// Copyright 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @brief This example demonstrates simple Zigbee light bulb. * * The example demonstrates how to use ESP Zigbee stack to create a end device light bulb. * The light bulb is a Zigbee end device, which is controlled by a Zigbee coordinator. * * Proper Zigbee mode must be selected in Tools->Zigbee mode * and also the correct partition scheme must be selected in Tools->Partition Scheme. * * Please check the README.md for instructions and more detailed description. */ #ifndef ZIGBEE_MODE_ED #error "Zigbee end device mode is not selected in Tools->Zigbee mode" #endif #include "esp_zigbee_core.h" #include "nvs_flash.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "ha/esp_zigbee_ha_standard.h" #define LED_PIN RGB_BUILTIN /* Default End Device config */ #define ESP_ZB_ZED_CONFIG() \ { \ .esp_zb_role = ESP_ZB_DEVICE_TYPE_ED, \ .install_code_policy = INSTALLCODE_POLICY_ENABLE, \ .nwk_cfg = { \ .zed_cfg = { \ .ed_timeout = ED_AGING_TIMEOUT, \ .keep_alive = ED_KEEP_ALIVE, \ }, \ }, \ } #define ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_RADIO_CONFIG() \ { \ .radio_mode = RADIO_MODE_NATIVE, \ } #define ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_HOST_CONFIG() \ { \ .host_connection_mode = HOST_CONNECTION_MODE_NONE, \ } /* Zigbee configuration */ #define INSTALLCODE_POLICY_ENABLE false /* enable the install code policy for security */ #define ED_AGING_TIMEOUT ESP_ZB_ED_AGING_TIMEOUT_64MIN #define ED_KEEP_ALIVE 3000 /* 3000 millisecond */ #define HA_ESP_LIGHT_ENDPOINT 10 /* esp light bulb device endpoint, used to process light controlling commands */ #define ESP_ZB_PRIMARY_CHANNEL_MASK ESP_ZB_TRANSCEIVER_ALL_CHANNELS_MASK /* Zigbee primary channel mask use in the example */ /********************* Zigbee functions **************************/ static void bdb_start_top_level_commissioning_cb(uint8_t mode_mask) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_zb_bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(mode_mask)); } void esp_zb_app_signal_handler(esp_zb_app_signal_t *signal_struct) { uint32_t *p_sg_p = signal_struct->p_app_signal; esp_err_t err_status = signal_struct->esp_err_status; esp_zb_app_signal_type_t sig_type = (esp_zb_app_signal_type_t)*p_sg_p; switch (sig_type) { case ESP_ZB_ZDO_SIGNAL_SKIP_STARTUP: log_i("Zigbee stack initialized"); esp_zb_bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_INITIALIZATION); break; case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_DEVICE_FIRST_START: case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_DEVICE_REBOOT: if (err_status == ESP_OK) { log_i("Start network steering"); esp_zb_bdb_start_top_level_commissioning(ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_NETWORK_STEERING); } else { /* commissioning failed */ log_w("Failed to initialize Zigbee stack (status: %s)", esp_err_to_name(err_status)); } break; case ESP_ZB_BDB_SIGNAL_STEERING: if (err_status == ESP_OK) { esp_zb_ieee_addr_t extended_pan_id; esp_zb_get_extended_pan_id(extended_pan_id); log_i("Joined network successfully (Extended PAN ID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, PAN ID: 0x%04hx, Channel:%d, Short Address: 0x%04hx)", extended_pan_id[7], extended_pan_id[6], extended_pan_id[5], extended_pan_id[4], extended_pan_id[3], extended_pan_id[2], extended_pan_id[1], extended_pan_id[0], esp_zb_get_pan_id(), esp_zb_get_current_channel(), esp_zb_get_short_address()); } else { log_i("Network steering was not successful (status: %s)", esp_err_to_name(err_status)); esp_zb_scheduler_alarm((esp_zb_callback_t)bdb_start_top_level_commissioning_cb, ESP_ZB_BDB_MODE_NETWORK_STEERING, 1000); } break; default: log_i("ZDO signal: %s (0x%x), status: %s", esp_zb_zdo_signal_to_string(sig_type), sig_type, esp_err_to_name(err_status)); break; } } static esp_err_t zb_action_handler(esp_zb_core_action_callback_id_t callback_id, const void *message) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; switch (callback_id) { case ESP_ZB_CORE_SET_ATTR_VALUE_CB_ID: ret = zb_attribute_handler((esp_zb_zcl_set_attr_value_message_t *)message); break; default: log_w("Receive Zigbee action(0x%x) callback", callback_id); break; } return ret; } static void esp_zb_task(void *pvParameters) { esp_zb_cfg_t zb_nwk_cfg = ESP_ZB_ZED_CONFIG(); esp_zb_init(&zb_nwk_cfg); esp_zb_on_off_light_cfg_t light_cfg = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_ON_OFF_LIGHT_CONFIG(); esp_zb_ep_list_t *esp_zb_on_off_light_ep = esp_zb_on_off_light_ep_create(HA_ESP_LIGHT_ENDPOINT, &light_cfg); esp_zb_device_register(esp_zb_on_off_light_ep); esp_zb_core_action_handler_register(zb_action_handler); esp_zb_set_primary_network_channel_set(ESP_ZB_PRIMARY_CHANNEL_MASK); //Erase NVRAM before creating connection to new Coordinator //esp_zb_nvram_erase_at_start(true); //Comment out this line to erase NVRAM data if you are conneting to new Coordinator ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_zb_start(false)); esp_zb_main_loop_iteration(); } /* Handle the light attribute */ static esp_err_t zb_attribute_handler(const esp_zb_zcl_set_attr_value_message_t *message) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; bool light_state = 0; if(!message){ log_e("Empty message"); } if(message->info.status != ESP_ZB_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS){ log_e("Received message: error status(%d)", message->info.status); } log_i("Received message: endpoint(%d), cluster(0x%x), attribute(0x%x), data size(%d)", message->info.dst_endpoint, message->info.cluster, message->attribute.id, message->attribute.data.size); if (message->info.dst_endpoint == HA_ESP_LIGHT_ENDPOINT) { if (message->info.cluster == ESP_ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_ON_OFF) { if (message->attribute.id == ESP_ZB_ZCL_ATTR_ON_OFF_ON_OFF_ID && message->attribute.data.type == ESP_ZB_ZCL_ATTR_TYPE_BOOL) { light_state = message->attribute.data.value ? *(bool *)message->attribute.data.value : light_state; log_i("Light sets to %s", light_state ? "On" : "Off"); neopixelWrite(LED_PIN,255*light_state,255*light_state,255*light_state); // Toggle light } } } return ret; } /********************* Arduino functions **************************/ void setup() { // Init Zigbee esp_zb_platform_config_t config = { .radio_config = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_RADIO_CONFIG(), .host_config = ESP_ZB_DEFAULT_HOST_CONFIG(), }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_init()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_zb_platform_config(&config)); // Init RMT and leave light OFF neopixelWrite(LED_PIN,0,0,0); //Start Zigbee task xTaskCreate(esp_zb_task, "Zigbee_main", 4096, NULL, 5, NULL); } void loop() { //empty, zigbee running in task }