* Set ups the configuration and instantiates an ESI Client. * By default, the data source set in constants.php is used. * To use API endpoints that require configuration, use setAccessToken() * before calling the API. * * @author Salvoxia */ class ESI extends ApiClient { /** the data source for the ESI client */ protected $dataSource = ESI_DATA_SOURCE; /** the total time [s] we spent talking to ESI during this request */ protected static $totalEsiTime = 0.0; /** the PHPFastCache instance */ protected static $cacheInstance; /** maximum number of retries for a specific call after a timeout occurred */ protected static $MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES = 3; /** @param EsiConfiguration the EDK ESI configuration */ protected $esiConfig; protected static $curlMultiProcessor; public function __construct(EsiConfiguration $esiConfig = null) { if($esiConfig == null) { $esiConfig = EsiConfiguration::getDefaultEsiConfiguration(); } $this->esiConfig = $esiConfig; // initialze phpFastCache instance if(!self::$cacheInstance) { $this->initCacheHandler(); } parent::__construct($this->esiConfig); } /** * Sets the access token for OAuth * @param string $accessToken */ public function setAccessToken($accessToken) { $this->getConfig()->setAccessToken($accessToken); } /** * Make the HTTP call (Sync) * Modification for EDK: Provide cURL with an up-to-date root CA bundle * * @param string $resourcePath path to method endpoint * @param string $method method to call * @param array $queryParams parameters to be place in query URL * @param array $postData parameters to be placed in POST body * @param array $headerParams parameters to be place in request header * @param string $responseType expected response type of the endpoint * @param string $endpointPath path to method endpoint before expanding parameters * * @throws \Swagger\Client\ApiException on a non 2xx response * @return mixed */ public function callApi($resourcePath, $method, $queryParams, $postData, $headerParams, $responseType = null, $endpointPath = null) { $headers = array(); // construct the http header $headerParams = array_merge( (array)$this->getConfig()->getDefaultHeaders(), (array)$headerParams ); foreach ($headerParams as $key => $val) { $headers[] = "$key: $val"; } // form data if ($postData and in_array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $headers)) { $postData = http_build_query($postData); } elseif ((is_object($postData) or is_array($postData)) and !in_array('Content-Type: multipart/form-data', $headers)) { // json model $postData = json_encode(\Swagger\Client\ObjectSerializer::sanitizeForSerialization($postData)); } $url = $this->getConfig()->getHost() . $resourcePath; $curl = curl_init(); // set timeout, if needed if ($this->getConfig()->getCurlTimeout() != 0) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->getConfig()->getCurlTimeout()); } // return the result on success, rather than just true curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // Force cURL to use IPv4 address resolution, since the ESI base URL is // not IPv6 ready. // We don't need to check if the constant exists, since it does since PHP v5.3, // and we set 5.6 as prerequisite curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); // disable SSL verification, if needed if ($this->getConfig()->getSSLVerification() == false) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); } else { // make sure we can verify the peer's certificatge curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . KB_CACHEDIR . '/cert/cacert.pem'); } if (!empty($queryParams)) { $url = ($url . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams)); } if ($method == self::$POST) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData); } elseif ($method == self::$HEAD) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); } elseif ($method == self::$OPTIONS) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "OPTIONS"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData); } elseif ($method == self::$PATCH) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData); } elseif ($method == self::$PUT) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData); } elseif ($method == self::$DELETE) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData); } elseif ($method != self::$GET) { throw new ApiException('Method ' . $method . ' is not recognized.'); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // Set user agent curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->getConfig()->getUserAgent()); // debugging for curl if ($this->config->getDebug()) { error_log("[DEBUG] HTTP Request body ~BEGIN~".PHP_EOL.print_r($postData, true).PHP_EOL."~END~".PHP_EOL, 3, $this->config->getDebugFile()); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_STDERR, fopen($this->getConfig()->getDebugFile(), 'a')); } else { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); } // obtain the HTTP response headers curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); $cacheKey = md5($url); // check cache first if(self::$GET == $method) { $cachedData = $this->getFromCache($cacheKey); if(!is_null($cachedData)) { return $cachedData; } } // Make the request $numberOfTries = 0; do { if($numberOfTries > 0 && $this->getConfig()->getDebug()) { error_log("[DEBUG] Retry no ".$numberOfTries . PHP_EOL, 3, $this->getConfig()->getDebugFile()); } $startTime = microtime(true); $response = $this->curlExecWithMulti($curl); $http_header_size = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $http_header = $this->httpParseHeaders(substr($response, 0, $http_header_size)); // make all header keys lower case, since HTTP headers are case-insensitive $http_header = array_change_key_case($http_header, CASE_LOWER); $http_body = substr($response, $http_header_size); $response_info = curl_getinfo($curl); $timeForRequest = microtime(true) - $startTime; self::$totalEsiTime += $timeForRequest; if($this->getConfig()->getDebug()) { error_log("[DEBUG] Request took ".$timeForRequest."s" . PHP_EOL, 3, $this->getConfig()->getDebugFile()); } if(isset($http_header['warning'])) { error_log("[WARNING] Endpoint ".$this->getConfig()->getHost() . $resourcePath." warning: ".$http_header['warning']); } $numberOfTries++; } while ($numberOfTries <= $this->esiConfig->getMaxNumberOfRetries() && ( curl_errno($curl) == 28 // Timeout || (curl_errno($curl) == 0 && !empty(curl_error($curl))) // in some cases, error code 0 is reported with a timeout error message || $response_info['http_code'] >= 500 // retry in case of server errors ) ); // debug HTTP response body if ($this->getConfig()->getDebug()) { error_log("[DEBUG] HTTP Response body ~BEGIN~".PHP_EOL.print_r($http_body, true).PHP_EOL."~END~".PHP_EOL, 3, $this->getConfig()->getDebugFile()); } // Handle the response if ($response_info['http_code'] == 0) { $curl_error_message = curl_error($curl); $curl_error_code = curl_errno($curl); // curl_exec can sometimes fail but still return a blank message from curl_error(). if (!empty($curl_error_message)) { $error_message = "API call to $url failed: $curl_error_message (cURL error code: $curl_error_code, tried $numberOfTries times)"; } else { $error_message = "API call to $url failed, but for an unknown reason. " . "This could happen if you are disconnected from the network."; } $exception = new ApiException($error_message, 0, null, null); $exception->setResponseObject($response_info); throw $exception; } elseif ($response_info['http_code'] >= 200 && $response_info['http_code'] <= 299) { // return raw body if response is a file if ($responseType == '\SplFileObject' || $responseType == 'string') { return array($http_body, $response_info['http_code'], $http_header); } $data = json_decode($http_body); if (json_last_error() > 0) { // if response is a string $data = $http_body; } } else { $data = json_decode($http_body); if (json_last_error() > 0) { // if response is a string $data = $http_body; } throw new ApiException( "[".$response_info['http_code']."] Error connecting to the API ($url)", $response_info['http_code'], $http_header, $data ); } $reply = array($data, $response_info['http_code'], $http_header); // cache the reply if($method == self::$GET) { $this->putIntoCache($cacheKey, $reply, new \DateTime($http_header['expires'])); } return $reply; } /** * Gets the ESI data source * @return string the ESI data source */ public function getDataSource() { return $this->dataSource; } /** * Sets the ESI data source * @param string $dataSource */ public function setDataSource($dataSource) { $this->dataSource = $dataSource; } /** * Gets the total ESI time * @return int the total ESI time in seconds */ static function getTotalEsiTime() { return self::$totalEsiTime; } /** * Gets the reason for the API exception as text. * * @param ApiException $e * @return string the reason for the API exception */ public static function getApiExceptionReason($e) { $reason = $e->getMessage(); $responseBody = $e->getResponseBody(); if(!is_null($responseBody)) { if(is_string($responseBody)) { $reason = $responseBody; } else if(isset($responseBody->error)) { $reason = $responseBody->error; } } return "ESI Exception: ".$e->getMessage()." ($reason, Code: ".$e->getCode().")"; } protected function initCacheHandler() { // use Memcached if(defined('DB_USE_MEMCACHE') && DB_USE_MEMCACHE == true) { self::$cacheInstance = CacheManager::getInstance('memcache', ['servers' => [ [ 'host' => \Config::get('cfg_memcache_server'), 'port' => \Config::get('cfg_memcache_port'), // 'sasl_user' => false, // optional // 'sasl_password' => false // optional ], ]]); } // use Redis elseif(defined('DB_USE_REDIS') && DB_USE_REDIS == true) { self::$cacheInstance = CacheManager::getInstance('redis', [ 'host' => \Config::get('cfg_redis_server'), 'port' => \Config::get('cfg_redis_port'), ]); } // fall back to file caching else { self::$cacheInstance = CacheManager::getInstance('files', [ "path" => getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . KB_CACHEDIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'esi', ]); } } /** * Tries to get the object for the given key from the cache handler. * * @param string $cacheKey the key for the object to retrieve * @return mixed the cached data or null */ protected function getFromCache($cacheKey) { if(isset(self::$cacheInstance)) { $CachedObject = self::$cacheInstance->getItem($cacheKey); if(!is_null($CachedObject->get())) { return $CachedObject->get(); } return null; } } /** * Stores the given data under the given key with the given * expiration date in the cache. * * @param string $cacheKey the key for the object to store * @param mixed $data the payload to cache * @param \DateTimeInterface $expirationDate the date of expiration */ protected function putIntoCache($cacheKey, $data, $expirationDate) { if(isset(self::$cacheInstance)) { $CachedObject = self::$cacheInstance->getItem($cacheKey); $CachedObject->set($data); $CachedObject->setExpirationDate($expirationDate); self::$cacheInstance->save($CachedObject); } } /** * Returns the cache instance used by the ESI Client * * @return \phpFastCache\Core\Pool\ExtendedCacheItemPoolInterface */ public static function getCacheInstance() { return self::$cacheInstance; } /** * Tries to use curl multi, if available. * Even though we do not execute requests concurrently, curl multi * keeps the HTTP connection open (if the requested server allows it), * so we save the overhead of establishing a new connection every time. * * We use curl multi for this, instead or re-using a normal cURL handle, * because of the multitude of options that can be set for each request, which * would need to be reset for every new request. * * If curl_multi_init() is not available, a simple curl_exec() is used. * * @param resource $handle a cURL handle * @return mixed the result of the curl request */ function curlExecWithMulti(&$handle) { // Create a multi if necessary. if (empty(self::$curlMultiProcessor) && function_exists('curl_multi_init')) { self::$curlMultiProcessor = curl_multi_init(); } if(!empty(self::$curlMultiProcessor)) { // Add the handle to be processed. curl_multi_add_handle(self::$curlMultiProcessor, $handle); // Do all the processing. $active = NULL; do { $ret = curl_multi_exec(self::$curlMultiProcessor, $active); } while ($ret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); while ($active && $ret == CURLM_OK) { // because of the way some PHP versions implement curl_multi_select, // it always returns -1; so we must wait ourselves; libcurl suggests // to wait 100ms if (curl_multi_select(self::$curlMultiProcessor) == -1) { usleep(100000); } do { $mrc = curl_multi_exec(self::$curlMultiProcessor, $active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); } $response = curl_multi_getcontent($handle); // remove the handle from the multi processor curl_multi_remove_handle(self::$curlMultiProcessor, $handle); } // fallback to default else { $response = curl_exec($handle); } return $response; } }