Class CvJoyInterface { DebugMode := 0 SingleStickMode := 1 ; If set to 1, helper classes will automatically relinquish existing vjoy device on attempting to acquire one not connected. ResetOnAcquire := 1 ; Resets Devices to vjoy norms on Acquire via helper classes. ResetOnRelinquish := 1 ; Resets Devices to vjoy norms on Relinquish via helper classes. LibraryLoaded := 0 ; Did the Library Load OK when the class Instantiated? LoadLibraryLog := "" ; If Not, holds log of why it failed. hModule := 0 ; handle to DLL Devices := [] ; Array for Helper Classes of Devices VJD_MAXDEV := 16 ; Max Number of Devices vJoy Supports ; ported from VjdStat in vjoyinterface.h VJD_STAT_OWN := 0 ; The vJoy Device is owned by this application. VJD_STAT_FREE := 1 ; The vJoy Device is NOT owned by any application (including this one). VJD_STAT_BUSY := 2 ; The vJoy Device is owned by another application. It cannot be acquired by this application. VJD_STAT_MISS := 3 ; The vJoy Device is missing. It either does not exist or the driver is down. VJD_STAT_UNKN := 4 ; Unknown ; HID Descriptor definitions(ported from public.h) HID_USAGE_X := 0x30 HID_USAGE_Y := 0x31 HID_USAGE_Z := 0x32 HID_USAGE_RX:= 0x33 HID_USAGE_RY:= 0x34 HID_USAGE_RZ:= 0x35 HID_USAGE_SL0:= 0x36 HID_USAGE_SL1:= 0x37 ; Handy lookups to axis HID_USAGE values AxisIndex := [0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37] ; Index (Axis Number) to HID Descriptor AxisAssoc := {x:0x30, y:0x31, z:0x32, rx:0x33, ry:0x34, rz: 0x35, sl1:0x36, sl2:0x37} ; Name (eg "x", "y", "z", "sl1") to HID Descriptor AxisNames := ["X","Y","Z","RX","RY","RZ","SL0","SL1"] ; ===== Device helper subclass. Class CvJoyDevice { IsOwned := 0 GetStatus(){ return this.Interface.GetVJDStatus(this.DeviceID) } ; Converts Status to human readable form GetStatusName(){ DeviceStatus := this.GetStatus() if (DeviceStatus = this.Interface.VJD_STAT_OWN) { return "OWN" } else if (DeviceStatus = this.Interface.VJD_STAT_FREE) { return "FREE" } else if (DeviceStatus = this.Interface.VJD_STAT_BUSY) { return "BUSY" } else if (DeviceStatus = this.Interface.VJD_STAT_MISS) { return "MISS" } else { return "???" } } ; Acquire the device Acquire(){ if (this.IsOwned){ return 1 } if (this.Interface.SingleStickMode){ Loop % this.Interface.Devices.MaxIndex() { if (A_Index == this.DeviceID){ Continue } if (this.Interface.Devices[A_Index].IsOwned){ this.Interface.Devices[A_Index].Relinquish() break } } } ret := this.Interface.AcquireVJD(this.DeviceID) if (ret && this.Interface.ResetOnAcquire){ ; Reset the Device so it centers this.Interface.ResetVJD(this.DeviceID) } else { if (this.Interface.DebugMode) { OutputDebug, % "Error in " A_ThisFunc "`nDeviceID = " this.DeviceID ", ErrorLevel: " ErrorLevel ", Device Status: " this.GetStatusName() } } return ret } ; Relinquish the device, resetting it if Owned Relinquish(){ if (this.IsOwned && this.Interface.ResetOnRelinquish){ this.Interface.ResetVJD(this.DeviceID) } return this.Interface.RelinquishVJD(this.DeviceID) } Reset(){ this.Interface.ResetVJD(this.DeviceID) } ResetButtons(){ this.Interface.ResetButtons(this.DeviceID) } ResetPovs(){ this.Interface.ResetPovs(this.DeviceID) } ; Does the device exist or not? IsEnabled(){ state := this.GetStatus() return state != this.Interface.VJD_STAT_MISS && state != this.Interface.VJD_STAT_UNKN } ; Is it possible to take control of the device? IsAvailable(){ state := this.GetStatus() return state == this.Interface.VJD_STAT_FREE || state == this.Interface.VJD_STAT_OWN } ; Set Axis by Index number. ; eg x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, rx = 4 SetAxisByIndex(axis_val, index){ if (!this.Acquire()){ return 0 } return this.Interface.SetAxis(axis_val, this.DeviceID, this.Interface.AxisIndex[index]) } ; Set Axis by Name ; eg "x", "y", "z", "rx" SetAxisByName(axis_val, name){ if (!this.Acquire()){ return 0 } return this.Interface.SetAxis(axis_val, this.DeviceID, this.Interface.AxisAssoc[name]) } SetBtn(btn_val, btn){ if (!this.Acquire()){ return 0 } return this.Interface.SetBtn(btn_val, this.DeviceID, btn) } SetDiscPov(pov_val, pov){ if (!this.Acquire()){ return 0 } return this.Interface.SetDiscPov(pov_val, this.DeviceID, pov) } SetContPov(pov_val, pov){ if (!this.Acquire()){ return 0 } return this.Interface.SetContPov(pov_val, this.DeviceID, pov) } ; Constructor __New(id, parent){ this.DeviceID := id this.Interface := parent } ; Destructor __Delete(){ this.Relinquish() } } ; ===== Constructors / Destructors __New(){ ; Build Device array Loop % this.VJD_MAXDEV { this.Devices[A_Index] := new this.CvJoyDevice(A_Index, this) } ; Try and Load the DLL this.LoadLibrary() return this } __Delete(){ ; Relinquish Devices Loop % this.VJD_MAXDEV { this.Devices[A_Index].Relinquish() } ; Unload DLL if (this.hModule){ DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", this.hModule) } } ; ===== Helper Functions ; Converts vJoy range (0->32768 to a range like an AHK input 0->100) PercentTovJoy(percent){ return percent * 327.68 } vJoyToPercent(vJoy){ return vJoy / 327.68 } ; ===== DLL loading / vJoy Install detection ; Load the vJoyInterface DLL. LoadLibrary() { ;Global hModule if (this.LibraryLoaded) { this.LoadLibraryLog .= "Library already loaded. Aborting...`n" return 1 } this.LoadLibraryLog := "" ; Check if vJoy is installed. Even with the DLL, if vJoy is not installed it will not work... ; Find vJoy install folder by looking for registry key. if (A_Is64bitOS && A_PtrSize != 8){ SetRegView 64 } RegRead vJoyFolder, HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{8E31F76F-74C3-47F1-9550-E041EEDC5FBB}_is1, InstallLocation if (!vJoyFolder){ this.LoadLibraryLog .= "ERROR: Could not find the vJoy Registry Key.`n`nvJoy does not appear to be installed.`nPlease ensure you have installed vJoy from`n`n" return 0 } ; Try to find location of correct DLL. ; vJoy versions prior to 2.0.4 241214 lack these registry keys - if key not found, advise update. if (A_PtrSize == 8){ ; 64-Bit AHK DllKey := "DllX64Location" } else { ; 32-Bit AHK DllKey := "DllX86Location" } RegRead DllFolder, HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{8E31F76F-74C3-47F1-9550-E041EEDC5FBB}_is1, % DllKey if (!DllFolder){ ; Could not find registry entry. Advise vJoy update. this.LoadLibraryLog .= "A vJoy install was found in " vJoyFolder ", but it appears to be an old version.`nPlease update vJoy to the latest version from `n`n" return 0 } DllFolder .= "\" ; All good so far, try and load the DLL DllFile := "vJoyInterface.dll" this.LoadLibraryLog := "vJoy Install Detected. Trying to load " DllFile "...`n" CheckLocations := [DllFolder DllFile] hModule := 0 Loop % CheckLocations.Maxindex() { this.LoadLibraryLog .= "Checking " CheckLocations[A_Index] "... " if (FileExist(CheckLocations[A_Index])){ this.LoadLibraryLog .= "FOUND.`nTrying to load.. " hModule := DLLCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", CheckLocations[A_Index]) if (hModule){ this.hModule := hModule this.LoadLibraryLog .= "OK.`n" this.LoadLibraryLog .= "Checking driver enabled... " if (this.vJoyEnabled()){ this.LibraryLoaded := 1 this.LoadLibraryLog .= "OK.`n" this.LoadLibraryLog .= "Loaded vJoy DLL version " this.GetvJoyVersion() "`n" if (this.DebugMode){ OutputDebug, % this.LoadLibraryLog } return 1 } else { this.LoadLibraryLog .= "FAILED.`n" } } else { this.LoadLibraryLog .= "FAILED.`n" } } else { this.LoadLibraryLog .= "NOT FOUND.`n" } } this.LoadLibraryLog .= "`nFailed to load valid " DllFile "`n" this.LibraryLoaded := 0 return 0 } ; ===== vJoy Interface DLL call wrappers ; In the order detailed in the vJoy SDK's Interface Function Reference ; ; === General driver data vJoyEnabled(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\vJoyEnabled") } GetvJoyVersion(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetvJoyVersion") } GetvJoyProductString(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetvJoyProductString") } GetvJoyManufacturerString(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetvJoyManufacturerString") } GetvJoySerialNumberString(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetvJoySerialNumberString") } ; === Write access to vJoy Device GetVJDStatus(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetVJDStatus", "UInt", rID) } ; Handle setting IsOwned property outside helper class, to allow mixing AcquireVJD(rID){ this.Devices[rID].IsOwned := DllCall("vJoyInterface\AcquireVJD", "UInt", rID) return this.Devices[rID].IsOwned } RelinquishVJD(rID){ DllCall("vJoyInterface\RelinquishVJD", "UInt", rID) this.Devices[rID].IsOwned := 0 return this.Devices[rID].IsOwned } ; Not sure if this one is good. What is a "PVOID"? UpdateVJD(rID, pData){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\UpdateVJD", "UInt", rID, "PVOID", pData) } ; === vJoy Device properties GetVJDButtonNumber(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetVJDButtonNumber", "UInt", rID) } GetVJDDiscPovNumber(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetVJDDiscPovNumber", "UInt", rID) } GetVJDContPovNumber(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetVJDContPovNumber", "UInt", rID) } GetVJDAxisExist(rID, Axis){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\GetVJDAxisExist", "UInt", rID, "Uint", Axis) } ResetVJD(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\ResetVJD", "UInt", rID) } ResetAll(){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\ResetAll") } ResetButtons(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\ResetButtons", "UInt", rID) } ResetPovs(rID){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\ResetPovs", "UInt", rID) } SetAxis(Value, rID, Axis){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\SetAxis", "Int", Value, "UInt", rID, "UInt", Axis) } SetBtn(Value, rID, nBtn){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\SetBtn", "Int", Value, "UInt", rID, "UInt", nBtn) } SetDiscPov(Value, rID, nPov){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\SetDiscPov", "Int", Value, "UInt", rID, "UChar", nPov) } SetContPov(Value, rID, nPOV){ return DllCall("vJoyInterface\SetContPov", "Int", Value, "UInt", rID, "UChar", nPov) } }