package me.tatarka.biometricssample import android.content.Context import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import import import android.util.Base64 import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.view.ViewTreeObserver import import import androidx.biometric.BiometricManager import androidx.biometric.BiometricManager.BIOMETRIC_SUCCESS import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import import import import import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator import kotlin.coroutines.resume import kotlin.coroutines.resumeWithException import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) text.text = "Api: " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT button.setOnClickListener { showBiometricPrompt() } encrypt.setOnClickListener { lifecycleScope.launch { try { val encryptedData = encrypt(data.text.toString().toByteArray()) encrypted.text = Base64.encodeToString(encryptedData, 0) } catch (e: GeneralSecurityException) { AlertDialog.Builder(this@MainActivity) .setTitle("Biometrics Error") .setMessage(e.message) .setPositiveButton("Ok", null) .show() } } } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() if (canSecurelyAuthenticate(applicationContext)) { // Showing the biometrics prompt will be ignored if the app does not have focus. You may // think that this will always be the case if you are resumed, it is not. if (hasWindowFocus()) { showBiometricPrompt() } else { window.decorView.viewTreeObserver.addOnWindowFocusChangeListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnWindowFocusChangeListener { override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) { if (hasFocus) { window.decorView.viewTreeObserver.removeOnWindowFocusChangeListener( this ) showBiometricPrompt() } } }) } } } private fun showProgress(shown: Boolean) { progress.visibility = if (shown) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE } private fun showBiometricPrompt() { // The coroutine stuff is to make sure crypto is preformed on a background thread while the // prompt is shown on the main thread. lifecycleScope.launch { try { val decryptedData = decrypt(Base64.decode(encrypted.text.toString(), 0)) { cipher -> // On api 28 if the user is locked out of biometrics from too many failed // attempts there will be a long delay before getting the error back. So the // user isn't confused as to what is going on, show a loading indicator. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 28) { showProgress(true) // The only way to tell that the prompt is shown is to listen to the window // losing focus events. window.decorView.viewTreeObserver.addOnWindowFocusChangeListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnWindowFocusChangeListener { override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) { if (!hasFocus) { window.decorView.viewTreeObserver.removeOnWindowFocusChangeListener( this ) showProgress(false) } } }) } suspendCoroutine { continuation -> BiometricPrompt( this@MainActivity, // Run callbacks on the main thread ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this@MainActivity), object : BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback() { private var authenticationFailed = false override fun onAuthenticationError( errorCode: Int, errString: CharSequence ) { val shouldShow = !isCancel(errorCode) && !authenticationFailed continuation.resumeWithException( BiometricException( errorCode, errString, shouldShow ) ) } override fun onAuthenticationSucceeded(result: BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult) { continuation.resume(result.cryptoObject!!.cipher!!) } override fun onAuthenticationFailed() { // This means the dialog was shown, so we don't want to show the // error again ourselves authenticationFailed = true } /** * If the prompt was canceled by the user we don't want to show an error ourselves */ fun isCancel(errorCode: Int) = errorCode == BiometricPrompt.ERROR_USER_CANCELED || errorCode == BiometricPrompt.ERROR_NEGATIVE_BUTTON }).authenticate( BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder() .setTitle("Title") .setDescription("Description") .setNegativeButtonText("Cancel") .build(), // A CryptoObject is required to ensure 'secure' biometrics. Even if you don't need to // unlock what you pass here, you need to pass something or the device may use a // different weaker form of biometrics. BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject(cipher) ) } } decrypted.text = String(decryptedData) } catch (e: BiometricException) { // Hide the previously shown loading indicator if there's an error. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 28) { showProgress(false) } if (e.shouldShow) { AlertDialog.Builder(this@MainActivity) .setTitle("Biometrics Error") .setMessage(e.errString) .setPositiveButton("Ok", null) .show() } } catch (e: GeneralSecurityException) { AlertDialog.Builder(this@MainActivity) .setTitle("Biometrics Error") .setMessage(e.message) .setPositiveButton("Ok", null) .show() } } } } /** * Checks if we can securely authenticate, i.e. we have secure biometrics hardware and the user can * enroll. [androidx.biometric.BiometricManager.canAuthenticate] is unusable for this for a couple * of reasons: * 1. On api 28 it falls back to [FingerprintManager.hasEnrolledFingerprints] as the system method * does not exist. However, there may still be non-fingerprint biometrics on those devices so it'll * return a false-negative. * 2. On api 29+ it checks for any form of biometrics, not just ones that are 'secure', so we can * get a false-positive. */ private fun canSecurelyAuthenticate(context: Context): Boolean { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) { return false } try { val keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore") KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES", keystore.provider) .init( KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder("DUMMY_KEY_ALIAS", KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT) .setUserAuthenticationRequired(true) .build() ) // On some devices (ex: LG G6 running Android 7) this does not throw an exception despite no // fingerprints being enrolled. Check the biometric manager as a fallback. return BiometricManager.from(context).canAuthenticate() == BIOMETRIC_SUCCESS } catch (e: InvalidAlgorithmParameterException) { // expected error if user isn't enrolled in secure biometrics return false } catch (e: Exception) { // Log unexpected errors, though if there's an issue with the keystore we probably can't use // biometrics anyway. Log.w("BiometricSample", e) return false } } class BiometricException( val code: Int, val errString: CharSequence, /** * If true, we need to show the error to the user. */ val shouldShow: Boolean ) : Exception("$errString ($code)")