CoreObject ========== Maintainers : Eric Wasylishen, Quentin Mathe Authors : Eric Wasylishen , Quentin Mathe , Christopher Armstrong License : MIT License Version : 0.5 CoreObject is a version-controlled object database, designed to be a humane persistence layer for applications with a "never lose any work" philosophy. At the center is an ACID-compliant object store using SQLite, and built on this are semantic merging, rich undo/redo support, collaborative editing, and a transaction API for viewing database snapshots in memory and batching changes for commit. Read more at []( [![Build Status](]( Key Features ------------ - Revision Control - Built on a DVCS (distributed version control system) model - Persistent roots have isolated history - Comparable to separate Git repositories - Based on Object Graph Diff and Merging Model - Each Change is a delta represented as an Object Graph Patch - Two-level History - History Graph per document - Undo Track per activity - Branch - Cheap Copy (copying a document requires O(1) space) - Localizable History - History Compression and Compaction // Not finished! - Serialization Formats - JSON and Binary (endian-, 32/64-bit- independent) - Stable over multiple invocations for the same object graph (no merge issues in SCM) - Integrity Checking (every single committed change includes a checksum) - Undo Framework - Built on the Revision Control model - Never need to define new Command objects - Pervasive Undo/Redo - Document Changes (Creation, Update and Deletion inside a Document) - Store Changes (Document/Branch Creation, Update and Deletion) - Selective Undo (each change can be cancelled individually) - Persistent Undo Stacks (tree structured/branching undo) - Mutiple Undo Views on the same document - Undo Stack Union View - Object Store - Pragmatic OODB atop SQLite - Minimalistic Metamodel - Flexible Storage Model - Coarse-grained Objects with Metadata (e.g. Documents and their Branches) - Fine-grained Objects (e.g. inside Document Branches) - Optional Object Organization Model based on Tags and Libraries - Built-in Indexing and Search (history included) - Flexible Collection and Relationship Model - Unidirectional or bidirectional - Ordered or unordered - To-one or to-many - Composite - Undirectional Unordered Keyed - Transparent Constraint Enforcements on Update - Cross Document References - named branch - current branch - unidirectional accross arbitrary branch - bidirectional between the current branches - Synthesized Accessors - Transparent Object Graph Copy - Transient Object Graph - Real-Time Collaboration - Any CoreObject-based model supports it (for free) - Based on the Revision Control Model - Very Fast - Full Branch and Undo Support per User - Per User Persistent Undo Stack - Per User Selective Undo - Based on XMPP - Overall Design - Small Code Base (~ 20 000 loc) - Pretty Large Test suite (over 3000 tests) - High Quality API documentation - Good Debugging Support - View object graph in memory as PDF diagram (can be generated from the debugger or in code) - Short and Detailed Descriptions for logging objects - Minimal dependencies (SQLite and EtoileFoundation) - Pervasive UUID use (no string, number or content-based identifiers) - Favor JSON formats - Create a Persistent Object and save it in 3 loc COEditingContext *ctx = [COEditingContext contextWithURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: @"TestStore.db"]]; COPersistentRoot *persistentRoot = [ctx insertNewPersistentRootWithEntityName: @"COObject"]; [persistentRoot commit]; Note: Viewing object graphs as PDF diagrams is not supported on iOS. Build and Install ----------------- Clone CoreObject and its dependencies into the same directory (or extract a release .tgz which contains all 3 projects): git clone git clone git clone The Xcode projects and schemes of interest are: - CoreObject/CoreObject.xcodeproj - CoreObject - builds the framework itself - BasicPersistence - a minimal example app - TestCoreObject - the test suite - BenchmarkCoreObject - the benchmark - CoreObject/Samples/ProjectDemo/ProjectDemo.xcodeproj - ProjectDemo - an experimental testbed application with a drawing editor, outliner, and collaborative editing support used in the [demo videos](ht - CoreObject/Samples/Typewriter/Typerwriter.xcodeproj - Typewriter - a reasonably polished note manager that uses CoreObject Note: ProjectDemo and Typewriter cannot be run on iOS. For more details, see [INSTALL.Cocoa]( or [INSTALL.GNUstep]( macOS and iOS support --------------------- CoreObject is supported on macOS (10.8 or higher), and iOS (7 or higher). **Warning:** Xcode 4.6 or higher is required to build the Xcode projects.