// File eddystone.dist.js 2016-08-15T11:27:33Z // This file was generated by buildDistFiles.rb // -------------------------------------------------- // File: evothings-dist-base.js // // Set up definitions needed by Evothings JavaScript libraries // distribution files. // // Global holding everything. window.evothings = window.evothings || {}; // Define an empty No Operation function. This function is called // in place of async script loading, since we build a single merged file. evothings.__NOOP_FUN__ = function() {}; // -------------------------------------------------- // File: evothings.js // // Here we define common function such as async script loading and OS detection. ;(function() { window.evothings = window.evothings || {}; /** * @namespace * @description

Functions for loading scripts asynchronously, * detecting platform, and other common application functionality.

* @alias evothings * @public */ var evothings = window.evothings; /* ------------------ Script loading ------------------ */ var mScriptLoadingCounter = 0; var mLoadedScripts = {}; var mScriptsLoadedCallbacks = []; /** * Make sure to catch any DOMContentLoaded events occurring before * asynchronous loading of scripts. Those scripts, like ui.js, should check * this variable before listening for the event. */ evothings.gotDOMContentLoaded = false; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) { evothings.gotDOMContentLoaded = true; }) /** * Load a script. * @param {string} url - URL or path to the script. Relative paths are * relative to the HTML file that initiated script loading. * @param {function} successCallback - Optional parameterless function that * will be called when the script has loaded. * @param {function} errorCallback - Optional function that will be called * if loading the script fails, takes an error object as parameter. * @public */ evothings.loadScript = function(url, successCallback, errorCallback) { // If script is already loaded call callback directly and return. if (mLoadedScripts[url] == 'loadingcomplete') { successCallback && successCallback(); return; } // Add script to dictionary of loaded scripts. mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingstarted'; ++mScriptLoadingCounter; // Create script tag. var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; // Bind the onload event. script.onload = function() { // Mark as loaded. mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingcomplete'; --mScriptLoadingCounter; // Call success callback if given. successCallback && successCallback(); // Call scripts loaded callbacks if this was the last script loaded. if (0 == mScriptLoadingCounter) { for (var i = 0; i < mScriptsLoadedCallbacks.length; ++i) { var loadedCallback = mScriptsLoadedCallbacks[i]; loadedCallback && loadedCallback(); } // Clear callbacks - should we do this??? mScriptsLoadedCallbacks = []; } }; // onerror fires for things like malformed URLs and 404's. // If this function is called, the matching onload will not be called and // scriptsLoaded will not fire. script.onerror = function(error) { errorCallback && errorCallback(error); }; // Attaching the script tag to the document starts loading the script. document.head.appendChild(script); }; /** * Load array of scripts. * @param {array} array - Array of URL or path name stringa. * Relative paths are relative to the HTML file that initiated * script loading. * @param {function} loadedCallback - Optional parameterless * function called when all scripts in the array has loaded. * @public */ evothings.loadScripts = function(array, loadedCallback) { var lib = array.shift(); if (!lib) { // Array is empty and all scripts are loaded. loadedCallback && loadedCallback(); } else { // Load next script. evothings.loadScript(lib, function() { evothings.loadScripts(array, loadedCallback); }); } }; /** * Experimental. * Mark a script as loaded. This is useful if a script is designed * to be included both in HTML and in JavaScript. * @param {string} pathOrURL - URL or path to the script. Relative paths are * relative to the HTML file that initiated script loading. * @public */ evothings.markScriptAsLoaded = function(pathOrURL) { mLoadedScripts[url] = 'loadingcomplete'; }; /** *

Add a callback that will be called when all scripts are loaded.


It is good practise to always use this function when * loading script asynchronously or using a library that does so.

* @param {function} callback - Parameterless function that will * be called when all scripts have finished loading. * @public */ evothings.scriptsLoaded = function(callback) { // If scripts are already loaded call the callback directly, // else add the callback to the callbacks array. if (0 != Object.keys(mLoadedScripts).length && 0 == mScriptLoadingCounter) { callback && callback(); } else { mScriptsLoadedCallbacks.push(callback); } }; /* ------------------ Debugging ------------------ */ /** * Print a JavaScript object (dictionary). For debugging. * * @param {Object} obj - Object to print. * @param {function} printFun - print function (optional - defaults to * console.log if not given). * * @example * var obj = { company: 'Evothings', field: 'IoT' }; * evothings.printObject(obj); * evothings.printObject(obj, console.log); * * @public */ evothings.printObject = function(obj, printFun) { printFun = printFun || console.log; function print(obj, level) { var indent = new Array(level + 1).join(' '); for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { var value = obj[prop]; if (typeof value == 'object') { printFun(indent + prop + ':'); print(value, level + 1); } else { printFun(indent + prop + ': ' + value); } } } } print(obj, 0); }; /* ------------------ Platform check ------------------ */ /** * @namespace * @description Namespace for platform check functions. */ evothings.os = {}; /** * Returns true if current platform is iOS, false if not. * @return {boolean} true if platform is iOS, false if not. * @public */ evothings.os.isIOS = function() { return /iP(hone|ad|od)/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; /** * Returns true if current platform is iOS 7, false if not. * @return {boolean} true if platform is iOS 7, false if not. * @public */ evothings.os.isIOS7 = function() { return /iP(hone|ad|od).*OS 7/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; /** * Returns true if current platform is Android, false if not. * @return {boolean} true if platform is Android, false if not. * @public */ evothings.os.isAndroid = function() { return /Android|android/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; /** * Returns true if current platform is Windows Phone, false if not. * @return {boolean} true if platform is Windows Phone, false if not. * @public */ evothings.os.isWP = function() { return /Windows Phone/.test(navigator.userAgent); }; })(); // -------------------------------------------------- // File: util.js evothings = window.evothings || {}; /** * @namespace * @author Aaron Ardiri * @author Fredrik Eldh * @description Utilities for byte arrays. */ evothings.util = {}; ;(function() { /** * Interpret byte buffer as little endian 8 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.littleEndianToInt8 = function(data, offset) { var x = evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) if (x & 0x80) x = x - 256 return x } /** * Interpret byte buffer as unsigned little endian 8 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8 = function(data, offset) { return data[offset] } /** * Interpret byte buffer as little endian 16 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.littleEndianToInt16 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToInt8(data, offset + 1) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) } /** * Interpret byte buffer as unsigned little endian 16 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.littleEndianToUint16 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 1) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) } /** * Interpret byte buffer as unsigned little endian 32 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.littleEndianToUint32 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 3) << 24) + (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 2) << 16) + (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 1) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) } /** * Interpret byte buffer as signed big endian 16 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.bigEndianToInt16 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToInt8(data, offset) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 1) } /** * Interpret byte buffer as unsigned big endian 16 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.bigEndianToUint16 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 1) } /** * Interpret byte buffer as unsigned big endian 32 bit integer. * Returns converted number. * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - Input buffer. * @param {number} offset - Start of data. * @return Converted number. * @public */ evothings.util.bigEndianToUint32 = function(data, offset) { return (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset) << 24) + (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 1) << 16) + (evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 2) << 8) + evothings.util.littleEndianToUint8(data, offset + 3) } /** * Converts a single Base64 character to a 6-bit integer. * @private */ function b64ToUint6(nChr) { return nChr > 64 && nChr < 91 ? nChr - 65 : nChr > 96 && nChr < 123 ? nChr - 71 : nChr > 47 && nChr < 58 ? nChr + 4 : nChr === 43 ? 62 : nChr === 47 ? 63 : 0; } /** * Decodes a Base64 string. Returns a Uint8Array. * nBlocksSize is optional. * @param {String} sBase64 * @param {int} nBlocksSize * @return {Uint8Array} * @public */ evothings.util.base64DecToArr = function(sBase64, nBlocksSize) { var sB64Enc = sBase64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, ""); var nInLen = sB64Enc.length; var nOutLen = nBlocksSize ? Math.ceil((nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2) / nBlocksSize) * nBlocksSize : nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2; var taBytes = new Uint8Array(nOutLen); for (var nMod3, nMod4, nUint24 = 0, nOutIdx = 0, nInIdx = 0; nInIdx < nInLen; nInIdx++) { nMod4 = nInIdx & 3; nUint24 |= b64ToUint6(sB64Enc.charCodeAt(nInIdx)) << 18 - 6 * nMod4; if (nMod4 === 3 || nInLen - nInIdx === 1) { for (nMod3 = 0; nMod3 < 3 && nOutIdx < nOutLen; nMod3++, nOutIdx++) { taBytes[nOutIdx] = nUint24 >>> (16 >>> nMod3 & 24) & 255; } nUint24 = 0; } } return taBytes; } /** * Returns the integer i in hexadecimal string form, * with leading zeroes, such that * the resulting string is at least byteCount*2 characters long. * @param {int} i * @param {int} byteCount * @public */ evothings.util.toHexString = function(i, byteCount) { var string = (new Number(i)).toString(16); while(string.length < byteCount*2) { string = '0'+string; } return string; } /** * Takes a ArrayBuffer or TypedArray and returns its hexadecimal representation. * No spaces or linebreaks. * @param data * @public */ evothings.util.typedArrayToHexString = function(data) { // view data as a Uint8Array, unless it already is one. if(data.buffer) { if(!(data instanceof Uint8Array)) data = new Uint8Array(data.buffer); } else if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = new Uint8Array(data); } else { throw "not an ArrayBuffer or TypedArray."; } var str = ''; for(var i=0; iLibrary for making BLE programming easier.


An all-in-one file with this library and helper libraries included is * available in file easyble.dist.js. Include this file in index.html (recommended).


If you include easyble.js rather than easyble.dist.js it is safe practise to call function {@link evothings.scriptsLoaded} * to ensure dependent libraries are loaded before calling functions * in this library (in this case you also need to have the dependent library folders).

*/ evothings.easyble = {}; /** * @namespace * @description Error string. */ evothings.easyble.error = {}; /** * @description BLE device already connected. */ evothings.easyble.error.DEVICE_ALREADY_CONNECTED = 'EASYBLE_ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_CONNECTED'; /** * @description BLE device was disconnected. */ evothings.easyble.error.DISCONNECTED = 'EASYBLE_ERROR_DISCONNECTED'; /** * @description BLE service was not found. */ evothings.easyble.error.SERVICE_NOT_FOUND = 'EASYBLE_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND'; /** * @description BLE characteristic was not found. */ evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND = 'EASYBLE_ERROR_CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND'; /** * @description BLE descriptor was not found. */ evothings.easyble.error.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND = 'EASYBLE_ERROR_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND'; /** * @private * This variable is set "lazily", because when this script is loaded * the Base64 Cordova module may not be loaded yet. */ var base64; /** * Set to true to report found devices only once, * set to false to report continuously. * @private */ var reportDeviceOnce = false; /** * @private */ var serviceFilter = false; /** * @private */ var isScanning = false; /** * Internal properties and functions. * @private */ var internal = {}; /** * Internal variable used to track reading of service data. * @private */ var readCounter = 0; /** * Table of discovered devices. * @private */ internal.knownDevices = {}; /** * Table of connected devices. * @private */ internal.connectedDevices = {}; /** * @description Deprecated. Set whether to report devices once or continuously during scan. * The default is to report continously. * @deprecated Use the options parameter {@link evothings.easyble.ScanOptions} in * function {@link evothings.easyble.startScan}. * @param {boolean} reportOnce - Set to true to report found devices only once. * Set to false to report continuously. * @public */ evothings.easyble.reportDeviceOnce = function(reportOnce) { reportDeviceOnce = reportOnce; }; /** * @description Set to an Array of UUID strings to enable filtering of devices * found by startScan(). * @param services - Array of UUID strings. Set to false to disable filtering. * The default is no filtering. An empty array will cause no devices to be reported. * @public */ evothings.easyble.filterDevicesByService = function(services) { serviceFilter = services; }; /** * @description Called during scanning when a BLE device is found. * @callback evothings.easyble.scanCallback * @param {evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice} device - EasyBLE device object * found during scanning. */ /** * @description This callback indicates that an operation was successful, * without specifying and additional information. * @callback evothings.easyble.emptyCallback - Callback that takes no parameters. */ /** * @description This function is called when an operation fails. * @callback evothings.easyble.failCallback * @param {string} errorString - A human-readable string that * describes the error that occurred. */ /** * @description Called when successfully connected to a device. * @callback evothings.easyble.connectCallback * @param {evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice} device - EasyBLE devices object. */ /** * @description Called when services are successfully read. * @callback evothings.easyble.servicesCallback * @param {evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice} device - EasyBLE devices object. */ /** * @description Function when data is available. * @callback evothings.easyble.dataCallback * @param {ArrayBuffer} data - The data is an array buffer. * Use an ArrayBufferView to access the data. */ /** * @description Called with RSSI value. * @callback evothings.easyble.rssiCallback * @param {number} rssi - A negative integer, the signal strength in decibels. * This value may be 127 which indicates an unknown value. */ /** * @typedef {Object} evothings.easyble.ScanOptions * @description Options for function {evothings.easyble.startScan} * @property {array} serviceUUIDs - Array with strings of service UUIDs * to scan for. When providing one service UUID, behaviour is the same on * Android and iOS, when providing multiple UUIDs behaviour differs between * platforms. * On iOS multiple UUIDs are scanned for using logical OR operator, * any UUID that matches any of the UUIDs adverticed by the device * will count as a match. On Android, multiple UUIDs are scanned for * using AND logic, the device must advertise all of the given UUIDs * to produce a match. Leaving out this parameter or setting it to null * will scan for all devices regardless of advertised services (default * behaviour). * @property {boolean} allowDuplicates - If true same device will be reported * repeatedly during scanning, if false it will only be reported once. * Default is true. */ /** * Start scanning for devices. Note that the optional parameter serviceUUIDs * has been deprecated. Please use the options parmameter * {@link evothings.easyble.ScanOptions} instead to specify any specific * service UUID to scan for. * @param {evothings.easyble.scanCallback} success - Success function called when a * device is found. * Format: success({@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice}). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @param {evothings.easyble.ScanOptions} [options] - Object with scan options. * @public * @example * // Scan for all services. * evothings.easyble.startScan( * function(device) * { * console.log('Found device named: ' + device.name); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('startScan error: ' + errorCode); * } * ); * * // Scan for specific service. * evothings.easyble.startScan( * function(device) * { * console.log('Found device named: ' + device.name); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('startScan error: ' + errorCode); * }, * // Eddystone service UUID specified in options. * { serviceUUIDs: ['0000FEAA-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB'] } * ); */ evothings.easyble.startScan = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { // Stop ongoing scan. evothings.easyble.stopScan(); // Clear list of found devices. internal.knownDevices = {}; // Scanning parameters. var serviceUUIDs; var success; var fail; var options; var allowDuplicates = undefined; // Determine parameters. if (Array.isArray(arg1)) { // First param is an array of serviceUUIDs. serviceUUIDs = arg1; success = arg2; fail = arg3; options = arg4; } else if ('function' == typeof arg1) { // First param is a function. serviceUUIDs = null; success = arg1; fail = arg2; options = arg3; } // Set options. if (options) { if (Array.isArray(options.serviceUUIDs)) { serviceUUIDs = options.serviceUUIDs; } if (options.allowDuplicates === true) { allowDuplicates = true; } else if (options.allowDuplicates === false) { allowDuplicates = false; } } // Start scanning. isScanning = true; if (Array.isArray(serviceUUIDs)) { evothings.ble.startScan(serviceUUIDs, onDeviceFound, onError); } else { evothings.ble.startScan(onDeviceFound, onError); } function onDeviceFound(device) { // Don't report devices unless the isScanning flag is true. // This is to prevent devices being reported after stopScanning // has been called (this can happen since scanning does not stop // instantly when evothings.ble.stopScan is called). if (!isScanning) return; // Ensure we have advertisementData. internal.ensureAdvertisementData(device); // Check if the device matches the filter, if we have a filter. if (!internal.deviceMatchesServiceFilter(device)) { return; } // Check if we already have got the device. var existingDevice = internal.knownDevices[device.address] if (existingDevice) { // Do not report device again if flag is set. if (allowDuplicates === false || reportDeviceOnce === true) { return; } // Duplicates allowed, report device again. existingDevice.rssi = device.rssi; existingDevice.name = device.name; existingDevice.scanRecord = device.scanRecord; existingDevice.advertisementData = device.advertisementData; success(existingDevice); return; } // New device, add to known devices. internal.knownDevices[device.address] = device; // Set connect status. device.__isConnected = false; // Add methods to the device info object. internal.addMethodsToDeviceObject(device); // Call callback function with device info. success(device); } function onError(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); } }; /** * Stop scanning for devices. * @example * evothings.easyble.stopScan(); */ evothings.easyble.stopScan = function() { isScanning = false; evothings.ble.stopScan(); }; /** * Disconnect and close all connected BLE devices. * @example * evothings.easyble.closeConnectedDevices(); */ evothings.easyble.closeConnectedDevices = function() { for (var key in internal.connectedDevices) { var device = internal.connectedDevices[key]; device && device.close(); internal.connectedDevices[key] = null; } }; /** * If device already has advertisementData, does nothing. * If device instead has scanRecord, creates advertisementData. * See ble.js for AdvertisementData reference. * @param device - Device object. * @private */ internal.ensureAdvertisementData = function(device) { if (!base64) { base64 = cordova.require('cordova/base64'); } // If device object already has advertisementData we // do not need to parse the scanRecord. if (device.advertisementData) { return; } // Must have scanRecord yo continue. if (!device.scanRecord) { return; } // Here we parse BLE/GAP Scan Response Data. // See the Bluetooth Specification, v4.0, Volume 3, Part C, Section 11, // for details. var byteArray = evothings.util.base64DecToArr(device.scanRecord); var pos = 0; var advertisementData = {}; var serviceUUIDs; var serviceData; // The scan record is a list of structures. // Each structure has a length byte, a type byte, and (length-1) data bytes. // The format of the data bytes depends on the type. // Malformed scanRecords will likely cause an exception in this function. while (pos < byteArray.length) { var length = byteArray[pos++]; if (length == 0) { break; } length -= 1; var type = byteArray[pos++]; // Parse types we know and care about. // Skip other types. var BLUETOOTH_BASE_UUID = '-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' // Convert 16-byte Uint8Array to RFC-4122-formatted UUID. function arrayToUUID(array, offset) { var k=0; var string = ''; var UUID_format = [4, 2, 2, 2, 6]; for (var l=0; lServices must be read be able to access characteristics and * descriptors. Call this function before reading and writing * characteristics/descriptors. (This function took an array of service * UUIDs as first parameter in previous versions of this library, that * is still supported for backwards compatibility but has ben deprecated.) * @param {evothings.easyble.servicesCallback} success - * Called when services are read: success(device) * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - error callback: * error(errorMessage) * @param {evothings.easyble.ReadServicesOptions} [options] - Optional * object with setting that allow specification of which services to * read. If left out, all services and related characteristics and * descriptors are read (this can be time-consuming compared to * reading selected services). * @public * @instance * @example * // Read all services * device.readServices( * function(device) * { * console.log('Services available.'); * // Read/write/enable notifications here. * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('readServices error: ' + errorCode); * }); * * // Read specific service * device.readServices( * function(device) * { * console.log('Services available.'); * // Read/write/enable notifications here. * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('readServices error: ' + errorCode); * }, * { serviceUUIDs: ['19b10000-e8f2-537e-4f6c-d104768a1214'] }); */ device.readServices = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { // Parameters. var serviceUUIDs; var success; var fail; var options; // For backwards compatibility when first arg specified // an array of service UUIDs. if (Array.isArray(arg1)) { serviceUUIDs = arg1; success = arg2; fail = arg3; options = arg4; } // Previously you could set first param to null to read all services. // Here we handle this case for backwards compatibility. else if (arg1 === undefined || arg1 === null) { serviceUUIDs = null; success = arg2; fail = arg3; options = arg4; } else { success = arg1; fail = arg2; options = arg3; } if (options && Array.isArray(options.serviceUUIDs)) { serviceUUIDs = options.serviceUUIDs; } internal.readServices(device, serviceUUIDs, success, fail); }; /** * Read value of characteristic. * @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic to read. * @param {evothings.easyble.dataCallback} success - Success callback: * success(data). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @public * @instance * @example * device.readCharacteristic( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * function(data) * { * console.log('characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data)); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('readCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.readCharacteristic = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { if ('function' == typeof arg2) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.readCharacteristic(device, arg1, arg2, arg3); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.readServiceCharacteristic(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#readCharacteristic} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.readServiceCharacteristic = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail) { internal.readServiceCharacteristic( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail); }; /** * Read value of descriptor. * @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic for descriptor. * @param {string} descriptorUUID - UUID of descriptor to read. * @param {evothings.easyble.dataCallback} success - Success callback: * success(data). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @public * @instance * @example * device.readDescriptor( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * descriptorUUID, * function(data) * { * console.log('descriptor data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data)); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('readDescriptor error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.readDescriptor = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) { if ('function' == typeof arg3) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.readDescriptor(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.readServiceDescriptor(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#readDescriptor} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.readServiceDescriptor = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, success, fail) { internal.readServiceDescriptor( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, success, fail); }; /** * Write value of characteristic. * @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic to write to. * @param {ArrayBufferView} value - Value to write. * @param {evothings.easyble.emptyCallback} success - Success callback: success(). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @public * @instance * @example * device.writeCharacteristic( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * new Uint8Array([1]), // Write byte with value 1. * function() * { * console.log('characteristic written.'); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('writeCharacteristic error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.writeCharacteristic = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) { if ('function' == typeof arg3) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.writeCharacteristic(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.writeServiceCharacteristic(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#writeCharacteristic} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.writeServiceCharacteristic = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { internal.writeServiceCharacteristic( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail); }; /** * Write value of a characteristic for a specific service without response. * This faster but not as fail safe as writing with response. * Asks the remote device to NOT send a confirmation message. * Experimental, implemented on Android. * @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the characteristic. * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic to write to. * @param {ArrayBufferView} value - Value to write. * @param {evothings.easyble.emptyCallback} success - Success callback: success(). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @public * @instance * @example * device.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * new Uint8Array([1]), // Write byte with value 1. * function() * { * console.log('data sent.'); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { internal.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail); }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { internal.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail); }; /** * Write value of descriptor. * @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic for descriptor. * @param {string} descriptorUUID - UUID of descriptor to write to. * @param {ArrayBufferView} value - Value to write. * @param {evothings.easyble.emptyCallback} success - Success callback: success(). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @public * @instance * @example * device.writeDescriptor( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * descriptorUUID, * new Uint8Array([1]), // Write byte with value 1. * function() * { * console.log('descriptor written.'); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('writeDescriptor error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.writeDescriptor = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { if ('function' == typeof arg4) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.writeDescriptor(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.writeServiceDescriptor(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#writeDescriptor} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.writeServiceDescriptor = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, value, success, fail) { internal.writeServiceDescriptor( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, value, success, fail); }; /** * @typedef {Object} evothings.easyble.NotificationOptions * @description Options object for functions * {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#enableNotification} * and {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#disableNotification}. * @property {boolean} writeConfigDescriptor - Supported on Android, ignored on iOS. * Set to false to disable automatic writing of notification or indication * config descriptor value. This is useful in special cases when full control * of writing the config descriptor is needed. */ /** * Subscribe to value updates of a characteristic. * The success function will be called repeatedly whenever there * is new data available. *

On Android you can disable automatic write of notify/indicate and write * the configuration descriptor yourself, supply an options object as * last parameter, see example below.

* @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param {string} characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic to subscribe to. * @param {evothings.easyble.dataCallback} success - Success callback: * success(data). * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error). * @param {evothings.easyble.NotificationOptions} [options] - Optional settings. * @public * @instance * @example * // Example call: * device.enableNotification( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * function(data) * { * console.log('characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data)); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('enableNotification error: ' + errorCode); * }); * * // Turn off automatic writing of the config descriptor (for special cases): * device.enableNotification( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * function(data) * { * console.log('characteristic data: ' + evothings.ble.fromUtf8(data)); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('enableNotification error: ' + errorCode); * }, * { writeConfigDescriptor: false }); */ device.enableNotification = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) { if ('function' == typeof arg2) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.enableNotification(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.enableServiceNotification(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#enableNotification} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.enableServiceNotification = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { internal.enableServiceNotification( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options); }; /** * Unsubscribe from characteristic updates to stop notifications. *

On Android you can disable automatic write of notify/indicate and write * the configuration descriptor yourself, supply an options object as * last parameter, see example below.

* @param {string} serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given * characteristic (previous versions of this library allowed leaving out * the service UUID, this is unsafe practice and has been deprecated, always * specify the service UUID). * @param serviceUUID - UUID of service that has the given characteristic. * @param characteristicUUID - UUID of characteristic to unsubscribe from. * @param {evothings.easyble.emptyCallback} success - Success callback: success() * @param {evothings.easyble.failCallback} fail - Error callback: fail(error) * @param {evothings.easyble.NotificationOptions} [options] - Optional settings. * @public * @instance * @example * // Example call: * device.disableNotification( * serviceUUID, * characteristicUUID, * function() * { * console.log('characteristic notification disabled'); * }, * function(errorCode) * { * console.log('disableNotification error: ' + errorCode); * }); */ device.disableNotification = function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) { if ('function' == typeof arg2) { // Service UUID is missing. internal.disableNotification(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } else { // Service UUID is present. internal.disableServiceNotification(device, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); } }; /** * Deprecated. * Use function {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice#disableNotification} * @deprecated * @instance */ device.disableServiceNotification = function( serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { internal.disableServiceNotification( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options); }; }; /** * Connect to a device. * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.connectToDevice = function(device, success, fail) { // Check that device is not already connected. if (device.__isConnected) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.DEVICE_ALREADY_CONNECTED); return; } evothings.ble.connect( device.address, // Success callback. function(connectInfo) { // DEBUG LOG console.log('BLE connect state: ' + connectInfo.state); if (connectInfo.state == 2) // connected { device.deviceHandle = connectInfo.deviceHandle; device.__uuidMap = {}; device.__serviceMap = {}; device.__isConnected = true; internal.connectedDevices[device.address] = device; success(device); } else if (connectInfo.state == 0) // disconnected { device.__isConnected = false; internal.connectedDevices[device.address] = null; // TODO: Perhaps this should be redesigned, as disconnect is // more of a status change than an error? What do you think? fail && fail(evothings.easyble.error.DISCONNECTED); } }, // Error callback. function(errorCode) { // DEBUG LOG console.log('BLE connect error: ' + errorCode); // Set isConnected to false on error. device.__isConnected = false; internal.connectedDevices[device.address] = null; fail(errorCode); }); }; /** * Obtain device services, them read characteristics and descriptors * for the services with the given uuid(s). * If serviceUUIDs is null, info is read for all services. * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.readServices = function(device, serviceUUIDs, success, fail) { // Read services. evothings.ble.services( device.deviceHandle, function(services) { // Array that stores services. device.__services = []; for (var i = 0; i < services.length; ++i) { var service = services[i]; service.uuid = service.uuid.toLowerCase(); device.__services.push(service); device.__uuidMap[service.uuid] = service; } internal.readCharacteristicsForServices( device, serviceUUIDs, success, fail); }, function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); }; /** * Read characteristics and descriptors for the services with the given uuid(s). * If serviceUUIDs is null, info for all services are read. * Internal function. * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.readCharacteristicsForServices = function(device, serviceUUIDs, success, fail) { var characteristicsCallbackFun = function(service) { // Array with characteristics for service. service.__characteristics = []; return function(characteristics) { --readCounter; // Decrements the count added by services. readCounter += characteristics.length; for (var i = 0; i < characteristics.length; ++i) { var characteristic = characteristics[i]; characteristic.uuid = characteristic.uuid.toLowerCase(); service.__characteristics.push(characteristic); device.__uuidMap[characteristic.uuid] = characteristic; device.__serviceMap[service.uuid + ':' + characteristic.uuid] = characteristic; // DEBUG LOG //console.log('storing service:characteristic key: ' + service.uuid + ':' + characteristic.uuid); //if (!characteristic) //{ // console.log(' --> characteristic is null!') //} // Read descriptors for characteristic. evothings.ble.descriptors( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, descriptorsCallbackFun(service, characteristic), function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); } }; }; /** * @private */ var descriptorsCallbackFun = function(service, characteristic) { // Array with descriptors for characteristic. characteristic.__descriptors = []; return function(descriptors) { --readCounter; // Decrements the count added by characteristics. for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) { var descriptor = descriptors[i]; descriptor.uuid = descriptor.uuid.toLowerCase(); characteristic.__descriptors.push(descriptor); device.__uuidMap[characteristic.uuid + ':' + descriptor.uuid] = descriptor; device.__serviceMap[service.uuid + ':' + characteristic.uuid + ':' + descriptor.uuid] = descriptor; } if (0 == readCounter) { // Everything is read. success(device); } }; }; // Initialize read counter. readCounter = 0; if (null != serviceUUIDs) { // Read info for service UUIDs. readCounter = serviceUUIDs.length; for (var i = 0; i < serviceUUIDs.length; ++i) { var uuid = serviceUUIDs[i].toLowerCase(); var service = device.__uuidMap[uuid]; if (!service) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.SERVICE_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + uuid); return; } // Read characteristics for service. Will also read descriptors. evothings.ble.characteristics( device.deviceHandle, service.handle, characteristicsCallbackFun(service), function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); } } else { // Read info for all services. readCounter = device.__services.length; for (var i = 0; i < device.__services.length; ++i) { // Read characteristics for service. Will also read descriptors. var service = device.__services[i]; evothings.ble.characteristics( device.deviceHandle, service.handle, characteristicsCallbackFun(service), function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); } } }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.readCharacteristic = function(device, characteristicUUID, success, fail) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + characteristicUUID); return; } evothings.ble.readCharacteristic( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.readServiceCharacteristic = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.readCharacteristic( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.readDescriptor = function( device, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, success, fail) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); descriptorUUID = descriptorUUID.toLowerCase(); var descriptor = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID + ':' + descriptorUUID]; if (!descriptor) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + descriptorUUID); return; } evothings.ble.readDescriptor( device.deviceHandle, descriptor.handle, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.readServiceDescriptor = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, success, fail) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + descriptorUUID.toLowerCase(); var descriptor = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!descriptor) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.readDescriptor( device.deviceHandle, descriptor.handle, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.writeCharacteristic = function( device, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + characteristicUUID); return; } evothings.ble.writeCharacteristic( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, value, function() { success(); }, function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.writeServiceCharacteristic = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.writeCharacteristic( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, value, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, value, success, fail) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); // DEBUG LOG //console.log('internal.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse key: ' + key) //console.log('internal.writeServiceCharacteristicWithoutResponse serviceMap:') for (var theKey in device.__serviceMap) { console.log(' ' + theKey); } var characteristic = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, value, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.writeDescriptor = function( device, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, value, success, fail) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); descriptorUUID = descriptorUUID.toLowerCase(); var descriptor = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID + ':' + descriptorUUID]; if (!descriptor) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + descriptorUUID); return; } evothings.ble.writeDescriptor( device.deviceHandle, descriptor.handle, value, function() { success(); }, function(errorCode) { fail(errorCode); }); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.writeServiceDescriptor = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, descriptorUUID, value, success, fail) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + descriptorUUID.toLowerCase(); var descriptor = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!descriptor) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.writeDescriptor( device.deviceHandle, descriptor.handle, value, success, fail); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.enableNotification = function( device, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + characteristicUUID); return; } evothings.ble.enableNotification( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail, options); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.enableServiceNotification = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.enableNotification( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail, options); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @deprecated Naming is a bit confusing, internally functions * named "xxxServiceYYY" are the "future-safe" onces, but in * the public API functions "xxxYYY" are new "future-safe" * (and backwards compatible). * @private */ internal.disableNotification = function( device, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { characteristicUUID = characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__uuidMap[characteristicUUID]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + characteristicUUID); return; } evothings.ble.disableNotification( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail, options); }; /** * Called from evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice. * @private */ internal.disableServiceNotification = function( device, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, success, fail, options) { var key = serviceUUID.toLowerCase() + ':' + characteristicUUID.toLowerCase(); var characteristic = device.__serviceMap[key]; if (!characteristic) { fail(evothings.easyble.error.CHARACTERISTIC_NOT_FOUND + ' ' + key); return; } evothings.ble.disableNotification( device.deviceHandle, characteristic.handle, success, fail, options); }; /** * Prints and object for debugging purposes. * @deprecated. Defined here for backwards compatibility. * Use evothings.printObject(). * @public */ evothings.easyble.printObject = evothings.printObject; /** * Reset the BLE hardware. Can be time consuming. * @public */ evothings.easyble.reset = function() { evothings.ble.reset(); }; })(); // -------------------------------------------------- // File: eddystone.js // This library scans for Eddystone beacons and translates their // advertisements into user-friendly variables. // The protocol specification is available at: // https://github.com/google/eddystone ;(function() { // prerequisites evothings.__NOOP_FUN__([ 'libs/evothings/easyble/easyble.js', ]) /** * @namespace * @description

Library for Eddystone beacons.


It is safe practise to call function {@link evothings.scriptsLoaded} * to ensure dependent libraries are loaded before calling functions * in this library.

*/ evothings.eddystone = {}; // constants var BLUETOOTH_BASE_UUID = '-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'; // false when scanning is off. true when on. var isScanning = false; /** * @description Starts scanning for Eddystone devices. *

Found devices and errors will be reported to the supplied callbacks.


Will keep scanning indefinitely until you call stopScan().


To conserve energy, call stopScan() as soon as you've found the device * you're looking for.


Calling startScan() while scanning is in progress will produce an error.

* * @param {evothings.eddystone.scanCallback} - Success function called * when a beacon is found. * @param {evothings.eddystone.failCallback} - Error callback: fail(error). * * @public * * @example * evothings.eddystone.startScan( * function(beacon) * { * console.log('Found beacon: ' + beacon.url); * }, * function(error) * { * console.log('Scan error: ' + error); * }); */ evothings.eddystone.startScan = function(scanCallback, failCallback) { // Internal callback variable names. var win = scanCallback; var fail = failCallback; // If scanning is already in progress, fail. if(isScanning) { fail("Scanning already in progress!"); return; } isScanning = true; // The device object given in this callback is reused by easyble. // Therefore we can store data in it and expect to have the data still be there // on the next callback with the same device. evothings.easyble.startScan( // Scan for Eddystone Service UUID. // This enables background scanning on iOS (and Android). ['0000FEAA-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB'], function(device) { // A device might be an Eddystone if it has advertisementData... var ad = device.advertisementData; if(!ad) return; // With serviceData... var sd = ad.kCBAdvDataServiceData; if(!sd) return; // And the 0xFEAA service. var base64data = sd['0000feaa'+BLUETOOTH_BASE_UUID]; if(!base64data) return; var byteArray = evothings.util.base64DecToArr(base64data); // If the data matches one of the Eddystone frame formats, // we can forward it to the user. if(parseFrameUID(device, byteArray, win, fail)) return; if(parseFrameURL(device, byteArray, win, fail)) return; if(parseFrameTLM(device, byteArray, win, fail)) return; }, function(error) { fail(error); }); } /** * @description This function is a parameter to startScan() and * is called when a beacons is discovered/updated. * @callback evothings.eddystone.scanCallback * @param {evothings.eddystone.EddystoneDevice} beacon - Beacon * found during scanning. */ /** * @description This function is called when an operation fails. * @callback evothings.eddystone.failCallback * @param {string} errorString - A human-readable string that * describes the error that occurred. */ /** * @description Object representing a BLE device. Inherits from * {@link evothings.easyble.EasyBLEDevice}. * Which properties are available depends on which packets types broadcasted * by the beacon. Properties may be undefined. Typically properties are populated * as scanning processes. * @typedef {Object} evothings.eddystone.EddystoneDevice * @property {string} url - An Internet URL. * @property {number} txPower - A signed integer, the signal strength in decibels, * factory-measured at a range of 0 meters. * @property {Uint8Array} nid - 10-byte namespace ID. * @property {Uint8Array} bid - 6-byte beacon ID. * @property {number} voltage - Device's battery voltage, in millivolts, * or 0 (zero) if device is not battery-powered. * @property {number} temperature - Device's ambient temperature in 256:ths of * degrees Celcius, or 0x8000 if device has no thermometer. * @property {number} adv_cnt - Count of advertisement frames sent since device's startup. * @property {number} dsec_cnt - Time since device's startup, in deci-seconds * (10 units equals 1 second). */ /** * @description Stop scanning for Eddystone devices. * @public * @example * evothings.eddystone.stopScan(); */ evothings.eddystone.stopScan = function() { evothings.easyble.stopScan(); isScanning = false; } /** * @description Calculate the accuracy (distance in meters) of the beacon. *

The beacon distance calculation uses txPower at 1 meters, but the * Eddystone protocol reports the value at 0 meters. 41dBm is the signal * loss that occurs over 1 meter, this value is subtracted by default * from the reported txPower. You can tune the calculation by adding * or subtracting to param txPower.


Note that the returned distance value is not accurate, and that * it fluctuates over time. Sampling/filtering over time is recommended * to obtain a stable value.

* @public * @param txPower The txPower of the beacon. * @param rssi The RSSI of the beacon, subtract or add to this value to * tune the dBm strength. 41dBm is subtracted from this value in the * distance algorithm used by calculateAccuracy. * @return Distance in meters, or null if unable to compute distance * (occurs for example when txPower or rssi is undefined). * @example * // Note that beacon.txPower and beacon.rssi many be undefined, * // in which case calculateAccuracy returns null. This happens * // before txPower and rssi have been reported by the beacon. * var distance = evothings.eddystone.calculateAccuracy( * beacon.txPower, beacon.rssi); */ evothings.eddystone.calculateAccuracy = function(txPower, rssi) { if (!rssi || rssi >= 0 || !txPower) { return null } // Algorithm // http://developer.radiusnetworks.com/2014/12/04/fundamentals-of-beacon-ranging.html // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21338031/radius-networks-ibeacon-ranging-fluctuation // The beacon distance formula uses txPower at 1 meters, but the Eddystone // protocol reports the value at 0 meters. 41dBm is the signal loss that // occurs over 1 meter, so we subtract that from the reported txPower. var ratio = rssi * 1.0 / (txPower - 41) if (ratio < 1.0) { return Math.pow(ratio, 10) } else { var accuracy = (0.89976) * Math.pow(ratio, 7.7095) + 0.111 return accuracy } } /** * Create a low-pass filter. * @param cutOff The filter cut off value. * @return Object with two functions: filter(value), value() * @example * // Create filter with cut off 0.8 * var lowpass = evothings.eddystone.createLowPassFilter(0.8) * // Filter value (returns current filter value) * distance = lowpass.filter(distance) * // Get current value * distance = lowpass.value() */ evothings.eddystone.createLowPassFilter = function(cutOff, state) { // Filter cut off. if (undefined === cutOff) { cutOff = 0.8 } // Current value of the filter. if (undefined === state) { state = 0.0 } // Return object with filter functions. return { // This function will filter the given value. // Returns the current value of the filter. filter: function(value) { state = (value * (1.0 - cutOff)) + (state * cutOff) return state }, // This function returns the current value of the filter. value: function() { return state } } } // Return true on frame type recognition, false otherwise. function parseFrameUID(device, data, win, fail) { if(data[0] != 0x00) return false; // The UID frame has 18 bytes + 2 bytes reserved for future use // https://github.com/google/eddystone/tree/master/eddystone-uid // Check that we got at least 18 bytes. if(data.byteLength < 18) { fail("UID frame: invalid byteLength: "+data.byteLength); return true; } device.txPower = evothings.util.littleEndianToInt8(data, 1); device.nid = data.subarray(2, 12); // Namespace ID. device.bid = data.subarray(12, 18); // Beacon ID. win(device); return true; } function parseFrameURL(device, data, win, fail) { if(data[0] != 0x10) return false; if(data.byteLength < 4) { fail("URL frame: invalid byteLength: "+data.byteLength); return true; } device.txPower = evothings.util.littleEndianToInt8(data, 1); // URL scheme prefix var url; switch(data[2]) { case 0: url = 'http://www.'; break; case 1: url = 'https://www.'; break; case 2: url = 'http://'; break; case 3: url = 'https://'; break; default: fail("URL frame: invalid prefix: "+data[2]); return true; } // Process each byte in sequence. var i = 3; while(i < data.byteLength) { var c = data[i]; // A byte is either a top-domain shortcut, or a printable ascii character. if(c < 14) { switch(c) { case 0: url += '.com/'; break; case 1: url += '.org/'; break; case 2: url += '.edu/'; break; case 3: url += '.net/'; break; case 4: url += '.info/'; break; case 5: url += '.biz/'; break; case 6: url += '.gov/'; break; case 7: url += '.com'; break; case 8: url += '.org'; break; case 9: url += '.edu'; break; case 10: url += '.net'; break; case 11: url += '.info'; break; case 12: url += '.biz'; break; case 13: url += '.gov'; break; } } else if(c < 32 || c >= 127) { // Unprintables are not allowed. fail("URL frame: invalid character: "+data[2]); return true; } else { url += String.fromCharCode(c); } i += 1; } // Set URL field of the device. device.url = url; win(device); return true; } function parseFrameTLM(device, data, win, fail) { if(data[0] != 0x20) return false; if(data[1] != 0x00) { fail("TLM frame: unknown version: "+data[1]); return true; } if(data.byteLength != 14) { fail("TLM frame: invalid byteLength: "+data.byteLength); return true; } device.voltage = evothings.util.bigEndianToUint16(data, 2); var temp = evothings.util.bigEndianToUint16(data, 4); if(temp == 0x8000) { device.temperature = 0x8000; } else { device.temperature = evothings.util.bigEndianToInt16(data, 4) / 256.0; } device.adv_cnt = evothings.util.bigEndianToUint32(data, 6); device.dsec_cnt = evothings.util.bigEndianToUint32(data, 10); win(device); return true; } var isAdvertising = false; function isValidHex(str, len) { return typeof str === "string" && str.length === len * 2 && /^[0-9A-F]+$/.test(str) } function txPowerLevel() { // ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_MEDIUM taken from // txeddystone_uid/MainActivity.java#L324-L340 (https://goo.gl/MqWqUu) return -26 } // From [txeddystone_uid/MainActivity.java](https://goo.gl/VGtnN1) function toByteArray(hexString) { var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < hexString.length; i += 2) { out.push((parseInt(hexString.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + parseInt(hexString.charAt(i + 1), 16)); } return out; } // Variable that points to the Cordova Base64 module, loaded lazily. var base64; function buildServiceData(namespace, instance) { if (!base64) { base64 = cordova.require('cordova/base64'); } var data = [0, txPowerLevel()]; Array.prototype.push.apply(data, toByteArray(namespace)); Array.prototype.push.apply(data, toByteArray(instance)); return base64.fromArrayBuffer(new Uint8Array(data)); } /** * @description Start Advertising Eddystone Beacon. *

Namespace may only be 10 hex bytes


Instance may only be 6 hex bytes


Will keep advertising indefinitely until you call stopAdvertise().

* @public * @param {string} namespace - Hex namespace string (10 bytes, 20 chars) * @param {string} instance - Hex instance string (6 bytes, 12 chars) * @param {evothings.eddystone.advertiseCallback} - Success function called when advertising started * @param {evothings.eddystone.failCallback} - Error callback: fail(error). * @example * evothings.eddystone.startAdvertise("0123456789ABCDEF0123", "0123456789AB"); */ evothings.eddystone.startAdvertise = function(namespace, instance, advertiseCallback, failCallback) { // Internal callback variable names. var win = advertiseCallback; var fail = failCallback; if(isAdvertising) { fail("Advertising already in progress!"); return; } if (!isValidHex(namespace, 10)) { fail("Invalid namespace, must be 10 hex bytes"); return; } if (!isValidHex(instance, 6)) { fail("Invalid instance, must be 6 hex bytes"); return; } var serviceData = buildServiceData(namespace, instance); var transmitData = { serviceUUIDs: ["0000FEAA-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"], serviceData: { "0000FEAA-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB": serviceData } }; var settings = { broadcastData: transmitData, scanResponseData: transmitData }; evothings.ble.peripheral.startAdvertise( settings, function() { isAdvertising = true; win() }, function(error) { isAdvertising = false; fail(error) }); } /** * @description Stop Advertising Eddystone Beacon. * @public * @param {Function} onSuccess - Success function called when advertising stoppped * @param {evothings.eddystone.failCallback} - Error callback: fail(error). * @example * evothings.eddystone.stopAdvertise(); */ evothings.eddystone.stopAdvertise = function(onSuccess, failCallback) { isAdvertising = false; evothings.ble.peripheral.stopAdvertise(onSuccess, failCallback); } })(); // --------------------------------------------------