# Wording Status ## Description Provides a real-time word and character count in the status-bar for Sublime Text. See: http://www.sublimetext.com/ Count words and/or characters on document or in selections. By default, whitespace is not included in the character count. The minimal word length is 1 and does not count digits. An estimated reading time is now appended to the end of the word count. ## Change log See [./CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md). ## Installation ### By Package Control 1. Download & Install **`Sublime Text 3`** (https://www.sublimetext.com/3) 1. Go to the menu **`Tools -> Install Package Control`**, then, wait few seconds until the installation finishes up 1. Now, Go to the menu **`Preferences -> Package Control`** 1. Type **`Add Channel`** on the opened quick panel and press Enter 1. Then, input the following address and press Enter ``` https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evandrocoan/StudioChannel/master/channel.json ``` 1. Go to the menu **`Tools -> Command Palette... (Ctrl+Shift+P)`** 1. Type **`Preferences: Package Control Settings – User`** on the opened quick panel and press Enter 1. Then, find the following setting on your **`Package Control.sublime-settings`** file: ```js "channels": [ "https://packagecontrol.io/channel_v3.json", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evandrocoan/StudioChannel/master/channel.json", ], ``` 1. And, change it to the following, i.e., put the **`https://raw.githubusercontent...`** line as first: ```js "channels": [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evandrocoan/StudioChannel/master/channel.json", "https://packagecontrol.io/channel_v3.json", ], ``` * The **`https://raw.githubusercontent...`** line must to be added before the **`https://packagecontrol.io...`** one, otherwise, you will not install this forked version of the package, but the original available on the Package Control default channel **`https://packagecontrol.io...`** 1. Now, go to the menu **`Preferences -> Package Control`** 1. Type **`Install Package`** on the opened quick panel and press Enter 1. Then, search for **`WordingStatus`** and press Enter See also: 1. [ITE - Integrated Toolset Environment](https://github.com/evandrocoan/ITE) 1. [Package control docs](https://packagecontrol.io/docs/usage) for details. ## Preferences Located under Sublime Text>Preferences>Package Settings>Settings — User (You probably need to copy the default settings from the uneditable Sublime Text>Preferences>Package Settings>Settings — **Default**) ## Inspiration - The main loop inspired by sublimelint https://github.com/lunixbochs/sublimelint - The count inspired by the original WordCount plugin http://code.google.com/p/sublime-text-community-packages/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FWordCount committed by mindfiresoftware ## Contributors - Liam Cain - Lee Grey - Hawken Rives - Yaw Anokwa - James Brooks - Antony Male - Alex Galonsky - RikkiMongoose - ChrisJefferson - Harry Ng. (From [Word Count Tool](http://wordcounttools.com/)) - MangleKuo - Nick Cody - Amanda Neumann - evandrocoan - Evgeny (eugenesvk)