Simple PHPUnit commands =============== This plugin allows you the run the PHPUnit tests using the Sublime Text interface, without having to open and use the command line. ### Available commands: - `PHPUnit: Run` - `PHPUnit: Run with params` ### Coloring output: ![Coloring output]( ### Installation: Use Package Controller or create a the directory `SimplePHPUnit` in your Sublime Text Packages directory, and you're ready to go. ### Usage: Press Cmd + Shift + P for the dropdown command list, search for `PHPUnit: `, and pick your command. Also you can use `Tools/PHPUnit...` menu item ### Keybinding: You can use command `simple_php_unit` for your keybinding. Example: ```json { "keys": ["super+ctrl+alt+t"], "command": "simple_php_unit" } ``` ### Notes: - PHPUnit config file needs to been in the root folder of your structure in the sidebar. - You need insert in Sublime Text user settings `"show_panel_on_build": true` or use `Tools/Build Results/Show Build Results` menu item for view results. ### Donate: If you liked this plugin, you can donate to support it! [![Paypal donate](]( Give some feedback. Thanks.