--- theme : "night" transition: "slide" highlightTheme: "monokai" logoImg: "logo.png" slideNumber: false title: "VSCode Reveal intro" --- ::: block *here be dragons* {style=background:red;width:500px} ::: --- // @[vine](etVpwB7uHlw) --- ### Solar System Exploration, 1950s – 1960s - [ ] Mercury - [x] Venus - [x] Earth (Orbit/Moon) - [x] Mars - [ ] Jupiter - [ ] Saturn - [ ] Uranus - [ ] Neptune - [ ] Comet Haley --- # some Table | | Grouping || First Header | Second Header | Third Header | ------------ | :-----------: | -----------: | Content | *Long Cell* || Content | **Cell** | Cell | New section | More | Data | And more | With an escaped '\\|' || [Prototype table] -- First header | Second header -------------|--------------- List: | More \ - over | data \ - several | \ - lines | -- First header | Second header -------------|--------------- Merged | Cell 1 ^^ | Cell 2 ^^ | Cell 3 -- ---
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
graph LR; A(AAAA)==> B(B node); B==> C(SEE SEE); class A diag-a-styles; class B diag-b-styles class C diag-c-styles;
--- # vscode-reveal Awesome VS code extension using The HTML Presentation Framework Revealjs Created by [Vincent B.](https://www.evilznet.com) / [@Evilznet](https://twitter.com/Evilznet) --- ## Hello There reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML. This presentation will show you examples of what it can do. --- ## Vertical Slides Slides can be nested inside of each other. Use the _Space_ key to navigate through all slides. Down arrow -- ## Basement Level 1 Nested slides are useful for adding additional detail underneath a high level horizontal slide. -- ## Basement Level 2 That's it, time to go back up. Up arrow --- ## Point of View Press **ESC** to enter the slide overview. Hold down alt and click on any element to zoom in on it using [zoom.js](http://lab.hakim.se/zoom-js). Alt + click anywhere to zoom back out. > Use ctrl + click in Linux --- ## Touch Optimized Presentations look great on touch devices, like mobile phones and tablets. Simply swipe through your slides. --- ## Markdown support ``` ## Markdown support Write content using inline or external Markdown. Instructions and more info available in the [readme](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#markdown). ``` --- ## Fragments Hit the next arrow... ... to step through ... ... a fragmented slide. Note: This slide has fragments which are also stepped through in the notes window. -- ## Fragment Styles There's different types of fragments, like: grow {.fragment .grow} shrink {.fragment .shrink} fade-out {.fragment .fade-out} fade-right{.fragment .fade-right} fade-up{.fragment .fade-up} fade-down{.fragment .fade-down} fade-left{.fragment .fade-left} -- ## Fragment Styles fade-in-then-out{.fragment .fade-in-then-out} fade-in-then-semi-out {.fragment .fade-in-then-semi-out"} current-visible {.fragment .current-visible} Highlight **red**{.fragment .highlight-red} **blue**{.fragment .highlight-blue} **green**{.fragment .highlight-green} --- ## Transition Styles You can select from different transitions, like: [None](?transition=none#/transitions) - [Fade](?transition=fade#/transitions) - [Slide](?transition=slide#/transitions) - [Convex](?transition=convex#/transitions) - [Concave](?transition=concave#/transitions) - [Zoom](?transition=zoom#/transitions) --- ## Themes reveal.js comes with a few themes built in: Black (default) - White - League - Sky - Beige - Simple
Serif - Blood - Night - Moon - Solarized --- ## Slide Backgrounds Set `data-background="#dddddd"` on a slide to change the background color. All CSS color formats are supported. [![Down arrow](https://s3.amazonaws.com/hakim-static/reveal-js/arrow.png =178x238)](#){.navigate-down} -- ## Image Backgrounds ```markdown ``` -- ## TILED BACKGROUNDS ```markdown ``` -- ## Video Backgrounds ```markdown ``` -- ## ... and GIFs! ```markdown ``` --- ## Background Transitions Different background transitions are available via the backgroundTransition option. This one's called "zoom". --- ## Background Transitions You can override background transitions per-slide. --- ## Pretty Code ```js function linkify( selector ) { if( supports3DTransforms ) { var nodes = document.querySelectorAll( selector ); for( var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++ ) { var node = nodes[i]; if( !node.className ) { node.className += ' roll'; } } } } ``` Code syntax highlighting courtesy of [highlight.js](http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/description/). --- ## Marvelous List * No order here * Or here * Or here * Or here --- ## Fantastic Ordered List 1. One is smaller than... 2. Two is smaller than... 3. Three! --- ## Tabular Tables | Tables | Are | Cool | |-------------|:-----------:|----:| | col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | zebra stripes | are neat | $1 | --- {.slide id="ClevQuot"} ## Clever Quotes These guys come in two forms, inline: "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from" and block: > "For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue." --- ## Intergalactic Interconnections You can link between slides internally, [like this](#/2/3). Link to slides by an ID, e.g., [Clever Quotes](#ClevQuot). However, you must have set the ID at the destination slide using: `{.slide id="UniqueID"}` --- ## Speaker View There's a [speaker view](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#speaker-notes). It includes a timer, preview of the upcoming slide as well as your speaker notes. Press the _S_ key to try it out. --- ## Export to PDF Presentations can be [exported to PDF](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#pdf-export), here's an example: --- ## Global State Set `data-state="something"` on a slide and `"something"` will be added as a class to the document element when the slide is open. This lets you apply broader style changes, like switching the page background. --- ## State Events Additionally custom events can be triggered on a per slide basis by binding to the `data-state` name. ```js Reveal.addEventListener( 'customevent', function() { console.log( '"customevent" has fired' ); } ); ``` --- ## Take a Moment Press B or . on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful when you're on stage and want to take distracting slides off the screen. --- ## Much more * Right-to-left support * [Extensive JavaScript API](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#api) * [Auto-progression](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#auto-sliding) * [Parallax backgrounds](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#parallax-background) * [Custom keyboard bindings](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#keyboard-bindings) --- ## Plugins -- ## search Handles finding a text string anywhere in the slides and showing the next occurrence to the user by navigatating to that slide and highlighting it. **Shortcut : `CTRL + SHIFT + F`** -- ## Zoom Zoom anywhere on your presentation **Shortcut : `alt + click`: Zoom in. Repeat to zoom back out.** -- ## Notes Add note to speaker view. Default markdown syntaxe is ```text note: a custom note here ``` -- ## Chalkboard Have you ever missed the traditional classroom experience where you can quickly sketch something on a chalkboard? Just press 'b' or click on the pencil button to open and close your chalkboard. -- ## Chalkboard - Click the `left mouse button` to write on the chalkboard - Click the `right mouse button` to wipe the chalkboard - Click the `DEL` key to clear the chalkboard -- ## MAKE NOTES ON SLIDES Did you notice the button? By pressing 'c' or clicking the button you can start and stop the notes taking mode allowing you to write comments and notes directly on the slide. -- ## Chart Add chart from simple string -- ### Line chart from JSON string -- ### Line chart with CSV data and JSON configuration My first dataset, 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 My second dataset, 28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90 -- ### Bar chart with CSV data ,January, February, March, April, May, June, July My first dataset, 65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40 My second dataset, 28, 48, 40, 19, 86, 27, 90 -- ### Stacked bar chart from CSV file with JSON configuration -- ### Pie chart ,Black, Red, Green, Yellow My first dataset, 40, 40, 20, 6 My second dataset, 45, 40, 25, 4 -- ## EMBEDDING A TWEET To embed a tweet, simply determine its URL and include the following code in your slides: ```html
``` --
-- ## menu A SLIDEOUT MENU FOR NAVIGATING REVEAL.JS PRESENTATIONS -- See the in the corner? Click it and the menu will open from the side. Click anywhere on the slide to return to the presentation, or use the close button in the menu. -- If you don't like the menu button, you can use the slide number instead. Go on, give it a go. The menu button can be hidden using the options, but you need to enable the slide number link. -- Or you can open the menu by pressing the m key. You can navigate the menu with the keyboard as well. Just use the arrow keys and or to change slides. You can disable the keyboard for the menu in the options if you wish. -- ## LEFT OR RIGHT You can configure the menu to slide in from the left or right -- ### MARKERS The slide markers in the menu can be useful to show you the progress through the presentation. You can hide them if you want. You can also show/hide slide numbers. -- ### SLIDE TITLES The menu uses the first heading to label each slide but you can specify another label if you want. Use a data-menu-title attribute in the section element to give the slide a custom label, or add a menu-title class to any element in the slide you wish. You can change the titleSelector option and use any elements you like as the default for labelling each slide. -- ## MathSVG An extension of the math.js plugin allowing to render LaTeX in SVG. -- ### The Lorenz Equations \[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} & = \sigma(y-x) \\ \dot{y} & = \rho x - y - xz \\ \dot{z} & = -\beta z + xy \end{aligned} \] -- ### The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality -- ### Custom footer Includes a footer in all the slides of a Reveal.js presentation (with optional exclusion of some slides) that will show the title of the presentation. -- ## code-focus A plugin that allows focusing on specific lines of code blocks. -- ### Code Focus Demo ```html

  // Useless comment.

This focuses on the comment.

Another fragment.

``` This section is a slide. {.fragment .current-only data-code-focus=1-12} This will be highlighted by `highlight.js`. {.fragment .current-only data-code-focus=2-5} This fragment focuses on the first line. {.fragment .current-only data-code-focus=6-8} This fragment focuses on lines 1 and 2. {.fragment .current-only data-code-focus=9-11} See the next slide for a demo with the contents of this code block. {.fragment .current-only data-code-focus=1-12} --- # THE END - [Try the online editor](http://slides.com) - [Source code & documentation](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js)