class EsiParserException extends Exception{}
* Parses ESI kill representations ({@link \Swagger\Client\Model\GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk})
* into kill objects and posts the kill
class EsiParser
/** @var \Swagger\Client\Model\GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk the ESI kill representation */
protected $EsiKill;
/** @var string the crest hash value */
protected $crestHash;
protected $externalID = 0;
protected $dupeid_ = 0;
protected $hash = null;
protected $trust = 0;
/** @var array an indexed array, using the input IDs as index */
protected $idNameMapping;
/** @var boolean isNPCOnly flag indicating the killmail has only NPCs as involved parties */
private $isNPCOnly = true;
/** @var boolean allowNpcOnlyKills flag indicating whether killmails with only NPCs as involved parties may be posted */
private $allowNpcOnlyKills = true;
* Creates and initializes the parser for the given kill Id and hash.
function __construct($killId, $hash)
$this->externalID = $killId;
$this->crestHash = $hash;
* Parses and posts the kill
* @return mixed the internal kill ID if posted successfully, false
if an error occurs while adding the kill to the database
* @throws EsiParserException if there's an error parsing the kill
* @throws ApiException if there's an error while communicating with ESI
* @throws KillException if there's an error adding the kill
function parse()
// create killmail representation
// get instance
$this->EsiKill = ESI_Helpers::fetchKill($this->externalID, $this->crestHash);
catch(ApiException $e)
EDKError::log(ESI::getApiExceptionReason($e) . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString());
throw $e;
// gather all involved entity IDs for bulk translating to names
$this->idNameMapping = $this->getEntityIds($this->EsiKill);
$timestamp = ESI_Helpers::formatDateTime($this->EsiKill->getKillmailTime());
// Check hashes.
$hash = $this->hashMail($this->EsiKill);
$trust = null;
$kill_id = null;
$checkHash = new DBPreparedQuery();
$checkHash->prepare('SELECT kll_id, kll_trust FROM kb3_mails WHERE kll_timestamp = ? AND kll_hash = ?');
$arr = array(&$kill_id, &$trust);
$types = 'ss';
$arr2 = array(&$types, &$timestamp, &$hash);
$this->dupeid_ = $kill_id;
// We still want to update the external ID if we were given one.
$x = null;
$y = null;
$z = null;
$Position = $this->EsiKill->getVictim()->getPosition();
$x = $Position->getX();
$y = $Position->getY();
$z = $Position->getZ();
// update the kill's coordinates, if the we don't know them already
if(!is_null($x) && !is_null($y) && !is_null($z))
$updateParams = new \DBPreparedQuery();
$updateParams->prepare("UPDATE kb3_kills"
." JOIN kb3_mails ON kb3_mails.kll_id = kb3_kills.kll_id"
." SET kb3_kills.kll_external_id = ?"
.", kb3_mails.kll_external_id = ?"
.", kll_modified_time = UTC_TIMESTAMP()"
.", kb3_kills.kll_x = ?"
.", kb3_kills.kll_y = ?"
.", kb3_kills.kll_z = ?"
." WHERE kb3_kills.kll_id = ?"
." AND (kb3_kills.kll_external_id IS NULL OR kb3_kills.kll_x = 0)");
$types = 'iidddi';
$arr = array(&$types, &$this->externalID, &$this->externalID, &$x, &$y, &$z, &$this->dupeid_);
// update trust level
if($trust >= 0 && $this->trust && $trust > $this->trust)
$updateTrust = new \DBPreparedQuery();
$updateTrust->prepare('UPDATE kb3_mails SET kll_trust = ? WHERE kll_id = ?');
$types = 'ii';
$arr = array(&$types, &$this->trust, &$this->dupeid_);
// we also want to update the CREST hash
$updateTrust = new \DBPreparedQuery();
$updateTrust->prepare('UPDATE kb3_mails SET kll_crest_hash = ? WHERE kll_id = ?');
$types = 'si';
$arr = array(&$types, &$this->crestHash, &$this->dupeid_);
if($trust < 0)
throw new EsiParserException("That mail has been deleted permanently. Kill id was ".$this->getDupeID(), -4);
throw new EsiParserException("That killmail has already been posted getDupeID(), 'kll_id')."\">here.", -1);
// Check external IDs
else if($this->externalID)
$checkExternalId = new \DBPreparedQuery();
$checkExternalId->prepare('SELECT kll_id FROM kb3_kills WHERE kll_external_id = ?');
$arr = array(&$kill_id);
$types = 'i';
$arr2 = array(&$types, &$this->externalID);
if($checkExternalId->recordCount() > 0)
throw new EsiParserException("That killmail has already been posted here.", -1);
$this->hash = $hash;
// Filtering
$filterdate = config::get('filter_date');
if (strtotime($timestamp) < $filterdate)
$filterdate = kbdate("j F Y", config::get("filter_date"));
throw new EsiParserException("You are not allowed to post killmails older than " .$filterdate, -3);
// create the kill
$Kill = new \Kill();
// set external ID
// set timestamp
// set CREST hash
// handle solarSystem
$solarSystemID = $this->EsiKill->getSolarSystemId();
$solarSystem = SolarSystem::getByID($solarSystemID);
if (!$solarSystem->getName())
throw new EsiParserException("Unknown solar system ID: ".$solarSystemID);
// handle victim details
if($this->isNPCOnly && !$this->allowNpcOnlyKills)
throw new EsiParserException("Kill is a loss to NPCs only, but posting NPC kills is not allowed!", -5);
return $Kill->add();
* Calculates the EDK legacy killmail hash for uniquely identifying a kill
* @param GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk $EsiKill the ESI kill representation to hash
* @return string the killmail hash
* @throws EsiParserException if any entity ID cannot be resolved to a name
public function hashMail($EsiKill = null)
if(is_null($EsiKill)) return false;
$involvedParties = $EsiKill->getAttackers();
$Victim = $EsiKill->getVictim();
$invListDamage = array();
foreach($involvedParties AS $Attacker)
$invListDamage[] = $Attacker->getDamageDone();
$involvedPartyName = "";
if(null !== $Attacker->getCharacterId())
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve involved party ID ".$Attacker->getCharacterId().", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
$involvedPartyName = $this->idNameMapping[$Attacker->getCharacterId()];
// use "shipTypeName / corpName" for compatibility with legacy parser mails
// required for NPCs without corp
$corpName = "Unknown";
if(null !== $Attacker->getFactionId())
// hardcoded workaround for the "Unknown" faction (for sleepers) which is not contained in the SDE, hopefully this can be removed soon!
if($Attacker->getFactionId() == 500021)
$corpName = "Unknown";
// try getting the corp from our database
$Faction = Cacheable::factory('Faction', $Attacker->getFactionId());
$corpName = $Faction->getName();
if(null !== $Attacker->getCorporationId())
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve involved party corporation ID ".$Attacker->getCorporationId().", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
$corpName = $this->idNameMapping[$Attacker->getCorporationId()];
$InvolvedShip = new \Item($Attacker->getShipTypeId());
$involvedPartyName = $InvolvedShip->getName()." / ".$corpName;
if($Attacker->getFinalBlow() === true)
// add the string " (laid the final blow)" to keep compatibility with legacy parser mails
$involvedPartyName .= " (laid the final blow)";
$invListName[] = $involvedPartyName;
// Sort the involved list by damage done then alphabetically.
array_multisort($invListDamage, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $invListName, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING);
// timestamp
$hashIn = ESI_Helpers::formatDateTime($EsiKill->getKillmailTime());
// cut off seconds from timestamp to keep compatibility with legacy parser mails
$hashIn = substr($hashIn, 0, 16);
// victim's name
// was it a player?
if(null !== $Victim->getCharacterId())
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve victim ID ".$Victim->getCharacterId());
$hashIn .= $this->idNameMapping[$Victim->getCharacterId()];
// was it a pos structure?
else if(null !== $EsiKill->getMoonId())
$moonName = \ESI_Helpers::getMoonName($EsiKill->getMoonId());
// cut off the first two characters (again, to keep compatibility with legacy parser killmails)
$hashIn .= substr($moonName, 2, strlen($moonName)-1);
return false;
// destroyed ship
$VictimShip = new \Item($Victim->getShipTypeId());
$hashIn .= $VictimShip->getName();
// solar system
$SolarSystem = new \SolarSystem($EsiKill->getSolarSystemId());
$hashIn .= $SolarSystem->getName();
// damage taken
$hashIn .= $Victim->getDamageTaken();
// list of involved parties
$hashIn .= implode(',', $invListName);
// list of involved parties' damage done
$hashIn .= implode(',', $invListDamage);
return md5($hashIn, true);
* @return integer
public function getDupeID()
return $this->dupeid_;
public function setTrust($trust)
$this->trust = intval($trust);
* Sets the flag whether to allow posting of kills containing
* only NPCs as involved parties.
* @param boolean $allowNpcOnlyKills
public function setAllowNpcOnlyKills($allowNpcOnlyKills)
$this->allowNpcOnlyKills = (boolean) $allowNpcOnlyKills;
* Returns whether posting of kills with only NPCs as involved parties is allowed.
* @return boolean true if posting of NPC only kills is allowed, otherwise false
public function getAllowNpcOnlyKills()
return $this->allowNpcOnlyKills;
* extracts and sets victim details in the given kill
* reference; uses $this->killmailRepresentation as source
* @param Kill $Kill reference to the kill to update
* @throws EsiParserException
protected function processVictim(&$Kill)
$Victim = $this->EsiKill->getVictim();
$timestamp = \ESI_Helpers::formatDateTime($this->EsiKill->getKillmailTime());
// If we have no character ID and no name then it's a structure or NPC
// - if we have a moonID (anchored at a moon) call it corpname - moonname
// - if we don't have a moonID call it corpname - systemname
if (!$Victim->getCorporationId() && !$Victim->getFactionId())
throw new EsiParserException("Insufficient victim corpiration information provided! Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
$characterId = $Victim->getCharacterId();
$corporationId = $Victim->getCorporationId();
$allianceId = $Victim->getAllianceId();
$factionId = $Victim->getFactionId();
// character ID could not be resolved to a name
if($characterId !== null && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$characterId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve victim character ID ".$characterId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// corp ID is present, but could not be resolved to a name
if(null !== $corporationId && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$corporationId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve victim corporation ID ".$corporationId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// alliance ID is present, but could not be resolved to a name
if(null !== $allianceId && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$allianceId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve victim alliance ID ".$allianceId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// get alliance
if(null !== $allianceId)
$Alliance = \Alliance::add($this->idNameMapping[$allianceId], $allianceId);
else if(null !== $factionId)
$Faction = Cacheable::factory('Faction', $factionId);
$Alliance = \Alliance::add($Faction->getName(), $factionId);
$Alliance = \Alliance::add("None");
// get corp
// if corp is not present, use faction
if(null !== $corporationId)
$Corp = \Corporation::add($this->idNameMapping[$corporationId], $Alliance, $timestamp, $corporationId, false);
else if(null !== $factionId)
// try getting the corp from our database
$Faction = Cacheable::factory('Faction', $factionId);
// harcoded workaround for the "Unknown" faction (for sleepers) which is not contained in the SDE, hopefully this can be removed soon!
if($factionId == 500021)
$factionName = "Unknown";
$factionName = $Faction->getName();
$Corp = Corporation::add($factionName, $Alliance, $timestamp, $factionId, false);
// NPCs without Corp/Alliance/Faction (e.g. Rogue Drones)
$Corp = Corporation::add("Unknown", $Alliance, $timestamp);
// victim's name
if(null !== $this->EsiKill->getMoonId())
$moonName = \ESI_Helpers::getMoonName($this->EsiKill->getMoonId());
$victimName = $Corp->getName()." - ".$moonName;
$victimName = $Corp->getName()." - ".$Kill->getSystem()->getName();
$Pilot = Pilot::add($victimName, $Corp, $timestamp, $characterId, false);
$Pilot = Pilot::add($this->idNameMapping[$characterId], $Corp, $timestamp, $characterId, false);
// handle victim's ship
$Ship = Ship::getByID($Victim->getShipTypeId());
// set values in $Kill
$Kill->set('dmgtaken', $Victim->getDamageTaken());
$Position = $Victim->getPosition();
// older kills might not have a position
* processes and adds all involved parties in the given killmail representation
* @param Kill $Kill reference to the kill to update
* @throws EsiParserException
protected function processInvolved(&$Kill)
$involvedParties = $this->EsiKill->getAttackers();
$timestamp = \ESI_Helpers::formatDateTime($this->EsiKill->getKillmailTime());
foreach($involvedParties AS $involvedParty)
// sanity check
if (!$involvedParty->getShipTypeId()
&& !$involvedParty->getWeaponTypeId()
&& !$involvedParty->getCharacterId())
throw new EsiParserException("Error processing involved party. Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
$characterId = $involvedParty->getCharacterId();
$corporationId = $involvedParty->getCorporationId();
$allianceId = $involvedParty->getAllianceId();
$factionId = $involvedParty->getFactionId();
// character ID could not be resolved to a name
if(null !== $characterId && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$characterId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve involved party character ID ".$characterId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// corp ID is present, but could not be resolved to a name
if(null !== $corporationId && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$corporationId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve involved party corporation ID ".$corporationId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// alliance ID is present, but could not be resolved to a name
if(null !== $allianceId && !isset($this->idNameMapping[$allianceId]))
throw new EsiParserException("Unable to resolve involved party alliance ID ".$allianceId.", Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
// get involved party's ship
$Ship = Ship::lookup("Unknown");
$Ship = Ship::getByID($involvedParty->getShipTypeId());
$Weapon = Cacheable::factory('Item', $involvedParty->getWeaponTypeId());
// get alliance
$Alliance = Alliance::add("None");
if (null !== $allianceId)
$Alliance = Alliance::add($this->idNameMapping[$allianceId], $allianceId);
// only use faction as alliance if no corporation is given (faction NPC)
else if (null !== $factionId && null !== $corporationId)
$Faction = Cacheable::factory('Faction', $factionId);
$Alliance = Alliance::add($Faction->getName(), $factionId);
// get corp
// if corp is not present, use faction
if(null !== $corporationId)
$Corp = Corporation::add(strval($this->idNameMapping[$corporationId]), $Alliance, $timestamp, $corporationId, false);
else if(null !== $factionId)
// try getting the corp from our database
$Faction = Cacheable::factory('Faction', $factionId);
// harcoded workaround for the "Unknown" faction (for sleepers) which is not contained in the SDE, hopefully this can be removed soon!
if($factionId == 500021)
$factionName = "Unknown";
$factionName = $Faction->getName();
$Corp = Corporation::add($factionName, $Alliance, $timestamp, $factionId, false);
// NPCs without Corp/Alliance/Faction (e.g. Rogue Drones)
$Corp = \Corporation::add("Unknown", $Alliance, $timestamp);
// get ship class to determine whether it's a tower and
// we need to fetch the alliance via the corp
$shipClassID = $Ship->getClass()->getID();
if($shipClassID == 35 // small Tower
|| $shipClassID == 36 // medium Tower
|| $shipClassID == 37 // large Tower
|| $shipClassID == 38 // POS Module
|| $shipClassID == ShipClass::$SHIP_CLASS_ID_CITADELS) // Citadels
if($Alliance->getName() == "None")
$Alliance = $Corp->getAlliance();
// victim's name
// Fix for case that involved party is an actual pilot without corp
// FoxFour is to blame!
if(null !== $characterId && null === $corporationId)
$Pilot = new \Pilot($id, $characterId);
$Corp = $Pilot->getCorp();
// special case:
// NPC/Tower/other structure
if(null === $characterId && null === $involvedParty->getWeaponTypeId() && null === $allianceId)
$Alliance = $Corp->getAlliance();
$Ship = Ship::getByID($involvedParty->getShipTypeId());
$Weapon = Item::getByID($involvedParty->getShipTypeId());
throw new EsiParserException("Involved party is an NPC with a ship type not found in the database! Kill-ID: ".$this->externalID);
$involvedPartyName = $Corp->getName().' - '.$Weapon->getName();
// citadels are no NPCs!
if($Ship->getClass()->getID() != ShipClass::$SHIP_CLASS_ID_CITADELS)
$isNPC = TRUE;
$characterId = 0;
$Pilot = Pilot::add($involvedPartyName, $Corp, $timestamp, $characterId, false);
$Pilot = \Pilot::add($this->idNameMapping[$characterId], $Corp, $timestamp, $characterId, false);
// create involvedParty
$IParty = new InvolvedParty($Pilot->getID(), $Corp->getID(),
$Alliance->getID(), $involvedParty->getSecurityStatus(),
$Ship->getID(), $Weapon->getID(),
if($involvedParty->getFinalBlow() === TRUE)
$this->isNPCOnly = $this->isNPCOnly && $isNPC;
* processes all dropped/destroyed items in that kill
* and adds them as Dropped/Destroyed
* @param type $Kill the kill to add the items to
protected function processItems(&$Kill)
$items = $this->EsiKill->getVictim()->getItems();
// TODO implement proper CCP flags!
foreach($items AS $EsiItem)
// we use this nested construct for perhaps later changing
// the way we process single items and nested items
$this->processItem($EsiItem, $Kill);
* Accepts an ESI VictimItem representation (top-level, may have child items)
* and adds it and all contained items to the given kill
* @param \Swagger\Client\Model\GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOkVictimItems1 $EsiItem
* @param Kill $Kill the kill reference
protected function processItem($EsiItem, &$Kill)
// we will add this item with the given flag, even if it's not in our database
// that way, when the database is updated, the item will display correctly
$Item = Item::getByID($EsiItem->getItemTypeId());
$location = $EsiItem->getFlag();
$singleton = $EsiItem->getSingleton();
if($EsiItem->getQuantityDropped() > 0)
$Kill->addDroppedItem(new \DestroyedItem($Item, $EsiItem->getQuantityDropped(), $singleton, '', $location));
$Kill->addDestroyedItem(new \DestroyedItem($Item, $EsiItem->getQuantityDestroyed(), $singleton, '', $location));
// process container-items
// check, if $EsiItem is a root-level item, that may have items inside
if(!is_null($EsiItem->getItems()) && count($EsiItem->getItems()) > 0)
foreach($EsiItem->getItems() AS $ItemInContainer)
$this->processContainerItem($ItemInContainer, $Kill, $location);
* Accepts an ESI VictimItem representation (must not have child items)
* and adds it to the given kill using the given parent inventory location
* of destroyed items
* @param \Swagger\Client\Model\GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOkVictimItems $EsiItem
* @param Kill $Kill the kill reference
* @param int $parentItemLocation the item location of the parent item (for containers)
protected function processContainerItem($EsiItem, &$Kill, $parentItemLocation)
// we will add this item with the given flag, even if it's not in our database
// that way, when the database is updated, the item will display correctly
$Item = Item::getByID($EsiItem->getItemTypeId());
$singleton = $EsiItem->getSingleton();
if($EsiItem->getQuantityDropped() > 0)
$Kill->addDroppedItem(new \DestroyedItem($Item, $EsiItem->getQuantityDropped(), $singleton, '', $parentItemLocation));
$Kill->addDestroyedItem(new \DestroyedItem($Item, $EsiItem->getQuantityDestroyed(), $singleton, '', $parentItemLocation));
* Gathers the IDs of the victim, all involved parties, their
* corporations and alliances.
* The IDs will be globally unique across entity types. The output
* can be used for bulk translating entity IDs to names.
* @param GetKillmailsKillmailIdKillmailHashOk $EsiKill the ESI kill representations to get the entity IDs from
* @return int[] an array of entity IDs
* @throws ApiException
protected function getEntityIds($EsiKill)
$characterIds = array();
$corporationIds = array();
$allianceIds = array();
$factionIds = array();
// victim IDs
$Victim = $EsiKill->getVictim();
$characterId = $Victim->getCharacterId();
$corporationId = $Victim->getCorporationId();
$allianceId = $Victim->getAllianceId();
$factionId = $Victim->getFactionId();
if(!is_null($characterId) && !in_array($characterId, $characterIds)) $characterIds[] = $characterId;
if(!is_null($corporationId) && !in_array($corporationId, $corporationIds)) $corporationIds[] = $corporationId;
if(!is_null($allianceId) && !in_array($allianceId, $allianceIds)) $allianceIds[] = $allianceId;
if(!is_null($factionId) && !in_array($factionId, $factionIds)) $factionIds[] = $factionId;
// involved party IDs
$InvolvedParties = $EsiKill->getAttackers();
foreach($InvolvedParties as $InvolvedParty)
$characterId = $InvolvedParty->getCharacterId();
$corporationId = $InvolvedParty->getCorporationId();
$allianceId = $InvolvedParty->getAllianceId();
$factionId = $InvolvedParty->getFactionId();
if(!is_null($characterId) && !in_array($characterId, $characterIds)) $characterIds[] = $characterId;
if(!is_null($corporationId) && !in_array($corporationId, $corporationIds)) $corporationIds[] = $corporationId;
if(!is_null($allianceId) && !in_array($allianceId, $allianceIds)) $allianceIds[] = $allianceId;
if(!is_null($factionId) && !in_array($factionId, $factionIds)) $factionIds[] = $factionId;
// using universe/names endpoint
// $entityIds = array_merge($characterIds, $corporationIds, $allianceIds);
// $idToNameMap = ESI_Helpers::resolveEntityIds($entityIds);
// using separate endpoints (slower, but more reliable in case CCP messes with universe/names again)
$characterIdNameMap = ESI_Helpers::resolveCharacterIds($characterIds);
$corporationIdNameMap = ESI_Helpers::resolveCorporationIds($corporationIds);
$allianceIdNameMap = ESI_Helpers::resolveAllianceIds($allianceIds);
// merge mappings
$idToNameMap = $characterIdNameMap + $corporationIdNameMap + $allianceIdNameMap;
// now resolve factions
foreach($factionIds as $factionId)
$Faction = new Faction($factionId);
$idToNameMap[$Faction->getID()] = $Faction->getName();
return $idToNameMap;