# Changelog ## Version 0.31.7 * Bump etebase dependency to latest ## Version 0.31.6 * Bump multiple dependencies to fix building with Rust 1.64 ## Version 0.31.5 * Bump flapigen and cpython deps to potentially fix crashes with Python 3.9 and 3.10 ## Version 0.31.4 * Disable musllinux which currently fails build ## Version 0.31.3 * Build for Python 3.10 ## Version 0.31.2 * Fix crashes with Python 3.9 ## Version 0.31.1 * Fix exposing the Utils class ## Version 0.31.0 * Fix issue with custom urls lacking a trailing slash * Account: expose the login_key and signup_key variants. * Update etebase dependency ## Version 0.30.0 * Login: automatically init the account if not init * Have global and immutable collection types (changes the create and list APIs) * Update etebase dependency ## Version 0.21.1 * Invitations: expose from_username * Update etebase dep ## Version 0.21.0 * Use new and shorter fingerprint pretty format * Update etebase dep ## Version 0.20.2 * CI: statically link Windows C runtime on Windows * CI: change how we build the wheels to fix Windows link issue ## Version 0.20.1 * Fix errors when setting item and collection metadata ## Version 0.20.0 * Expose access level values * Rename API_URL to DEFAULT_SERVER_URL and update etebase dep. * Add an API function to check if it's an etebase server. * Update etebase dep ## Version 0.2.1 * Update etebase dep ## Version 0.2.0 * ItemManager: implement item revisions fetching. * Fix `UserProfile` member manager and invitation manager. * Expose `pretty_fingerprint` for pretty fingerprint printing * Make `deps`/`fetch_options` parameters optional. * Expose `randombytes` for generating random data * Expose `API_URL` and add a default parameter to the Client constructor. * Base64Url: improve the python bindings of this class ## Version 0.1.0 * Initial commit