--- # Fill out as many of these as you can, and delete the rest. # Text on a line after a "#" is a comment and is ignored for the published page. author: [ "@wasabifan" ] # your GitHub user name # or make a list if there is more than one author # author: [ "@person1", "@person2", "person without GitHub account" ] programming_language: "JavaScript" # The programming language used in this project youtube_video_id: rrNaLfE9PWA # The video ID of the YouTube video to be displayed with this post # thumbnail_override: "/images/projects/my-project/my-image.png" # If you don't have a YouTube video (or the video thumbnail isn't good) you can uncomment this line to set your own image for the project. project_homepage_url: "http://example.com/my-super-cool-project" # Homepage for this project source_code_url: "https://github.com/myuser/myrepo" # Provide a link to your code building_instructions_url: "http://example.com/building-instructions.pdf" # how to build the model out of LEGO (*not* how to build the source code) excerpt: "An example/template project to make creating a new project page easier." # A short summary of your project. This can be a sentence or a paragraph, but it's recommended to keep it under 3 sentences. --- Put your content here. It will be processed as markdown using the [kramdown](https://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html) markdown engine. Most HTML will work too. Here are some suggestions for what to include in your description: - **Your name:** Who are you? - **Location:** Where do you live? At least, which country. City would be nice too. - **Pictures and media:** If you don't have any video, do you have pictures? Or maybe a PDF detailing what you built? - **Feedback:** Is there a place that people can leave comments or ask questions? Maybe on your GitHub repo or on your blog?