple underscore is not allowed ``` Ensures that `new Promise()` is instantiated with the parameter names `resolve, reject` to avoid confusion with order such as `reject, resolve`. The Promise constructor uses the [RevealingConstructor pattern](https://blog.domenic.me/the-revealing-constructor-pattern/). Using the same parameter names as the language specification makes code more uniform and easier to understand. #### Options ##### `resolvePattern` You can pass a `{ resolvePattern: "^_?resolve$" }` as an option to this rule to the first argument name pattern that the rule allows. Default is `"^_?resolve$"`. ##### `rejectPattern` You can pass a `{ rejectPattern: "^_?reject$" }` as an option to this rule to the second argument name pattern that the rule allows. Default is `"^_?reject$"`.