# Elm Format on Save Run `elm-format` whenever you save an Elm file. And add the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl+K` `Ctrl+F` (or `Cmd+K` `Cmd+F` on Mac) to run `elm-format` any time you want. No need to save. ## Install 0. Install [`elm-format`](https://github.com/avh4/elm-format) 1. Install [Elm Syntax Highlighting](https://github.com/evancz/elm-syntax-highlighting) for Sublime Text 2. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` (or `Cmd+Shift+P` on Mac) to open the Command Palette 3. Select **Package Control: Install Package** 4. Select **Elm Format on Save** Try saving an Elm file to see if it works. You may see a panel open with troubleshooting advice if something has gone wrong! ## Including/Excluding Files Do you only want `elm-format` to run on certain files? (e.g. only work code) Go to **Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Elm Format on Save -> Settings** You will see two panels. The left is all the defaults and the right is your custom overrides. So in the right panel, you can override the default settings with something like: ```json { "on_save": { "including": ["my/company/"], "excluding": ["src/generated/"] } } ``` This would mean that you only run `elm-format` on code that is in the `my/company/` directory, but you skip any files in the `src/generated` directory. See the left settings panel for more information about how to include and exclude files! ## Technical Details This plugin works by modifying the code in the editor itself. So when it runs "on save" it is specifically running _before_ the file is saved to disk. This is really important if you have some elaborate file watching system set up! Other plugins may format _after_ the file is saved to disk, triggering a second save, and thereby degrading the performance of your file watching system.