Laravel 4 Artisan commands =============== Fork of Sublime Text plugin for Laravel 3 Artisan commands This plugin allows you the run the normal Artisan CLI using the Sublime Text interface, without having to open and use the command line. ### Available commands: ##### Laravel Artisan - `Laravel Artisan: Changes` - `Laravel Artisan: Clear Compiled` - `Laravel Artisan: Down` - `Laravel Artisan: Dump Autoload` - `Laravel Artisan: Help` - `Laravel Artisan: List` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate` - `Laravel Artisan: Optimize` - `Laravel Artisan: Routes` - `Laravel Artisan: Serve` - `Laravel Artisan: Up` - `Laravel Artisan: Workbench` - `Laravel Artisan: Asset: Publish` - `Laravel Artisan: Auth: Reminders` - `Laravel Artisan: Cache: Clear` - `Laravel Artisan: Command: Make` - `Laravel Artisan: Config: Publish` - `Laravel Artisan: Controller: Make` - `Laravel Artisan: DB:Seed` - `Laravel Artisan: Key: Generate` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate: Install` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate: Make` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate: Rollback` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate: Reset` - `Laravel Artisan: Migrate: Refresh` - `Laravel Artisan: Queue: Listen` - `Laravel Artisan: Queue: Subscribe` - `Laravel Artisan: Queue: Work` - `Laravel Artisan: Session: Table` - `Laravel Artisan: Custom Command` ##### Laravel Generate (Support for Jeffrey Way's [Laravel Generators]( - `Laravel Generate: Model` - `Laravel Generate: Controller` - `Laravel Generate: Seed` - `Laravel Generate: View` - `Laravel Generate: Migration` - `Laravel Generate: Resource` - `Laravel Generate: Scaffold` - `Laravel Generate: Form` - `Laravel Generate: Test` - `Laravel Generate: Pivot Table` ##### Custom Commands You can add custom commands. Use `Preferences/Package Settings/Laravel 4 Artisan/Commands – User` menu item. Simple command structure: ```json [ { "caption": "Laravel Artisan: Deploy Project", "command": "laravel4_artisan", "args": { "command": "deploy", "fill_in": true, "fill_in_lable": "Enter the branch name with options" } } ] ``` Change command `caption` and `command` in `args`. Use `fill_in: true` if you need some input for your command and `fill_in_lable: "Text"` for message. ### Installation: Use Package Controller or create a the directory `Laravel 4 Artisan` in your Sublime Text Packages directory with source code, and you're ready to go. ### Usage: Press Cmd + Shift + P for the dropdown command list, search for `Laravel `, and pick your command. Also you can use `Tools/Laravel...` menu item ### Notes: - Artisan file needs to been in the root folder of your structure in the sidebar. - You need insert in Sublime Text user settings `"show_panel_on_build": true` or use `Tools/Build Results/Show Build Results` menu item for view results. ### Donate: If you liked this plugin, you can donate to support it! [![Paypal donate](]( Give some feedback. Thanks.