############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2003-2020 by The University of Queensland # http://www.uq.edu.au # # Primary Business: Queensland, Australia # Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC) # Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences # Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp) # Development from 2019 by School of Earth and Environmental Sciences # ############################################################################## # This is a template configuration file for escript on Debian/GNU Linux. # Refer to README_FIRST for usage instructions. escript_opts_version = 203 #cxx_extra = '-Wno-literal-suffix' openmp = True #mpi = 'OPENMPI' import os d_mpi_path = '/usr/include/openmpi' mpi_prefix = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(d_mpi_path))[0] mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi'] netcdf = 4 umfpack = True umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib'] umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'blas', 'amd'] lapack_prefix = ['/usr/include/atlas', '/usr/lib/atlas-base'] #silo = True silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5_openmpi'] dudley_assemble_flags = '-funroll-loops' pythoncmd="/usr/bin/python3" pythonlibname = 'python3.6m' pythonlibpath = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' pythonincpath = '/usr/include/python3.6m' import subprocess import os p = subprocess.Popen(["ld","--verbose"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out,err = p.communicate() spath = [x[13:-3] for x in out.split() if 'SEARCH_DIR' in x] p2name = '' p3name = '' for name in spath: try: l=os.listdir(name) p2res=[x for x in l if x.startswith('libboost_python2') and x.endswith('.so')] p3res=[x for x in l if x.startswith('libboost_python3') and x.endswith('.so')] if len(p2name)==0 and len(p2res)>0: p2name=p2res[-1] if len(p3name)==0 and len(p3res)>0: p3name=p3res[-1] except OSError: pass # boost-python library/libraries to link against boost_libs = [p3name[3:-3]] # this can be used by options files importing us boost_py2_libs = [p2name[3:-3]] boost_py3_libs = [p3name[3:-3]] from site_init import getdebbuildflags # Now we add the debian build flags debstuff = getdebbuildflags() if len(debstuff) > 0: print("Building with the following additional flags from debian: "+str(debstuff)) for i in debstuff: k=i[0] v=i[1] try: exec(k+"+=' "+v+"'") except NameError: exec(k+"='"+v+"'") mathjax_path='/usr/share/javascript/mathjax/MathJax.js'