#!/bin/bash # # ET:Legacy Linux assets extractor - Download and extract Wolf:ET assets # # - Put this script into your $HOME path or any desired folder. # - Change permission to execute and run the script. # TODO: # - Add some mirrors checksums=`mktemp` cat >$checksums <<'EOF' 41cbbc1afb8438bc8fc74a64a171685550888856005111cbf9af5255f659ae36 et-linux-2.60.x86.run EOF # # Tools # reset="\e[0m" colorR="\e[1;31m" colorG="\e[1;32m" colorY="\e[1;33m" colorB="\e[1;34m" note() { case "$1" in i) echo -e "${colorB}::${reset} $2";; # info s) echo -e "${colorG}::${reset} $2";; # success w) echo -e "${colorY}::${reset} $2";; # question e) echo -e "${colorR}::${reset} $2"; # error exit 1;; esac } proceed() { case $1 in y) printf "${colorY}%s${reset} ${colorW}%s${reset}" "::" $"$2 [Y/n] " read -n 1 answer echo case $answer in Y|y|'') return 0;; *) return 1;; esac;; n) printf "${colorY}%s${reset} ${colorW}%s${reset}" "::" $"$2 [y/N] " read -n 1 answer echo case $answer in N|n|'') return 0;; *) return 1;; esac;; esac } downloader() { if [ -f /usr/bin/axel ]; then axel $1 elif [ -f /usr/bin/curl ]; then curl -O $1 else wget $1 fi } # # Main # echo -e "${colorB}***********************************************************************${reset}" echo -e " Enemy Teritorry: Legacy - ${colorG}Wolf:ET assets${reset} Linux extractor" echo -e "${colorB}***********************************************************************${reset}" echo # license note i "W:ET assets are covered by the original EULA" note i "" note i "See EULA_Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory.txt at" note i "https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy-tools/" echo if ! proceed "y" "Do you agree with the license ?"; then note e "Installation exited" fi # download note i "Preparing extraction..." if [ ! -f et-linux-2.60.x86.run ]; then note i "Fetching W:ET assets data files..." downloader http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/et/linux/et-linux-2.60.x86.run fi # checksum note i "Checking downloaded file..." sha256sum -c $checksums || note e "Integrity check failed" # installation note i "Extracting..." chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run --noexec --target WolfETassets rm -rf WolfETassets/{bin,Docs,README,pb,openurl.sh,CHANGES,ET.xpm,setup.{data,sh}} rm -rf WolfETassets/etmain/{*.cfg,*.so,*.txt,*.dat,mp_bin.pk3,video} cd .. note s "Extraction successful!" # cleaning echo if ! proceed "n" "Remove downloaded file archive?"; then rm -i et-linux-2.60.x86.run fi # end echo echo -e "${colorB}***********************************************************************${reset}" echo -e " You'll find the assets files in ${colorG}WolfETassets/etmain${reset}" echo -e "${colorB}***********************************************************************${reset}" echo -e " Visit us on ${colorY}www.etlegacy.com${reset} and ${colorY}IRC #etlegacy@freenode.net${reset}" echo -e "${colorB}***********************************************************************${reset}"