#!/bin/bash # This file is part of IXP Watch # # IXP Watch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, version v2.0 of the License. # # IXP Watch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2.0 # along with IXP Watch If not, see: # # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html clear REPO_URL="https://github.com/euro-ix/IXP-Watch.git" DEF_INSTALL_DIR="/usr/local/ixpwatch" DEF_LINK_DIR="/usr/local/bin" DEF_DATA_DIR="/var/ixpwatch" DEF_CONF_DIR="/etc/ixpwatch" DEF_PURGE_SAMPLE_DAYS=10 DEF_ZIP_REPORTS_DAYS=30 DEF_PURGE_REPORTS_DAYS=0 DEF_LOGGER="/usr/bin/logger" DEF_LOGHOSTS="" DEF_LOCAL_FACIL="local4.debug" DEF_LOG_FACILITY="local4.debug" DEF_PREFIX_IPV4="" DEF_CAP_INTERFACE="eth1" DEF_NETWORK="IXP-LAN" # install these packages on debian/ubuntu by default: DEF_PACKAGES="tshark sipcalc" DEF_USER="ixpwatch" RUNNING_USER=$(whoami) echo "IXP-Watch Install Script" echo "========================" echo "" echo "This script will attempt to install a working IXP-Watch with some" echo "default settings to get started." echo "" echo "Please read INSTALL.TXT to understand the config options in more detail." echo "" echo "" if [ $RUNNING_USER != "root" ] ; then echo " *** This script needs to run as root, because it needs to install packages" echo " and to set the correct permissions." exit 1 fi if [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then DEBIAN=$(cat /etc/debian_version) echo "** Debian/Ubuntu $DEBIAN found. Will ask to install apt packages." else echo "** Not Debian / Ubuntu. You may need to install extra packages for tshark, rrdtool etc." fi echo "" GIT=$(which git) if [ -z "$GIT" ] ; then echo "*** git not found! " if [ -n "$DEBIAN" ] ; then printf "...will install git with apt" DEF_PACKAGES="git ${DEF_PACKAGES}" else exit 1 fi echo "" fi # Get prompt to variable and make it look nice get_prompt () { local PROMPT_TEXT=$1 local PROMPT_DEFAULT=$2 local prompt_len=${#PROMPT_DEFAULT} if [ $prompt_len -le 1 ] ; then local OPTS="-n 1" else local OPTS="-e -i ${PROMPT_DEFAULT}" fi local ten=" " local pad="$ten$ten$ten" if [ -n "$PROMPT_DEFAULT" ] ; then local prompt="${PROMPT_TEXT}" prompt="${prompt:0:40}${pad:0:$((40 - ${#prompt}))} : " read -p "$prompt" ${OPTS} else read -p "${PROMPT_TEXT}" ${OPTS} fi echo "${REPLY}" } function yes_or_no { local default=$2 local defprompt="[y/n]" if [ "$default" = "y" ] ; then defprompt="[Y/n]" ; local retval="1" ; fi if [ "$default" = "n" ] ; then defprompt="[y/N]" ; local retval="0" ; fi while true; do yn=$( get_prompt "$1 $defprompt" "$default" ) case $yn in [Yy]*) echo "1" ; return 1 ;; [Nn]*) echo "0" ; return 0 ;; *) echo "${retval}" ; return $retval ;; esac done } INSTALLDIR=$( get_prompt "Script install directory" ${DEF_INSTALL_DIR} ) echo "" echo "Data directory setup. Must be a location with sufficient space" echo "for example 15-20G for sample and report storage." echo "" DATA_DIR=$( get_prompt "Data directory" "${DEF_DATA_DIR}" ) CONF_DIR=$( get_prompt "Config directory" "${DEF_CONF_DIR}" ) SAMPLE_ROOT="${DATA_DIR}/samples" LOG_ROOT="${DATA_DIR}/watch" TEMP_DIR="${DATA_DIR}/tmp" DEF_HTML_DIR="${DATA_DIR}/www" PURGE_SAMPLE_DAYS=$( get_prompt "Days to keep capture sample files" "${DEF_PURGE_SAMPLE_DAYS}" ) ZIP_REPORTS_DAYS=$( get_prompt "Compress reports older than (days)" "${DEF_ZIP_REPORTS_DAYS}" ) echo "" CAP_INTERFACE=$( get_prompt "Peering LAN capture interface" ${DEF_CAP_INTERFACE} ) PREFIX_IPV4=$( get_prompt "Peering LAN IPv4 prefix" ${DEF_PREFIX_IPV4} ) NETWORK=$( get_prompt "Name for this peering LAN (1 word)" ${DEF_NETWORK} ) NETWORK=$(echo "${NETWORK}" | sed s/[^\.a-zA-Z0-9_\-]//g) echo "" CONFIG=$( get_prompt "Config file (will be created)" ${CONF_DIR}/${NETWORK}.conf ) echo "" USER=$( get_prompt "user/group to add for ixpwatch" ${DEF_USER} ) GROUP=${USER} echo "" echo "Email settings" echo "==============" echo "" echo "Email for alerts notification: Address to receive IXP-Watch notifications (must be set)" echo "Email for SMS/pager: for urgent alerts (STP and ARP storms) (optional)" echo "You may also enable REPORT_EMAIL in the config to receive a copy of every report" echo "" ALARM_EMAIL=$( get_prompt "Email for alerts" ${USER} ) ALARM_PAGER=$( get_prompt "Email for SMS/urgent alerts" ${ALARM_EMAIL} ) echo "" echo "SYSLOG settings" echo "===============" echo "" echo "IXP-Watch supports local and/or remote syslog" echo "" LOGGER=$( get_prompt "Location of logger" ${DEF_LOGGER} ) DO_LOCAL_SYSLOG=$( yes_or_no "Enable syslog to LOCAL host? [yes]" y) ; echo "" if [ $DO_LOCAL_SYSLOG = 1 ] ; then LOCAL_FACIL=$( get_prompt "- LOCAL Syslog facility" "${DEF_LOCAL_FACIL}" ) fi DO_REMOTE_SYSLOG=$( yes_or_no "Enable syslog to REMOTE host(s)? [yes]" y) ; echo "" if [ $DO_REMOTE_SYSLOG = 1 ] ; then LOG_FACILITY=$( get_prompt "- REMOTE Syslog facility" "${DEF_LOG_FACILITY}" ) LOGHOSTS=$( get_prompt "- REMOTE Syslog host(s)" "${DEF_LOGHOSTS}" ) fi echo "" echo "Optional extras" echo "===============" DO_RRD=$( yes_or_no "Set up RRD graphs? [yes]" y) ; echo "" if [ $DO_RRD = 1 ] ; then DEF_PACKAGES="${DEF_PACKAGES} rrdtool" HTML_DIR=$( get_prompt "- Directory for html output" ${DEF_HTML_DIR} ) RRD_DIR=$( get_prompt "- Directory for RRD files" "${DEF_HTML_DIR}/graphs" ) GRAPH_DIR=$( get_prompt "- Directory for graph png files" "${DEF_HTML_DIR}/graphs" ) else HTML_DIR=${DEF_HTML_DIR} RRD_DIR=${DEF_HTML_DIR}/graphs GRAPH_DIR=${DEF_HTML_DIR}/graphs fi echo "" echo "== Creating directories:" CREATE_DIRS="$INSTALLDIR $DATA_DIR $CONF_DIR $SAMPLE_ROOT $LOG_ROOT $TEMP_DIR $HTML_DIR $RRD_DIR $GRAPH_DIR" for dir in ${CREATE_DIRS} do echo "- $dir" if [ -d "$dir" ] ; then if [ "$dir" = "$INSTALLDIR" ] ; then clobber=$( yes_or_no "dir exists! replace? [yes]" y) if [ "$clobber" = "1" ] ; then rm -rf $dir else echo "not replacing. Install may not work correctly!" fi echo "" fi fi done for dir in ${CREATE_DIRS} do mkdir -p $dir || exit 1 done if [ -n "$DEBIAN" ] ; then echo "" DO_ARPWATCH=$( yes_or_no "Install arpwatch tool? [yes]" y) if [ $DO_ARPWATCH = 1 ] ; then DEF_PACKAGES="${DEF_PACKAGES} arpwatch" fi echo "" echo "== Preparing apt selections..." echo "wireshark-common wireshark-common/install-setuid boolean true" | debconf-set-selections echo "" echo "== Installing apt packages..." for package in ${DEF_PACKAGES} do echo "-->> installing: $package : " apt-get -y install $package done fi GIT=$(which git) if [ -z "$GIT" ] ; then echo "** git not found! please install to continue!" echo "" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "== Fetching from repository into ${INSTALLDIR}" git clone ${REPO_URL} ${INSTALLDIR} || exit 1 echo "== Create user for ixpwatch: ${USER}" useradd -c "IXP-Watch" -d ${DEF_DATA_DIR} -s /bin/bash --no-create-home --system ${USER} usermod -a -G wireshark ${USER} echo "" echo "== Setting up files:" mkdir -p ${DEF_LINK_DIR} for file in ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/* do if [ ! -e "${DEF_LINK_DIR}/${file}" ] ; then ln -s $file ${DEF_LINK_DIR} fi done for file in ${INSTALLDIR}/html_example/* do if [ ! -e "${HTML_DIR}/${file}" ] ; then cp ${INSTALLDIR}/html_example/* ${HTML_DIR} fi done MY_NET=$(echo "${PREFIX_IPV4}" | cut -f1 -d/) MASK=$(echo "${PREFIX_IPV4}" | cut -f2 -d/) SANITY_CHECK=$(echo ${MY_NET} | cut -c 1-6 ) echo "== Writing configuration to ${CONFIG}" echo "s|^ALARM_EMAIL=.*|ALARM_EMAIL=\'${ALARM_EMAIL}\'|g" | tee /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^ALARM_PAGER=.*|ALARM_PAGER=\'${ALARM_PAGER}\'|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^NETWORK.*|NETWORK=\'${NETWORK}\'|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^CAP_INTERFACE=.*|CAP_INTERFACE=${CAP_INTERFACE}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^DO_RRD=.*|DO_RRD=${DO_RRD}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^SAMPLE_ROOT=.*|SAMPLE_ROOT=${SAMPLE_ROOT}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^LOG_ROOT=.*|LOG_ROOT=${LOG_ROOT}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^TEMP_DIR=.*|TEMP_DIR=${TEMP_DIR}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^HTML_DIR=.*|HTML_DIR=${HTML_DIR}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^RRD_DIR=.*|RRD_DIR=${RRD_DIR}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^GRAPH_DIR=.*|GRAPH_DIR=${GRAPH_DIR}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^MY_NET=.*|MY_NET=${MY_NET}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^MASK=.*|MASK=${MASK}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^SANITY_CHECK=.*|SANITY_CHECK=${SANITY_CHECK}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^LOGGER=.*|LOGGER=${LOGGER}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ if [ $DO_LOCAL_SYSLOG = 1 ] ; then echo "s|^# LOCAL_FACIL=.*|LOCAL_FACIL=${LOCAL_FACIL}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ fi if [ $DO_REMOTE_SYSLOG = 1 ] ; then echo "s|^# LOGHOSTS=.*|LOGHOSTS=\'${LOGHOSTS}\'|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ echo "s|^LOG_FACILITY=.*|LOG_FACILITY=${LOG_FACILITY}|g" | tee -a /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ fi sed -f /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ ${INSTALLDIR}/conf/config.dist > ${CONFIG} rm -f /tmp/sed_cmd.$$ # CONFIG var needs setting in scripts: for file in ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/* do sed s^CONFIG=.*^CONFIG=${CONFIG}^ -i ${file} done id -u ${USER} > /dev/null USER_OK=$? if [ "$USER_OK" = "0" ] ; then # fix up permissions: echo "" echo "== Setting owner/permissions" chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${INSTALLDIR} chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${DATA_DIR} chown -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${CONF_DIR} chmod a+x ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/* if [ -d "/etc/cron.d" ] ; then echo "" echo "== Setting up cron tasks" echo "*/15 * * * * ${USER} ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/ixp-watch >/dev/null 2>&1" | tee /etc/cron.d/ixp-watch echo "5 7 * * * ${USER} ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/ixp-watch-tidy > /dev/null 2>&1" | tee /etc/cron.d/ixp-watch-tidy echo "Note: sample interval is 15 minutes (900 seconds). If you change this in the IXP-Watch config," echo "remember also to change the cron task /etc/cron.d/ixp-watch." fi else echo "** Warning: User ${USER} could not be created! You will need to:" echo " - create the user and group for ${USER}" echo " - fix up permissions/ownerships on the directories (see INSTALL.TXT)" echo " - add user to the wireshark group as required" echo " - install cron tasks" fi echo "== Setup complete!" echo "" echo "Further actions:" echo "Please read INSTALL.TXT to understand the config options in more detail." echo "" echo "1. Review the config file ${CONFIG} and edit any further settings as needed." echo " - you may also need to check the ixp-watch script itself." echo "2. If you installed arpwatch, you may want to edit the config: /etc/default/arpwatch on debian." echo "3. Set up bin/sponge or IXP-Manager/auto_sponge tools. (optional)" echo "4. Edit web pages in ${HTML_DIR} / set up web location." echo ""