Introduction ============ Trinity is an implementation of an Ethereum network node. It is built on top of Py-EVM which is an implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) written in Python. Trinity and Py-EVM are the successors to the deprecated py-ethereum project and are the current go-to implementations for the Python ecosystem. If none of this makes sense to you yet we recommend to checkout the `Ethereum `_ website as well as a `higher level description `_ of the Ethereum project. Goals ------------ The main focus is to enrich the Ethereum ecosystem with a Python implementation that: * Supports Ethereum 1.0 as well as 2.0 / Serenity * Runs as a "full" node using a novel `beam sync `_ strategy * Is well documented * Is easy to understand * Has clear APIs * Runs fast and resource friendly * Is highly flexible to support: * Public chains (including Mainnet, Görli, Ropsten and other networks) * Private chains * Consortium chains * Advanced research .. note:: Trinity is currently in **public alpha** and can connect and sync to the main Ethereum network. While it isn't meant for production use yet, we encourage the adventurous to try it out. Follow along the :doc:`Quickstart ` to get things going. Further reading --------------- Here are a couple more useful links to check out. * :doc:`Quickstart ` * `Source Code on GitHub `_ * `Public Gitter Chat `_ * :doc:`Get involved `