team_name: AMM model_name: EpiInvert model_abbr: AMM-EpiInvert model_contributors: - name: Luis Alvarez affiliation: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain email: - name: Jean-David Morel affiliation: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland email: - name: Jean-Michel Morel affiliation: Université Paris-Saclay, France email: website_url: license: cc-by-4.0 team_model_designation: primary methods: Learning from the past a short time forecast of the COVID-19 incidence curve trend. methods_long: We design a learning procedure, EpiInvertForecast, to forecast the future trend of the daily incidence. This learning procedure is based on a database of 27,418 incidence trend curves computed in the past, with EpiInvert, using real data. The forecast of the current incidence trend is obtained as a weighted average of the 27,418 database curves where the weight of each database curve depends on the similarity between the current curve and the database curve in the past. We also compute empirical confidence intervals for the forecast estimation and, using the weekly seasonality computed by EpiInvert, we also estimate a forecast of the original incidence curve. citation: , , data_inputs: